Greg Natale受雇改装这艘100英尺长的英国制造的“捕食者”超级游艇,准备将其重新安置到澳大利亚大堡礁,并成为一艘私人休闲船。
Greg Natale was engaged to refit this 100-foot, English-built, Predator superyacht in readiness for its relocation to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and new life as a privately owned leisure craft.
其目的是将内部体验提升到与豪华私人飞机媲美的水平,并摆脱所有可预测的航海典型化。这艘拥有15年历史的游艇被剥离到船体上,它原来的樱桃木镶板被修复并涂上了漆,为黑色和灰色的相互作用提供了一个光滑、温暖的背景,与船只光滑的外观相匹配。Greg Natale的墨水图案定制的墙壁到墙壁地毯将室内空间联系在一起,用花岗岩、大理石、皮革和金色等饰面创造出精致的生活空间。
The brief was to elevate the interior experience to rival that of a luxury private jet and shrug off all predictable nautical allusions. The fifteen-year-old motor yacht was stripped back to the hull and its original cherry wood panelling restored and lacquered throughout to provide a glossy, warm background to the interplay of black and grey tones that match the boat’s sleek exterior. Custom wall-to-wall carpet in Greg Natale’s Ink pattern ties the interior spaces together, with finishes such as granite, marble, leather and gold accents creating a refined living space.
Comprising an owner’s suite and double VIP cabin (each with ensuite), two twin cabins and separate crew quarters, the yacht’s spacious accommodation is beautifully furnished. From its timber and granite-lined bathrooms to its restored teak deck, this is a superyacht with a super-sophisticated design.