发布时间:2016-04-30 19:24:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
曲线美的形状将河流和城市联系在一起,22 米高的斜拉桥成为引人注目的建筑特色。

© Jacaranda Photography



Text description provided by the architects. Arup Associates, working in collaboration with Arup engineers in Australia, are celebrating completion of an elegant pedestrian and cycling bridge that spans the inlet of the Swan River in central Perth. The bridge is effectively a gateway to the central business district, its curvaceous form visually linking the river with the city,


The bridge was officially unveiled to the public on the 29th January with a breath-taking outdoor light and water display showcasing the precinct inlet as the heart of the development. A striking architectural feature, the 22m high cable-stayed bridge offers impressive 360 degree views across the Swan River and the Perth CBD.


The bridge is central to the bold plan by the West Australian Government to revitalise central Perth, Elizabeth Quay features a stunning 27000 m2 inlet and 15000 m2 promenade, surrounded by a vibrant mix of offices, apartments, hotels, shops, bars and restaurants. The project returns the city’s focus to the Swan River and provides a world-class waterfront destination for Perth.


The 110m long pedestrian and cyclists’ bridge allows for continuous movement around the Quay. It connects The Island with the western promenade and Williams Landing, and also links The Island onto the popular ‘bridges’ recreational circuit around the Swan River. Visitors to the precinct can now run, cycle or even ride a Segway across the bridge as they wander around the promenades and explore the many attractions on offer.

© Nick Birmingham



“It’s very rewarding to see our design come to life. We are incredibly proud to have been involved in delivering the bridge and being a part of the transformation of Perth’s Swan River waterfront. It is an iconic project that will forever change the way people enjoy one of the country’s most vibrant and diverse cities.”


– Alistair Avern-Taplin, Perth Office Leader, Arup

Arup受聘于管理承包商Leighton Bide设计该项目,并与大都会重新开发管理局密切合作,提供从详细设计到施工完成的多学科服务。

Arup was engaged by managing contractor Leighton Broad to design the project, and worked closely with the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority to provide multi-disciplinary services from detailed design through to construction completion.

© Jacaranda Photography



The design process


Given the bridge’s unique but constrained location, and the considerable level change required for clearance height for vessels, Arup’s team of architects and engineers knew that the bridge’s design needed to be longer and more complex than a simple ‘straight line bridge’. In response the architects, using parametric design tools, started to play with complex curves, therefore lengthening the path, while the engineers developed a structural diagram to mirror this proposal. This resulted in the beginnings of a design that echoed what the bridge needed to provide functionality-wise, while incorporating aesthetically appealing design curves, an easily-accessible pathway and a sound structure.


The concept design was driven by a desire to have a simple but iconic form that respected the Quay’s existing master plan, while ensuring that the structure took full advantage of its spectacularly unique location.

© Nick Birmingham



“The architect’s unique sculptured form for the cable-stayed bridge presented an interesting design challenge which Arup’s engineers enjoyed creating design solutions for.”


– Alistair Avern-Taplin, Perth Office Leader, Arup


The architects and engineers worked closely together from the outset of the design using analysis software to create efficiencies in the arches geometry relative to the bridge deck geometry. This ensured that the arches dramatic leans were optimised in their cross-sectional form with the critical structural support they provide.

伦敦Arup Associates的项目建筑师尼克·伯明翰(Nick Birmingham)说:“当地豪华的贾拉木材甲板与西澳大利亚的海洋环境产生了强烈的共鸣。相比之下,复杂的参数钢形式、精致的不锈钢细节和动态照明解决方案将该项目推向了当代的背景。“

Nick Birmingham, Project Architect, Arup Associates, London, said: “The local and luxurious Jarrah timber decking, resonates strongly with the West Australian maritime context. In contrast, the complex parametric steel forms, refined stainless steel details and dynamic lighting solutions propel the project into the contemporary context.”

© Jacaranda Photography



Arup is very proud of what has been achieved in the design of the Elizabeth Quay pedestrian and cyclist bridge, and we are delighted to now present this stunning completed project to the West Australian public.

Architects Arup Associates

Location Perth WA, Australia

Category Bridges

Area 15000.0 m2

Project Year 2016

Photographs Jacaranda Photography , Nick Birmingham

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