发布时间:2021-08-27 11:24:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼远景,展亭与城市,distanced view, the pavilion and the city ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

Modern architecture has remained valid through history as human understanding of functional spaces, in the pavilion, this isrepresented by an orthogonal geometric enclosure composed by puzzle shaped concrete pieces, that modulates the pavilion’sdimensions and its steel structure. On the other hand, parametric architecture is represented by an organic skin formed by whiteconcrete circles, that strives to demonstrate its aesthetic value, to break the barrier of traditional paradigm, rationality of thought and tocreate its own language through technological development.

▼建筑外观,external view of the pavilion ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼树林掩映下的展亭,pavilion in the shades ©Alexandre d’ La Roche


Egaligilo Pavilion is an installation and represents the tension between traditional and parametric architecture acting as an equalizerof forces between them, while preserving a natural environment inside. Egaligilo means Equalizer in Esperanto, a language createdto facilitate international communication.

▼近景,传统建筑与参数化设计相结合 closer view of the pavilion, combination of traditional and parametric architecture ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

设计和建筑需要能够适应变化,作为应对全球挑战的工具创造不同的解决方案,提升人类社区生活的品质。Egaligilo与其所处的环境不断交互,与公共空间融为一体,并在内部提供了一片生机勃勃的绿洲,以其独特的象征性将游客和自然环境连接在一起。展馆内部设置了 一系列环境调节装置,在内部形成一片小小的雾林;建筑表皮将阳光和雨水吸入其中,为植物提供生存的养料,建立起了一套属于自己的微气候。重叠表皮之间的开口以及人工照明在一天中创造出不同的景色,吸引观众进入展亭,重新界定内与外的界限。

Design and architecture have to act as a change agent, as a tool for facing global challenges and generating solutions to improve thequality of life of our communities. Egaligilo attains a constant interaction with its surroundings, and as it blends in with the publicspace, it also holds a living oasis inside, in which symbolism is exalted and gives the visitor the capacity to connect with the naturalenvironment. The pavilion creates its own microclimate by preserving a series of atmospheric conditions required to maintain a smallcloud forest on the inside, by allowing light and rain to seep inside through both skins, keeping the plants alive. The openingsbetween the overlapping skins and the effects of artificial lighting, create different scenarios throughout the day, inviting the spectatorto enter the pavilion redefining the narrow limit between inside and outside.

▼透过开口看向室内,view to the interior through the opening ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼室内绿洲,oasis inside the pavilion ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼透过双层表皮看向室外,view to the outside through the double skins ©Alexandre d’ La Roche


▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric ©Broissin

The Pavilion’s skins were made with Equitone, a fiber-concrete material water and weather resistant; “Tectiva” and “Natura” were theselected panels we used. These panels were cut by a CNC router to fit the proposed design. 400 patterned puzzle pieces were cutfor the outer skin and more than 3,000 circles for the inside volume. The main structure was made of steel C channels 4” by 2”and 2” by 2” steel angles, the secondary structure that supports the inner skin was made of SHS 1” by 1” C-18 and the structure of the“bubbles” was made of CHS of 1” rolled with the specs provided to the blacksmith welded to a 4” steel flat bar. All the concrete panel elements were screwed into the main structure in order to make the pavilion reusable, with just few welding points for extra supportand security.

▼施工过程,construction process ©Broissin

▼施工照片,photo on the construction site ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼双层表皮细部,details of the double skins ©Alexandre d’ La Roche


The Pavilion seeks to raise awareness about the recycling of ephemeral structures and the main purpose of architecture:benefit humanity. Egaligilo is an example of this, it was first exposed during 6 months outside the Tamayo Museum, in Mexico City, andnow it will be adapted for another use.

▼夜景,night view ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼光线从表皮透出,light glowing out through the skins ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼夜晚从开口看向明亮的室内,view to the illuminated interior through the opening in the night ©Alexandre d’ La Roche

▼总平面图,site plan ©Broissin

▼平面图,plan ©Broissin

▼立面图,elevations ©Broissin

▼剖面图,section ©Broissin

▼细部,details ©Broissin


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