《拉瓦尔城市指南》概述 Brief of Senseable City Guide to Laval
· 设想公园里设置全息图和灯光等实体设备与互动界面,促进人们交往、锻炼以及对公园空间的探索。 · 利用激光蚀刻等技术创造雕塑元素,培养人们的创造力并分享长久的记忆。 · 利用公园的广场职能,人们可以通过“物联网”平台使用公园内的椅子和边几等家具,聚在该空间进行讨论和交谈。 · 设想一种公园桌子,可以作为日常活动的场所,用于交谈和分享食物,翻转过来就变成电子写字板,用于分享创意和想法。 · 利用一系列技术增进人们探索、制作和评论。AR应用程序允许人们创建由不同元素组成的虚拟作品,并与他人合作交流。 · 发挥拉瓦尔作为拥有数百年粮食种植历史的岛屿的重要作用,提议创造连接人们与农场、食物供应和彼此使用公园的公共食物空间。
· Activating Surface imagines a park in which physical devices and interactive surfaces, such as holographs and lights, facilitate social interaction, exercise, and the exploration of the park’s spaces. · Infinite Memories harnesses technologies to provide sculptural elements, including a Laser Etch Pod, to foster the creation and sharing of enduring memories among the park’s users. · Fora capitalizes on the park’s role as an agora, a space where residents come together to engage with each other in dialogue and conversation using “internet of things” (IoT) architecture alongside park furniture, such as chairs and side-tables. · iTable envisions park tables that serve the everyday role of a place to engage and talk and share a meal but can be flipped to reveal an electronic ink board to share creativity and ideation. · MinecARft exploits an array of technologies to stimulate quests, crafting, and comments. An AR app will allow the park’s users to create elements and interact with each other and each other’s works. · FOODPRINT reaches out to Laval’s vital role as an island that has grown food for centuries and proposes social food spaces that connect people with farms, food supply, and each other while using the park.
▼多种社交空间,various social spaces ©Senseable City Lab
加拿大拉瓦尔市和麻省理工学院的SCL城市实验室宣布出版《拉瓦尔城市指南》,该指南集合了MIT六名研究生对 “未来公园”进行探索的六个大胆的初步想法。该出版物是SCL和拉瓦尔市为期三年研究合作的第一步,也是拉瓦尔市正在进行的发展以人为本、创新且有弹性的市区工作的一部分。
The city of Laval and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Senseable City Lab (SCL) announce the publication of the Senseable City Guide to Laval, a compendium of six bold preliminary concepts from graduate-level students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology exploring novel experiences with regard to the “park of the future”. The publication is an initial step of a 3-year research collaboration between the SCL and the city of Laval as part of the latter’s ongoing work to develop a human-centered, innovative, and resilient downtown area.
▼租用公园家具,renting park furniture ©Senseable City Lab
研究生们的任务是为未来公园Carré Laval设想新的体验,这里位于市中心,曾经是采石场,将要被改造成多功能创新区。在这种背景下,研究人员设想出了多种新颖的体验,可以吸引各行各业的人,公园将成为工作和休闲的交汇空间。SCL成员中的高级博士后Simone Mora解释说:“未来公园将使用数字技术扩大物理空间,提供新颖的工作与休闲体验。”
The graduate students were tasked with imagining new experiences in the future park of the Carré Laval, a former quarry located in Laval’s downtown area, to be transformed into a mixed-use innovation district. In this context, the park is explored as a space at the junction of work and leisure, as researchers conceive novel experiences that will attract people from all walks of life. “The park of the future is a place where digital technologies augment the physical space to enable novel work and leisure experiences,” explained Simone Mora, Senior Post Doc within SCL.
▼iTable的两种用途,two uses of iTable ©Senseable City Lab
▼轴测分解,axon exploded ©Senseable City Lab
2020年春天,拉瓦尔利益相关方和当地居民参加了与SCL研究人员的会议,帮助研究生们深化对21世纪拉瓦尔公园用途的想法。Duvernay–Pont-Viau街区的执行委员会副主席Stéphane Boyer提到:“未来的公园首先应该是易达且创新的公共空间。并且,我们正在努力用胆识和技术创造更加丰富、更加有意义的体验,《拉瓦尔城市指南》正是其中一个起点。”因此,拉瓦尔将邀请居民、利益相关方和技术人员积极参与到激动人心且广泛的公共流程中。
In the spring of 2020, several Laval stakeholders and residents took part in meetings with SCL researchers to help the graduate students hone their thoughts on what 21st-century park use in Laval could become. “The park of the future is first and foremost an accessible and innovative public space. What we are striving for is, above all, to use audacity and technology to offer richer and more meaningful human experiences. The Senseable City Guide to Laval is a starting point in this regard,” mentioned Stéphane Boyer, Vice-Chairman of the Executive CommitteeCity Councillor for the Duvernay–Pont-Viau district. Laval will therefore invite residents, stakeholders, and technology partners to become actively involved in an exciting and inclusive public process in which people will want to take part.
▼AR应用程序,AR app ©Senseable City Lab
▼线上互动,online interaction ©Senseable City Lab
麻省理工学院SCL城市实验室的负责人Carlo Ratti表示:“我们非常高兴能与拉瓦尔市合作,共同设想如同创意中心的未来公共空间。反馈循环和参与过程对未来城市的设计至关重要,我们期待着与拉瓦尔当地社区的进一步讨论。”
“We are very happy to be working with the city of Laval to start imagining together the future of public spaces as hubs for innovation,” stated Carlo Ratti, Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab. “Feedback loops and participative processes are crucial for designing the city of tomorrow. We look forward to engaging in further discussions with Laval’s local communities.”
▼全息图与灯光设备,holographs and lights ©Senseable City Lab