发布时间:2021-02-21 17:37:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


“Fang Lijun’s Woodcuts” was officially opened at Hunan Museum on January 29th, 2021. Curated by Ji Shaofeng, the exhibition displays 112 pieces of the representative woodcuts of Fang Lijun since 1982. To date, it is the largest woodcuts exhibition of Fang Lijun.


The exhibition is held in the special exhibition hall 1 and special exhibition hall 2 of Hunan Museum as well as the connecting space between the two halls, covering an area of nearly 2,900 square meters, with 10 days of exhibition arrangement (including space renovation).

▼展览空间平面图与轴测图,Exhibition space plan and axonometric drawing © SwaNes


▼观展动线与视域分析,Viewing line and view analysis © SwaNes

The exhibition design of “Fang Lijun’s Woodcuts” is carried out by Zhang Jie and SwaNes (Zhou Zhenpeng, Yan Yiqing and Lin Zihan). They believe that the appreciation of exhibition works can often be divided into two categories: one is the appreciation of a single work, and the other is the appreciation of a group of works (in the same exhibition space, works with associated spatial position are gathered together to form a specific rhythm). Being able to meet both of the appreciation needs is the basic work of all exhibition design. The construction work after laying a solid foundation is to try to generate a new way of appreciation and create a new kind of sensory experience for the exhibition (each exhibition is new).

▼展览入口,entrance of the exhibition © SwaNes

▼特展2厅现场,On site of the special exhibition hall 2 © SwaNes


▼空间改造示意,Spatial reconstruction diagram © SwaNes

The entrance of the exhibition is at special exhibition hall 2. Then, walking through the hallway, you will enter the special exhibition hall 1. Both the special exhibition hall 2 and the hallway are 6 meters high, while the special exhibition hall 1 is 12 meters high. Six large walls, almost as high as the exhibition space, with different angles and lengths and a thickness of 1 meter, are built in special exhibition hall 2. The angle, length and position of the walls have been repeatedly calculated and tested by the design team, which will meet the needs of the audience to appreciate single work and group of works.

▼特展2厅六个与展览空间高度接近的大型墙体,Six large walls, almost as high as the exhibition space in the special exhibition hall 2 © SwaNes


The position of the six walls provides the audience with a relatively fixed viewing line, which can lead them into the best visual range of each work. Meanwhile, due to the scattered and seemingly disordered arrangement of the walls, the surrounding scenes experienced by the audience change based on their different standing positions during the exhibition and the appearance of the group of works is also constantly changing. The sensory experience and emotion of each moment are always mobilized by the ever-changing landscape of the exhibition hall.

▼墙体的位置关系塑造出一个相对固定的观展动线,position of the walls provides the audience with a relatively fixed viewing line © SwaNes

▼特展2厅细部,details of the special exhibition hall 2 © SwaNes


▼过厅空间改造示意,The hallway space reconstruction sign © SwaNes

The hallway connecting the special exhibition hall 1 and 2 displays the early small woodcuts of Fang Lijun. The design team rotated the rectangular hallway in a virtual model. The rotated wall of the exhibition hall is dislocated or integrated with the original wall, forming the current spatial structure. This kind of dual displacement based on angle change is an extension of the exhibition design strategy of the special exhibition hall 2, promoting the exhibition language to be unified in the same understanding of space and exhibition demand. Moreover, after temporary space renovation, the height of the hallway was reduced from 6 meters to 3.3 meters, which compresses the overall space of the hallway. Thus, when the audience enter the hallway from the special exhibition hall 2, their sensory experience is pressurized by the objective environment. Making use of this pressure, the design team managed to strengthen the audience’s attention and the viewing rhythm (from free and smooth to slow and concentrated), and to make the final power transmission before entering the giant special exhibition hall 1.

▼过厅现场,The hallway space © SwaNes

▼过厅细部,detail of the hallway © SwaNes


The special exhibition hall 1, which is 12 meters high, 57 meters long and 24 meters wide, displays the large woodcuts of Fang Lijun. The exhibition design team abandoned the space renovation of the special exhibition hall 1 to preserve its originality and space “brutal force”, and focused on the most straightforward tradeoff between the works and the exhibition space.

▼特展1厅现场,overall of the special exhibition hall 1 © SwaNes

▼保留展厅的原始性与空间“蛮力”, preserve the originality and space “brutal force” of the hall © SwaNes


The position of all works is adjusted from the ground to the height of 3 meters, which is totally different from the way of appreciation in other exhibition halls: looking at the front is changed to looking up. “Looking up” brings about the natural distance between the audience and the work, which is not intended to produce the best visual range, but tries to form a comfortable relationship between people and the original appearance of art through the distance. The presence formed by the collection of all works in the exhibition hall also herald the arrival of this relationship.

▼“仰视”形成观众与作品之间的天然距离,“Looking up” brings about the natural distance between the audience and the work © SwaNes

▼作品悬挂过程,The hanging process of the art work © SwaNes


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