“美国的风景一直为那些发生在人与人之间的故事提供着背景。无数的艺术作品描绘了人类对于自然的征服和控制,以及那些我们视之为领地和乐园的、被驯化的世界。在我的绘画作品中,我逃离了类似的角色,成为一个白日梦者,徜徉在一个脱离于“人类主宰”的时空之中。树木、微风和浪潮是我画中的主角,偶尔也会有一些人物客串其中。”— Sophia Heymans
“The American landscape has long been used as a backdrop to tell tales of human trials and affairs. Countless artworks depict our conquest and governance of wild lands, or else treat those domesticated worlds as places for our expansion and leisure. I flip the roles in my paintings, daydreaming of a time and place outside of human hegemony. I paint the trees, the wind and the waves as the main actors, while the occasional person appreciatively plays an extra. ” -Sophia Heymans
▼来自加拿大的爱意,From Canada, With Love
“In my paintings, the plants and landforms are characters, able to express their personality after hundreds of years of human dominance. Thin sheets of fog stretch across the canvas like yawning arms. Islands and their reflections look like the floating heads of spirits or monsters at rest. Raindrops fall ecstatically from the sky, pooling into dozens of rivers and waterfalls that cascade off the bottom of the canvas. The paintings are from a bird’s-eye view, or the perspective of a cloud or ghost, hovering somewhere outside of human perception.”
▼采薇,Picking Bouquets
“Many people today lack a relationship to the land. Instead, they explore and hide away in virtual worlds beyond their physical reality. It is easy to spend a whole day staring at a screen, but beneath your feet is a city, and under that city, the earth. How did nature act before we were here? Will it ever look that way again? Might our detachment provide an opportunity for nature to take back its kingdom?”
▼中西部人们的海洋梦,Midwesterner’s Dream of The Ocean
▼丛林中的婚礼,Marriage in the Jungle
▼在边界,On the Boundary
▼今天的我该如何,Should I be Good or Bad Today
▼我希望你坠落,I hope You Fall Down
▼27道瀑布,27 Waterfalls
▼为草原送行,Sending Off the Prairie
▼晚安月亮,晚安人类意识,Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Human Consciousness
▼夏日风暴,Summer Storm
“In this critical time for the environment, I console myself by painting a happy, lively and undomesticated earth, an earth that certainly isn’t lonely without us.”
▼展览现场,gallery view
Sophia Heymans,生于1989年12月31日,是一位来自美国明尼阿波里斯市的艺术家。2008年至2012年就读于罗德岛设计学院并获得油画系学士学位。Heymans醉心于人与自然之间的关系,并将这种关系呈现于她的画作之中。
Sophia Heymans (Born Dec 31st, 1989) is a Minneapolis-based artist, who received her bachelor degree in Rhode Island School of Design (BFA Painting). Heymans is fascinated by the connection between humans and nature that are always reflected in her works.