发布时间:2018-02-07 05:49:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
Aedas 将高密度、高层建筑与城市基础设施相结合,注重城市绿化和公共空间,推动城市可持续发展。


“We want to be China’s most trusted architect and designer, not just China’s biggest or best but most trusted.”

关于北京About Beijing


“Because Beijing has developed this very capacious planning, it has a lot of room for buildings and since it has a bigger scale than other cities, there is a need to develop a high density and mix commercial high-rise, live, work, recreate and dynamic city.”

您认为北京这座城市有哪些优点和缺点? What do you think are the good and bad of Beijing?



I have been coming here since 1992 and I’m here six or seven times a year. Beijing is such a beautifully planned city. It has got a great grid system, ring road system, and subway system as well, so in terms of infrastructure it is excellent. Also there has been very good planning control in Beijing, probably the best in China. The buildings are planned very well. The neutralisation of the sites is very good indeed. Height control has been excellent here, so we have a city which has got a very nice, beautiful skyline, which is also important. Ancient buildings are well protected by planning control, so it’s not crowded with the high buildings all around them. Within the sites, there is always plenty of land around the buildings. So one of the characteristics of Beijing is that buildings have room around them and they are not too congested and pushed up tight each together, very different compared to Hong Kong.

Speaking about the down side, of course everybody is going to say the same things of pollution and that needs to be tackled. We have an office here, it is difficult for the people here because they experience very bad pollution. So where is it going to go next is interesting. Because Beijing has developed this very capacious planning, it has a lot of room for buildings and since it has a bigger scale than other cities, there is a need to develop a high density and mix commercial, high-rise, live, work, recreate and dynamic city. It will be very interesting to see how Beijing respond to that, and Beijing’s version of high density and high-rise. I’m sure Beijing will find its way, and the architects will come up with the solutions to meet the planning requirements of Beijing. Because all cities in China are going to do this, we need to use brown field sites, to develop in the heart of city, to minimise our infrastructure costs and to make the city more sustainable. So with that, Beijing is certainly going to re-develop the existing parts to higher density, and it will be very interesting to have that achieved while still maintaining the very strong Beijing character.

▼北京财富中心第一期,Fortune Plaza Phase 1, Beijing

▼北京新浪总部大楼,Sina Plaza, Beijing

▼北京大望京二号地项目,由Andrew Bromberg at Aedas设计,Da Wang Jing Plot #2 Mixed-use Development, Beijing, designed by Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼北京大兴西红门综合开发项目,由Andrew Bromberg at Aedas设计,Xihongmen Mixed-use Development, Daxing District, Beijing, designed by Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

大城市的可持续发展Sustainability in large cities


“The most obvious root to sustainability is again high density and high-rise…I expect to go green as well. It’s very important to remember that the public needs space… the other aspect to sustainability is the smart city and connecting up all of our infrastructure and service providers.”

您认为对于像北京这样的大城市而言,什么才是可持续发展切实可行的办法?In your opinion, what is the practical way to sustainable development for metropolises like Beijing?




Well let’s stay on the urban scale first before looking at the building scale. The most obvious root to sustainability is again high density and high-rise. Because the more densely we can bring people to live and work together, the less the commuting time and travel distance. There will be less pollution, and urban sprawl. So we can compact our cities, then they will be more sustainable.

Of course compaction leads to other issues as well. If you compact too much you get heat and sounds built up. For that I expect to go green as well. And again going back to what I was talking about, that when we actually carry out high density development, it’s very important to remember that the public needs space. We can’t simply put high density towers with streets surrounding it. We need to have more public spaces, floors above and underground, skyparks. Generating public space will also solve a large number of problems for sustainability. Because if you create walkways and parks that are pleasant to walk through at high level to connect buildings, then the street will become a place for vehicles, and the public will migrate to higher levels or subterranean. And that will be sustainable itself because people want to walk instead of taking taxis.

So the other aspect to sustainability is the smart city and connecting up all of our infrastructure and service providers, from the level of the automatic control in the buildings, through to the level of the natural system arriving at the same point same time, to lifts arriving when people arrive at lobbies. When you go to the correct floors, you call the lift to the mobile device, and the lifts recognise your mobile devices. All of those little things add up can save a huge amount of energy. And if you are in a lift system in a high-rise building, it’s programmed, according to the individual needs of the attendance of the occupants in the building. It will recognise me when I go in. It will say “oh he’s going to level 31, who else is going to level 31? ” And that lift will become more efficient. Therefore that lift system uses half the amount of energy it’s currently using. And if you take that from lift systems to bus transportation, to driverless cars going by the shortest routes to all sorts of systems, when you connect up all of that big data technology, to run a city efficiently, the energy use will halve.

