发布时间:2018-07-28 03:04:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Yabuli, in Northeastern China, is known for its rugged terrain and frigid temperatures, particularly its snow-capped mountains and innocent snowfields. It is also home to annual summits hosted by the China Entrepreneur Forum (CEF) – an internationally known economic platform considered to be the ‘Davos of Asia’. Celebrating and fostering the innovation and forward thinking of China’s entrepreneurial community and premier business leaders, the CEF is currently comprised of 74 members, including: Ding Liguo (Delong), Chen Dongsheng (Taikang), Tian Yuan, Jack Ma (Alibaba), Robin Li (Baidu), and Lei Jun (Xiaomi).

▼远眺建筑,Overlooking the building.


In 2017, the CEF decided to construct a permanent venue for itself, and commissioned MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, to design a building that embodies and showcases the ambitions, ideologies and forward critical thinking of CEF members, and the greater entrepreneurial industry in China.

▼建筑犹如雪山一部分, “飘落匍匐”在雪地之上,消隐于大地之中,The building settles quietly into the landscape

永久会址总用地面积约2.2万平方米,建筑面积约1.6万平方米,未来将会是亚布力地标建筑。白日,建筑犹如雪山一部分, “飘落匍匐”在雪地之上,消隐于大地之中,闪烁着北国冰雪天地的大气之势。夜幕降临后,灯火通明的建筑又如同雪地帐篷,充满想象力。她形态飘逸的形态,安静素雅的气息与天、地、雪、林融为一体,成为自然与艺术相互融合的大地景观。

Cited along the axis of a mountain, MAD’s design of the “Yabuli Conference Centre” is a tent-like structure that is defined by soft, sloping lines. Casually mirroring its mountainous backdrop, it reaches a maximum height of 24 meters, allowing it to settle quietly into the landscape. While humble in its presence, it does not lose the dynamic atmosphere of northern China – integrated with the sky, the ground, the snow, the forest, and the mountains.

▼建筑飘逸的形态,安静素雅的气息与天、地、雪、林融为一体,While humble in its presence, it does not lose the dynamic atmosphere of northern China – integrated with the sky, the ground, the snow, the forest, and the mountains.

建筑顶部的巨型玻璃天窗,白天,将室外的自然光纳入室内;夜晚,灯光通过天窗向外闪耀,就像是大自然中向天地摇曳的篝火,代表着企业家群体的智慧和团结。室内木材配以自然光, 营造出了柔和温暖的氛围,为建筑增添多层次的自然气息。室外的观景湖及公共广场,延续人们体验与欣赏建筑与自然交融的艺术意境。

Organized over four floors, the scheme encompasses a museum, a small and large auditorium (356-seats and 1000-seats respectively), a series of conference rooms and studios, and additional exhibition areas throughout. The focal point is a skylight positioned at the centre of the roof that allows natural light to flood into the interior. It acts as a symbolic metaphor for the bright ideas and brilliant discussions generated during the events held within. Windows throughout have been positioned so that even from indoors, people can enjoy uninterrupted panoramic views of the surrounding natural scenery throughout the seasons. Public plazas located at both the entrance and posterior of the building open up towards the natural backdrop creating a dialogue between architecture and nature. The chameleonic existence of the design’s reflective exterior expresses how the architecture relates and changes state with its surroundings, making a subtle, but powerful statement in its unique context.

▼室内概览。建筑顶部的巨型玻璃天窗将室外的自然光纳入室内,Interior view. skylight positioned at the centre of the roof that allows natural light to flood into the interior

▼室内木材配以自然光, 营造出了柔和温暖的氛围,The wood creates a soft, warm atmosphere under natural light


The “Yabuli Conference Centre” has been envisioned as a progressive architecture – one that fosters growth, innovative thinking, and is continuously evolving. In its completion, it will form a landscape of ideas, nature and art, and stand as a significant meeting place for Chinese and international entrepreneurs alike to gather and share ideas. The building broke ground in spring of 2018, and is scheduled for completion in 2020.


▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,First floor plan

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan


项目名称: 中国企业家论坛永久会址

基地位置: 中国亚布力

基地面积: 22, 001平方米

建筑面积: 16, 198平方米



设计团队:李广崇,孙守泉,傅晓毅,肖莹,宋驰,邓伟,张笑梅,槐伟,赵孟,简哲弘,曹晨,张艳茹,王硕斌,Yuki Ishigami,林宇扬


甲级设计院 : 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司

幕墙顾问 : 上海凯腾幕墙咨询设计有限公司

景观设计 : 英国宝佳丰规划景观设计公司

China Entrepreneur Forum Conference Centre Yabuli, China Site Area: 22,001 sqm Building Area: 16,198 sqm Principal Partners in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun, Yosuke Hayano Associate Partners in Charge: Liu Huiying Design team: Li Guangchong, Sun Shouquan, Fu Xiaoyi, Xiao Ying, Song Chi, Deng Wei, Zhang Xiaomei, Zhao Meng, Huai Wei, Che-Hung Chien, Cao Chen, Zhang Yanru, Wang Shuobin, Yuki Ishigami, Lin Yuyang Client: China Entrepreneur Forum Executive Architect: China Architecture Design & Research Group Façade Consultant: Shanghai Kighton Facade Consultants Co., Ltd. Landscape Architect: BJF International Design


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