发布时间:2019-07-03 12:15:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Bomontiada aims to outdo distinctions between commercial and noncommercial to form an inclusive ecology, which invites organizations and individuals to participate in a culture of exchange. The constitutive principle of the project is to moderate an excellence of experience consistent with the essence of the Bomontiada historic beer factory campus, as a place that embraces and takes care of living culture. The campus’s aspires to be a core provoking curiosity and exploration, a sort of district wide laboratory for the greater district’s post-industrial transformation into a hub for Istanbul’s evolving creative and cultural industries.

▼Bomontiada啤酒厂,the Bomontiada historic beer factory


The mix of art, performance, music, design, entertainment, gastronomy and ad-hoc city-making are aimed to generate new experiences and transdisciplinary production relevant to Istanbul’s contribution to creative and cultural industries. Bomontiada’s district inherits four critical assets: the adaptive re-use of the Historic Bomonti Beer Factory, the adjacent rich multi-cultural residential life, the mid-century textile inner-city factory and a beautiful natural terrain and ecology prime to be re-naturalized.

▼丰富的多元文化生活,the rich multi-cultural life

▼舞台,the stage

▼舞台细部,details of the stage

该项目的负责方Pozitif、Dreams以及Atolye Istanbul认为社区有责任引导居民的文化生活并且包容多元文化的存在。该地区的改造沿用了伊斯坦布尔城市网运动的模式,使用城市主义策略创造了围绕一个中心而延伸的多处公共活动场所。自公共空间于2016年秋季对公众开放以来,Making Place Palettes Program、Seasonal Craft/Design/Maker Fairs、Outdoor Music/Film Summer Festivals、Neighborhood Walks、Babylon Diverse Species Garden of Forged Weeds、Craft of Observation以及Wedgetopia vibrant streets等项目已经相继启动,为该地区的转型作出充分准备。Bomontiada创意区的独特之处在于,它是通过场地功能吸引公众参与并且推动转型的。改造后的场地不是一成不变的,而是一个充满活力的生活系统,不断与当地产业、社区甚至是国际创意社区进行互动。

Critical to the aspirations critical actors and leaders like Pozitif, Dreams and Atolye Istanbul is community engagement and the role of actuating living culture and nurturing sub-cultures’ diverse interests. The district design transformation taps into the historic patterns of Istanbul’s ad-hoc city movements using a tactical urbanism approach to create a central core with many interconnected places for public programs and engagements. Since its public opening in Fall 2016, Making Place Palettes Program, Seasonal Craft/Design/Maker Fairs, Outdoor Music/Film Summer Festivals, Neighborhood Walks, Babylon Diverse Species Garden of Forged Weeds, Craft of Observation, and Wedgetopia vibrant streets programs have launched to seed the districts transformational potentials. Unique to Bomontiada’s creatives district design is that it is driven by programs to drive transformation through public engagement. The programs and the transformation are not determined but a living lively system that continually respond to the local industry, wider neighborhood and international creative communities.

▼围绕一个中心而延伸的多处公共活动场所,a central core with many interconnected places for public programs and engagements

▼聚会场所,place for meeting



Bomontiada’s contribution is to generate a district as a living laboratory for post-industrial mega-cities with nascent creative and cultural industries prime to become 21st century’s power houses defining new horizons in local and global cultures. To be both a place and platform to experiment, observe, discuss, understand, exchange, cultivate, weave and act-on how specifically districts can motivate meaningful communities for rapidly changing social and professional lifestyles. The through urban play, the city as the office and public programs Bomontiada aim to shift the power structures of city design to the local citizens and situated industry actors, to empower micro-design activism. In the decade ahead we hope to generate robust knowledge capital synergies and a measurable shift in the cultural economic development in the heart of a global capital like Istanbul.

▼夜景图,night view

▼场地分析图,inheritance diagram

▼周边环境分析图,current environment diagram


▼剖面图透视图,section in perspective

▼剖面图,section drawing

SANALarc: Bomontiada Public Realm Designer and Creative Board Member 2015-2017 Architectural design: sanalarc architecture, research and urban design Design team: alexis şanal, murat şanal Auxiliary architects: didem sağlam, begüm öner, ulufer çelik, burak saatçioğlu, bassil taleb, matyas skardelli, cibeles sanchez Project type: urban design Client: bomonti culture and arts inc. Restoration: architects, han tümertekin Project manager: obm, oğuz bayazıt Landscape consultant: arzu nuhoğlu landscape design Electrical project: esan engineering Lighting project: zkld Graphic design: fai & mainland Main contractor: light landscape Electrical contractor: innova elektrik Fire advisor: abdurrahman kılıç Project date: 2015 Completion: 2016 Area: 3700 m2


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