▼青岛金茂湾购物中心,Qingdao Jinmao Harbour Shopping Center

▼重庆新华书店集团公司解放碑时尚文化城,Chongqing Xinhua Bookstore Group Jiefangbei Book City Mixed-use Project, Chongqing

▼大连恒隆广场,Olympia 66, Dalian

▼印度尼西亚雅加达联合利华总部大楼,Unilever Headquarters, Jakarta, Indonesia

Aedas的发展之路Development of Aedas


“I wanted to create a company where people are truly incentivised to do great things. Aedas wants to design for large communities, for large cities. We have a lot of skill sets in designing high density, high-rise infrastructure, airports, railway stations, and integrating these in very, very complicated cities.”

Aedas是在何种背景下创立的?这些年来,Aedas是如何发展至如今的规模的?What was the background of the founding of Aedas? Could you please talk about the turning points in the history of Aedas’ growth?


We started the company in 1985, and by that time I had been in Hong Kong for 3 years. I came to Hong Kong in 1982, I worked for two very large international companies at that time. One was socialist, and the other one was dictatorial. One is ran by one person, Foster’s, and the other one was Arup’s which is a socialist company owned by all of its staff. It was communist. And I’ve seen the two ways work. Arup relies upon intellectual endeavours, creating places for people. Arup is about bettering human kind, bettering life of people; while Foster is about creating not necessarily the best of the people but the best architecture. Very different goals and aims, one company is driven by common good, and the other is driven by one person. So when I thought about my company, I thought, well, I wanted to merge these two things. I wanted to create a company where people are truly incentivised to do great things. But not just one person, but all the designers in the company truly being incentivised to do great things. And you know people can only be incentivised if they are satisfied and their personal needs are met. Most people are not kind to other people. Most people want to get on their own lives. So I structured the company where we have many owners, and all the owners are incentivised because their personal needs are met. So I just went back to basics. I redesigned the notion of company. It is how do I make people, how do I get people to do great things. Make them happy, and then they’ll move on and they’ll make other things good, they’ll fight hard and they’ll drive hard. So that is Aedas.

▼香港中环区购物中心, Aedas为置地控股设计完成了其位于中环核心区12座建筑的活化、修复及重建,Centres of Central, Hong Kong. Aedas has been in the forefront of working with Hongkong Land to revitalise, renovate and redevelop their 12 properties in the central business district of Hong Kong


And the reason for our growth was because our formula proved to be right. Very, very quickly we grew from 2 people in 1985 to 200 people by 2000. Then we establish offices overseas, and people started to see us as being a true international company. And from there we grew very quickly. So the first growth from 2 people to 200 people took 15 years. The next growth from 200 people to 1500 people took 10 years, so that growth is exponential from there on. And from there on, we haulted the growth in 2013. We were growing too big, and we decided we would focus our work upon high density, high-rise, mix commercial, infrastructure, and specific community buildings and we would no longer work so extensively in Europe. Our offices in Europe left Aedas and went their own way. Because we didn’t see the connectivity between what they were doing and we want to do. Aedas wants to design for large communities, for large cities. We have a lot of skill sets in designing high density, high-rise infrastructure, airports, railway stations, and integrating these in very, very complicated cities. So that is what we decided, in 2013 we decided that is what we gonna focus on, from now on. So we are reducing ourselves from 1500 to 1200.

▼香港国际机场中场客运廊,Hong Kong International Airport Midfield Concourse

▼阿联酋迪拜地铁站,Dubai Metro

▼深圳宝安国际机场卫星厅,Shenzhen Airport Satellite Concourse


“We want to be China’s most trusted architect and designer, not just China’s biggest or best but most trusted.”

Aedas在未来有何明确的发展计划?Does Aedas have a concrete plan for its future development?


We want to be China’s most trusted architect and designer, not just China’s biggest or best but most trusted. So we would like to think that when clients and governments and mayors see what we present to them, our designs are considered not just from the point of view of maximums for the benefit of the developers, but also to the governments and the communities. Because we must satisfy the needs of these three stakeholders, the government, the client and the community. We also focus on the sustainability of cities. And I’d like us to be positioned as, yes, a commercial architectural design company, but one perceived as having a body of knowledge and concern for the greatest benefit of all, not just for one or two people.

▼广州国际金融城(总体规划),Guangzhou International Financial City

Aedas在建筑学科和人才培养方面有哪些愿景?What is Aedas’ vision and plan to drive for the industry and nurture talents?


▼Aedas于同济大学建筑与城市规划学院成立奖学金,并举办学术讲座及主题展览,Aedas established scholarship in CAUP of Tongji Univeristy and held academic lectures and themed exhibition

▼Aedas于清华大学建筑学院举办学术讲座、主题展览暨创新基金成立仪式,Aedas held academic lectures and themed exhibition in School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, followed by the establishment of innovation fund.


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