For ages, the Mediterranean Sea gives life and takes it back. It is the
birthplace of many great civilizations. Paradoxically, it is also their
grave. Nowadays, people cross it to flee and survive. The Mare Nostrum
that used to be a link between nations became a point of geopolitical
conflict as the actual migration crisis shows us.
The Mediterranean Sea needs to become a territory of peace. Is there
any better symbol than Sicily? A place geographically and historically
in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea and at the crossroads between
Orient and Occident.
As far as the tourism is important for the economy, it is also essential to
make Sicily functional and convenient for the local life. As a polyvalent
place, the Mediterranean Circle Hotel is a vital touristic site during
summer holidays. At the same time we propose that it takes part in a
Mediterranean Academy’s cultural programme forming residences for
artists in the time of no other activities.
Lighthouses are navigators‘s guards spreading their protective light.
The creation of a delicate pool at the edge of Murro di Porco lighthouse
reflects its image all day long and following the changing lights.
Year 2016
Status Competition works
Type Waterfront / Port Areas / Adaptive reuse of industrial sites / Landscape/territorial planning / Offices/studios / Concert Halls / Trade Fair Centres / Swimming Pools / Hotel/Resorts / Wellness Facilities/Spas / Tourist Facilities / Beach Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Leisure Centres / Art Galleries / Exhibitions /Installations / Urban Renewal / Private clubs/recreation centres / River and coastal redevelopment / Marinas / Lofts/Penthouses / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of Works of Art / Restoration of façades / Structural Consolidation / Music schools/Music academies / Dance academies / Recovery of industrial buildings / Refuges