发布时间:2020-10-16 10:13:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

当多瑙河蜿蜒流过巴诺维奇老城时,马库拉博物馆就静静地伫立于多瑙河的彼岸。该项目坐落于贝尔格莱德市以北25公里处,是由一栋老旧的仓库Zenit 4改造而成的艺术空间。对于诺维巴诺维奇下游几公里处现有的马库拉博物馆来说,新馆的建立在藏品的内容与规模上都起到了很好的补充作用。博物馆旧馆于2008年开放,拥有东欧最大的现代与当代艺术私人藏品库,同时也是塞尔维亚第一家私人博物馆。博物馆内的艺术品均来自弗拉基米尔·马库拉(Vladimir Macura)的私人收藏,这些艺术品反映出一系列20世纪早期的优秀运动风潮,例如天顶主义、达达主义、超现实主义,维也纳行动主义等等。

As the Danube meanders through the old town of Banovci, just 25km north of Belgrade lies the Magacin Macura – Zenit 4, an old barn transformed into a space for art. It complements the Museum Macura just a few kilometres downstream in Novi Banovci. Opened in 2008, the museum was built to house one of the largest private collections of modern and contemporary art in Eastern Europe and it is the first private museum in Serbia. The collection of Vladimir Macura includes some of the finest examples of early 20th century movements such as Zenithism, Dada, Surrealism, Viennese Actionism and more.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view © Miljan Stojkovic


The siting of the Magacin Macura is quite significant, being in an old village, away from the major cities. Performing arts, concerts, theatre plays and film screenings frequently turn the remote location into a place of gathering and experience.

▼由街道看建筑,viewing the project from the street © Robert Slavik

全新的马库拉博物馆由老旧的谷仓改造而成。这个谷仓最初用于储存谷物,后来还储存过面粉与面包。原建筑由简单精美的木结构,引人注目的屋顶桁架,裸露的木地板以及外立面砖墙组成,结构之间均由螺栓连接。在扩建的情况下,维也纳建筑师同时也是艺术家——Milan Mijalkovic希望能在最大程度上保留现有建筑的特色与材料。

The old barn was used for storing grain originally, then flour and more recently bread. It consists of a beautifully simple wooden structure with bolted joints, a visible roof truss, bare wooden floors and brick walls. As much as possible of the material and special qualities should be kept when the Viennese based architect and artist Milan Mijalkovic was asked to plan a significant expansion of the building.

▼立面概览,overall of the facade © Robert Slavik


For the new Magacin, a large rectangular volume was placed along the street, perpendicular to the existing building and lifted up to the eaves line. The pink façade underlines this new presence in the village. Two black boxes, housing a shop and storage spaces, are forming the base of the volume. Between the boxes and the old building, two covered doorways are created.

▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram © Milan Mijalkovic


Passing through the left doorway, the entrance lobby, there is a tree-lined path, which winds its way down to the banks of the Danube. Here you can sit and drink homemade lavender juice, served in vintage bottles and glasses as you chat with the collector himself. On the other side of the original building the second doorway is leading to a courtyard that looks as though nothing around it has changed in decades, and by and large, that is true.

▼左边的通道通向林荫小路,右边的通道通向后院, the left doorway connect to a tree-lined path and  the right doorway connect to courtyard © Robert Slavik


In the doorway, stained glass doors are casting coloured light onto the existing brick walls of the barn, where the flaking paintwork and loose render is in stark contrast to the neatly plastered walls of the extension.

▼斑驳的砖墙与新建筑整洁的抹灰墙面形成鲜明的对比, the flaking paintwork and loose render is in stark contrast to the neatly plastered walls © Robert Slavik

▼阳光透过彩色玻璃门投射到谷仓现有的砖墙上, stained glass doors are casting coloured light onto the existing brick walls © Robert Slavik


From the garden you enter the long exhibition space of the original barn. At the front end of the space, a staircase leads to perpendicular volume of the upper floor. Here, again in a large open space, working areas, a bedroom and bathroom are situated, all appearing as part of the exhibition. In this space, resident artists can stay, and readings, performances etc. can take place.

▼长条形的谷仓被改造成展览空间,the long exhibition space of the original barn © Robert Slavik

▼二层空间作为展览的一部分出现,the large open space appearing as part of the exhibition © Robert Slavik


With a budget of only €30,000, equating to €100/m2—low even by Serbian standards —Mijalkovic opted for simple low-cost techniques using a steel frame to build the extension and insulated metal cladding for the walls. The doors, windows, and even the wooden flooring, were all reused materials, salvaged from the local waste disposal site.

▼项目细部 – 门,窗,地板均使用了回收材料,details – recycled materials are used for doors, windows and floors © Robert Slavik


The low-cost development with its reused materials has provided so much for so little by keeping what was there already.

▼总平面图,master plan © Milan Mijalkovic

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Milan Mijalkovic

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan © Milan Mijalkovic

▼立面图,elevation © Milan Mijalkovic

▼剖面图,sections © Milan Mijalkovic


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