发布时间:2021-12-12 02:58:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

盐城外国语学校是一所在既有中学校舍基础上扩建的外语特色学校。在学校成立之初的 2016 年,办学方光华教育集团委托 PERFORM 普泛建筑打造一栋全新的综合性教学大楼,一方面回应扩大了的办学规模,另一方面传递新学校的创新教育理念。


横跨河流的桥梁,bridge over the river ©直译建筑摄影 何炼

The Bridge Learning Center, the newest addition to Yancheng Foreign Language School (YCFLS) campus, provides students with a unique and immersive learning experience and emphasizes the connection between students and nature. The 7600-square-meter learning complex – traversing over the campus river – unites the scattered parts of YCFLS campus.

▼城市水系与校园原貌,urban river system and the original campus©Perform 普泛建筑

▼校园整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view of the campus ©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

河道穿过校园,通向远方,river flowing through the campus©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙



▼校园规划策略,campus planning strategy©Perform 普泛建筑


▼体量生成分析,volume generation analysis©Perform 普泛建筑

In the face of increasing enrollment, YCFLS sought to build a new learning complex and simultaneously reflect the changing philosophies and values of a modern campus. Yancheng, literally ‘Salt City’ in Chinese, was a major producer of salt for two millennia. Due to the high demand for waterways to transport the salt, the city is riddled with rivers and canals. One of these rivers runs through the campus, dividing it into the Teaching Zone on the south and the Dorm Zone on the north.

The school originally considered the new building somewhere else in the campus. However, we the architects proposed the site over the river to make a more integral campus experience.

▼建筑跨越河道之上,连接校园南北区域 building standing over the river, connecting the southern and northern areas of the campus©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

▼建筑形体拥抱河面,building embracing the river©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙


The ‘covered bridge’, an archaic type that dates back centuries, functions both for crossing river and accommodating public activities. The Bridge Learning Center is conceived as a modern covered bridge, superimposed by a teaching building. The bridge adds publicity and informality to the teaching building, whereas the teaching building adds functionality and pragmatism to the bridge.

类型的演变,change of typology©Perform 普泛建筑


The Bridge Learning Center is a bridge in a two-fold sense. A pedestrian drawbridge right above the river allows for quick commute between the both halves of the campus. On the other hand, the upper floors of the building itself is a bridge, providing the horizontal passages connecting the south and the north, and overseeing the river underneath.

▼创新中心外观,external view of the renovation center©直译建筑摄影 何炼

桥上教学楼的“桥头”,即主门厅,位于南岸,面向中心广场。主门厅同时也是一个 300 座多功能报告厅的前厅,报告厅从一层起坡至二层,其斜坡底部是桥体外部形态的直接呈现。

▼面向广场的主入口,main entrance towards the plaza©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

▼门厅外观,external view of the entrance hall©直译建筑摄影 何炼

▼主入口近景 closer view to the main entrance©直译建筑摄影 何炼

▼门厅内的连续台阶 continuous stairs in the entrance hall©直译建筑摄影 何炼

报告厅,lecture hall©直译建筑摄影 何炼

▼主门厅格栅后的楼梯通向三层的艺术教学区 staircase hidden behind the blades above the main entrance hall connecting to the art classrooms on the third floor©直译建筑摄影 何炼

主门厅上方的楼梯,staircase above the main entrance hall©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

北侧门厅,entrance hall on the north©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙


▼中庭流线分析,atrium circulation analysis

▼可作为学生论坛的二层阶梯中庭,stepped atrium on the second floor©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

▼中庭联系各个楼层,atrium connecting different floors©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

▼照亮中庭的天窗 skylight bringing natural light into the atrium©直译建筑摄影 何炼


The main arrival lobby of the building – the ‘bridgehead’ – is located on the south bank of the river, facing the central square. It also acts as the pre-function area of a 300-seat multi-purpose auditorium. Rising from the ground to the second level, the auditorium exposes its slope to form the exterior underbelly of a bridge. Students and teachers take the main stair from the lobby and arrive at the public hall on the second floor. The building crosses the river on this level and merges with the teaching space on the north bank through a sky-lit atrium.

