发布时间:2021-05-06 21:19:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

EADG 泛亚国际:在云南昆明呈贡区的意思桥水库是一座天然氧吧,林木葱茏,水秀山清;以自然环境为依托的健康文旅小镇将在意思桥区域建造。作为起点和示范,择址临湖半山处的苗圃修建一座小镇客厅,为居民和访客提供接待咨询和邻里休闲等公共服务,旨在营建一处可游可赏可栖可停的山地游园。设计团队接受邀约,完成了园林部分的踏勘和设计工作,历经一年,现场的营建已初步完成。

EADG: Yisiqiao reservoir in Chenggong District of Kunming is a natural oxygen bar with stunning water and clear mountains. A comprehensive town community of wellness and entertainment will be programmed in the Yisiqiao area. As a starting and demonstration point, a small town’s “living room” was built in a plantation near the lake to provide public services such as reception, consultation and recreation events for residents and visitors. The design team accepted the challenge and completed the landscape design work. After one year, the site construction has been primarily completed.

01.关于山林和湖野 Story of the Mountains and Lakes


Prior to the design team’s involvement, the site was a patchwork of cleared land and native forest, and the roads were not constructed. The wider reservoir area was still under construction with the presence of natural wildlife on the fringes of the site; squirrels, butterflies, fish and other native animals.

▼原始地貌 Primitive landform

▼湖面的野天鹅 & 对岸的山林 Wild swans on the lake & Mountains

▼蜥蜴 & 松塔 Lizard & Lacebark Pine

▼以自然环境为依托的小镇客厅全貌 A scenic view of the town living room based on the natural environment

02.依山就势的营建 Construction According to the Nature of the Site


The design puts forward the idea of “Presence” and believes that the construction of mountain landscapes with modern life as the core will lead to harmony between people and the environment. Instead of deliberately sticking to traditional ubiquitous construction and willful self-expression, we sought to excavate local cultures and create outdoor living places within a forest and wild landscape.

▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view


A meandering traffic way is paved to connect the sightseeing trail through the forest. It provides visitors with a peaceful drive up the mountain and a majestic view of the distant mountains and lakes.

▼蜿蜒起伏的车行引路 Meadering traffic way

▼掩映在林间的游步山径 Hidden path of the forest

▼错落的跳台 Strewn Platform


Due to the vertical difference in natural terrain, an extra wide view corridor is created. The design utilizes the water surface as a mirror, to capture the bustling skyline of the city. It visually forms a striking spatial point that envokes ancient spiritual landscapes. In the evening, the breeze brushes by the vast moonlit and starry sky, outlining a scenery of a serene life.

叠水与山路鸟瞰 The cascade and Valley

▼利用天然的高差塑造层级叠水和山间小径 Use the natural height difference to create the cascade and mountain path


Slope shaping, platform architecture, and water control are blended to create an extraordinary natural atmosphere.

▼叠水与山路 The cascade and Valley


Shadow of the dancing leaf with mist blurred. Sun shines through the trees with the time goes by, inspiring the visitors.

▼平台的水流引向远山 The water on the terrace leads to the distant hills

▼流水顺势飞落成瀑 The flowing waterfall


Visitors arrive through a mountain passage, which is the entrance to the garden. The sound of rippling water leads people to their destination.

▼山门鸟瞰 The gate have a bird’s eye view of

▼山门 Mountain Gate

▼路边潺潺的流水引人前行 The rippling water leads people forward

▼走过山门豁然开朗 Wandering through the mountain passage, you will feel enlightened

▼山门背面看是个平展的亭子,在宏大的山野里谦卑地消隐 The back of the gate looks like a pavilion and fades humbly in the mighty field


The central building is divided into three parts. The winding path will eventually lead people into a terrace that is designed on the lower floor to connect with the architecture.

▼路径巧妙地链接了建筑的各层 The path links different layers of the building

负二层建筑灰空间有着巨大的 x 型支撑柱,设计巧妙地套上了一个星光点点的盒子,半透的格栅映着林光,有落水给幽静添声,更显空山悠远。

The gray space of the second-floor building has a substantial X-shaped support column, which is cleverly designed with scattered stars. The semi-transparent grille reflects the light of the forest, and the falling water adds sound to the peacefulness, which makes the mountain appear more secluded.

