发布时间:2017-08-21 07:43:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

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打破传统形式 Breaking the Mega-Block Mold

伴随着城市化的迅猛发展,韩国中产阶级面临大规模激增,公寓式居住方式仍然成为城市居住生活的最优之选。在韩国大部分城市中,这种高密度,组团式的公寓单元早已是固定的城市景观。2012年,UNStudio受现代公司之邀在Daegu Wolbae参与两个新型公寓发展项目,希望借此消除居住生活中的等级分化,并打造出各具特色的居住方式。项目最终以实验性,又独具个性,生态健康,打破传统的形式,成为韩国高密度居住生活中的别样风景。

公寓外观,an external view of IPARK

▼立面纹理示意,facade pattern

IPARK-打造独特亮点 Creating points of identity


Daegu is the fourth largest city in South Korea and is often referred to as ‘Textile City’, due to its rich history of manufacturing textiles and clothing. As a ‘Fashion Capital’, Daegu is host to a number of annual fashion and textile fairs. However, within the city mega-blocks dominate the urban scale, presenting repetitive silhouettes with little individual identity. In both IPARK developments (Block 1 and Block 2) a pointillist framework of colour in two distinct designs – similar to the texture of a fabric or a media screen – is used to connect and dissolve the individual apartment towers into one consolidated mega-block, whilst creating distinct identities for each development within the Daegu cityscape.

▼公寓建筑成为绚烂的城市体块,the project creates distinct identities for each development within the cityscape



On the urban scale, this use of colour zoning not only reinforces identity, it also establishes community, reveals principal access points and communicates the relationship between the inside and outside of the two mega-blocks. On the neighbourhood scale, the façades transform from a typical grid of windows into a textured and articulated field of colour. In Block 1 the façade construction receives a matrix of options for additional layers that respond differently to each opening and balcony.

All together, they form a system of horizontal bands that extrude over the face of the wall, offering the desired depth and shadow effect. Every apartment becomes unique, reinforcing a sense of identity and ownership for its residents. In Block 2 a diagonal pixilation of colour blocking is applied to achieve the same results. In both blocks the courtyard facades employ warmer colour tones in order to reflect the more intimate, community scale of these urban interiors.

▼社区环境,inside the community

立面从常见的窗面网格形态转变成多色纹理,the façades transform from a typical grid of windows into a textured and articulated field of colour

健康生活的新形式 Promoting health and well-being

“独特的立面色彩组成,使该社区不仅展现其独特的个性,也成为大邱的特殊景观。而其绿荫环绕的社区公共空间也为各层住户提供了健康的生活环境。”——Ben van Berkel。与此同时,该项目令人相信,高档居住区与奢华居住方式不再仅限于富人。人们日益增长的,对健康生活方式的追求意识,使居民对其周围环境的要求越来越高。如今,人们更渴求一种更亲密怡人的社区环境,期盼一种身心愉悦的社区生活。作为市场主导城市居住建设的典型案例,现代企业邀请UNStudio遵循以人为本的设计理念设计IPARK项目。


"The pointillist composition of the facades lends both the individual apartments and the whole development a distinct and recognisable identity within Daegu, while the nature-filled courtyards are a singular feature that offer the residents a safe and healthy lifestyle on multiple levels." —Ben van Berke.Contrary to popular belief, many of the luxuries commonly associated with high end residential developments are no longer limited to the affluent alone. A growing consciousness of all things beneficial to health and happiness is resulting in a trickling down effect and a widespread societal demand for healthy living environments. Today’s residents want convenient shared amenities which encourage a sense of community and promote physical and psychological wellbeing.

For the IPARK developments, Hyundai Development Company – which enjoys a market-leading position in the construction of private housing – asked UNStudio to assist in creating apartment developments with a ‘people first’ approach: residences that offer more than merely a place to live, but rather a place to establish a new and healthy lifestyle. The letter ‘I in IPARK stands for innovation and reflects Hyundai Development Company’s commitment to innovate beyond the conventional concept of apartments. ‘PARK’ symbolises a space which creates enjoyable and comfortable cultural experiences.

▼社区空间绿荫环绕,the yards are filled with greenery

▼俯瞰庭院,a bird’s eye view of the yard



As such the buildings in the IPARK developments are organised around large, programmed communal courtyards. Conceived as urban interiors, these courtyards become a shared space for all residents and cater for a wide variety of collective and solo activities. A healthy lifestyle for all ages is supported by a verdant landscape of trees and vegetation, while a forest zone creates a buffer between the personal scale and the surrounding buildings and provides privacy for the apartments on the lower levels.

The intent of the landscape design is to create a flexible web of areas that either link to the shared amenities of the development – for example the library, swimming pool, retail outlets, community and fitness centres – or provide safe areas for playing, relaxing and gathering. Extensive planting is interlaced with trails of varying speeds: from a 400m running track, to a gravel forest trail featuring water elements. Wide boulevards link all the individual areas together while smaller paths connect to the lobby entrances of the buildings. Residents arriving by car can choose to either retreat (go directly to their apartment through their dedicated lobby), or engage (stroll through the landscaped areas and meet with neighbours). As such personal time, space and experience can become valuable assets not only at home, but also in shared spaces and in direct association with nature.

▼景观平面,landscape plan

▼区域细分,zone division

▼功能示意,landescape introduction

▼主题划分,unifying theme

▼色彩示意,colour strategy

Daegu Wolbae IPARK – Residential Blocks 1 and 2, Daegu, Korea

Block 1 – 2012-2015

Client: Hyundai Development Company

Location: 89, Yucheon-dong, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Korea

Building surface: 199,908 m2

Building site: 50,774m2

Programme: ResidentialStatus: CompletedCredits

UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Gerard Loozekoot with Marianthi Tatari and Joerg Petri, Milena Stopic, Jaap-Willem Kleijwegt, Deepak Jawahar, Gustav Fagerström, Colette Parras, Hans Kooij, Tina Kortmann, Patrik Noomé


Landscape: Lodewijk Baljon landschapsarchitecten

Photos: © Edmon Leong, © Hyundai

Block 2 – 2012- 2016

Client: Hyundai Development Company

Location: Daegu, Korea

Building surface: 319,193m2

Building site: 81,901 m2

Programme: ResidentialStatus: CompletedCredits

UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Gerard Loozekoot with Ren Yee and Tina Kortmann, Filippo Lodi, Paula Ibarrondo, Harlen Miller, Jan Kokol, Roman Kristesiashvili, Machiel Wafelbakker, Wendy van der Kniff and Todd Ebeltoft


Landscape: Lodewijk Baljon landschapsarchitecten


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