The atrium provides diverse social and study areas for flexible learning and collaboration outside of regular classrooms. It vertically connects the different levels by a continuous spiral cascading grand stair. From the second level of the atrium, you can walk ‘down the bridge,’ through the north lobby, leading to the dorm zone. Stepping up in the atrium further, you could access the rooftop terrace.

▼教室外廊 corridor outside the classrooms©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

走廊,一侧是教室,一侧是河景 corridor with classrooms on the one side and river view on the other©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

▼透过二层玻璃地板,俯瞰下方吊桥及河道 look down at the bridge and the river through the glass flooring on the second floor©直译建筑摄影 何炼


To overcome the structural challenges imposed by the bridge’s long span, we use three sets of pretensioned concrete trusses. Located on the third level with full floor height, the trusses hang the tension columns on the second level, while the drawbridge is hung by eight thin steel rods. From the trusses to the tension columns and then to the steel rods, the structure members become lighter towards the river, matching the transparency needs of different levels.

▼步行桥悬挂在主体结构下方,bridge suspended under the main structure©直译建筑摄影 何炼

▼由重至轻的结构 structure from heavy to light©直译建筑摄影 何炼

▼波光倒影下的步行桥,glistening light of waves reflected on the soffit of the bridge roof©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙


The partially exposed bridge concrete structure in the art classroom, and the natural light from the ceiling skylight, let people truly be immersed in the moment and surrounding settings. During breaks, more students will walk out of the classrooms and come to the corridors along the river to rest. The riverside platform and the drawbridge form a cinematic setting, where students and teachers constantly walk by, and they are performers and audiences at once.

▼艺术类教室中时隐时现的桁架,truss appearing in the art classrooms©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

项目施工期间,PERFORM 普泛建筑派驻场建筑师全程参与了建造过程。从外立面遮阳铝百叶的细部打样,到桥底木纹铝板的安装,以及室内中庭吊顶的造型,有不少过程中的难点都较大依赖了现场的及时沟通和对接。


▼施工现场,construction site©Perform 普泛建筑

The juxtaposition of the bridge and the river creates a richer learning experience and provokes the curiosity and imagination of the elementary schoolers. It reflects a paradigm shift of primary education in China, from passive, exam-oriented instruction, to quality-oriented problem solving. Students can easily enjoy the river view down below the windows while practicing in the piano rooms.

Apart from the nature and human interactions, the building is also designed with a series of sustainable strategies. Its partially floating massing allows breezes to pass through the open ground level, creating a porous micro-climate. During the summer, wind and cool from the river underneath efficiently drifts into the building, reducing AC costs. The customized sun louvers on the facade reduce heat gain while permitting natural ventilation and views in and out.

▼架空层下的公共活动空间,public activity space under the elevated floor©直译建筑摄影 何炼

铝合金百叶细部和爬藤,vines and details of the aluminum louvers©左:Perform 普泛建筑,赵奕龙右:直译建筑摄影 何炼


▼人、自然与建筑共存,coexistence of people, nature and architecture ©Perform 普泛建筑


学校把新大楼命名为创新中心”Innovation Center”, 可能很多人并不知道其实这条河的名字原本就叫做革新河,名字的由来无从考证,但推想应该来自上世纪五六十年代的群众性革新运动,这个名字代表了那个年代特有的精神力。“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”或许当今天的创新中心跨越在革新河之上时,这个校园在时间的长河里开始了她新的启程。

▼公共空间夜景,public space in the night©直译建筑摄影 何炼

夜景鸟瞰,aerial view in the night©此间建筑摄影 赵奕龙

As Martin Heidegger once said, ‘The bridge gathers the earth as landscape around the stream.’ Similarly, the Bridge Learning Center offers a rare opportunity for people and nature to bond. The river was once a barrier that divided the campus, and the Bridge Learning Center has turned it into the lively central place of the campus. We hope the project sets an example of coexistence between nature and human activities in this post-epidemic era.

▼总平面图,site plan©Perform 普泛建筑

一层平面图,first floor plan©Perform 普泛建筑

二层平面图,second floor plan©Perform 普泛建筑

▼三层平面图,third floor plan©Perform 普泛建筑

四层平面图,fourth floor plan©Perform 普泛建筑

▼剖面图,sections©Perform 普泛建筑



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