星光点点的盒子消隐了 X 型柱,也透进了林光 The design of the starlight box hides the X-shaped column and reflects the light of the forest

03.场地和环境的回应 Responding to the Site and the Environment


Review and Reflection on Design Work: The site’s culture often determines its spatial characteristics, and this is an appropriate platform to our interpretation of the natural environment and guide to our design process.

疏林 Forest Maintenance


The site was surveyed, the original planting recorded, the current elevation reviewed, and the line of sight relationship between buildings, lakes, and sites were analyzed. According to the topography, we co-ordinated space, removed sparse miscellaneous trees and plants, protected big trees, added plants and reshaped the terrain.

塑坡 Slope Shaping


The site faces the lake, but it is a bit distant from it, and the slope is steep. The maximum height difference is up to five meters. At the same time, the needs of vehicle connections and circulation had to be met. The design uses linear relationships, grading, and overall slope alignment to resolve the height difference, coordinate proposed interventions, and continuity of natural space to make the final presentation harmonious.

▼地形设计 & 空间推敲 Topographical design & Space deliberation

▼护坡施工 Slope protection

寻石 Exploration of Stone utopia



There were a vast amount of natural stones scattered around the reservoir. We thought that these were a rare resource of the site; hence, we were not looking to dispose of these. Instead, we wanted to emphasize the local characteristics of these elements and establish a link with the land itself.

After the scheme was determined, the Client and the design team went into the mountain several times to select stones, record, and built an electronic model to catalogue a stone warehouse. Then, combined with site planning, determined the location and posture of stone, its surface treatment and reshaping, implementation with our proposal, and finally installed them on the site.

▼选石编号 & 模型建库 Number the stones & Model Datebase

▼模型等比落位模拟 Simulation of proportions

让木 Maintaining Plantation


The Clients’ and teams’ idea in dealing with the original planting were the same. In addition to the artificial planting, there were more than ten original trees on site. With the help of the Client, they were recorded, protected and retained. We made sure the natural plants were not in competition with the artificial seedings but were the highlight of the hillside.

▼再造工程谨慎避让保留植被 Carefully retaining the original natural plants

04.巧工和细做 Design to Present Ingenunity


In the selection of design elements and materials, the aim was to not artificially replicate nature. Instead, it deliberately emphasizes “fusion;” boldly uses modern technology and ideas to actively respond to the environment, dialogue with the site, coordinate with the climate, and genuinely be part of the mountainscape.

▼石砌景墙 Stone wall sign

叠石水景 Stacked stone waterscape

▼山间拱桥 The mountains arch bridge

▼平台细节 Platform details

▼水中汀步 The water dean step

▼步道两旁的自然植物 Natural plants along the trail

05.容人的景观,清澈温暖 Creating A Welcome Landscape


This is a rare opportunity to create a garden in the mountains, and we tried to show the balance between man and nature on a small scale. We are glad to see the project presented as expected. It seems that all the difficult decisions facing the site have been positively resolved.

A good place should not be ’overburdened’ with cultural values and should not force concessions that ignore the fundamental uses. People’s actions and behaviors have become natural elements in a broad sense. In the current era, we are trying to find a way to coexist with nature and solve people’s needs. So the space we create can accommodate people, exploration, and enjoyment. In the process of active participation, we can raise more extensive environmental reflection, emotional links and create a welcoming landscape."





设计公司:EADG 泛亚国际







Project name: Living room of Meaning Qiaokang Tourism Town, Kunming

Year completed: 2021

Project area: 16753 square meters

Location: Qidian, Yangzonghai, Chenggong District, Kunming City

Design company: EADG

Chief designer: Yao Jiuzhou

Design team: Sun Yuting, Nie Hengfei, Xu Ruo, Yu Chunyin, Huang Liqin, Liu Jian, Yang Qin, Duan Weixing, Sheng Ping

Developer: Yunnan Kanglv Development Tourism Co., LTD

Building unit: Shanghai Youan Architectural Design Co., LTD

Interior Design: Shanghai Mantu Interior Design Co., LTD

Photographer: DID STUDIO

审稿编辑 王琪 – Maggie


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