发布时间:2023-02-26 13:06:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
空中花园、玻璃屋顶、持续优化的设计过程、LEED 白金级认证。

位于印度新孟买的DY Patil大学卓越中心目前已投入使用。这座10层高的建筑旨在支持大学的教育方法和理念,并为3000名学生提供高质量的学习和生活空间。项目还带有一个2英亩的、充满生命力的空中花园,其中包含本地植物、池塘生物和休闲区。该建筑是福斯特事务所在印度的首个教育项目,同时也是与该校校长Vijay Patil博士紧密合作的成果。项目已获得LEED白金级(最高级)认证。

The DY Patil University Centre of Excellence has opened in Navi Mumbai. The ten-storey building has been designed to support the teaching methods and ethos of the university, providing high-quality learning and living spaces for 3,000 students. The project also includes a thriving two-acre sky garden with native planting, pond-life and areas for relaxation. The new building – the first educational project by the practice in India – is the result of close collaboration between Foster + Partners and the University Chancellor, Dr Vijay Patil. The project achieves a LEED Platinum rating, the highest level of accreditation.

▼项目概览:空中花园构成了健康生活和学习的核心,Preview: The sky garden is central to the thesis of healthy living and learning


Dr Patil assembled his own construction team to work on the project, alongside a number of local craftspeople. For over a decade the team refined manufacturing and construction techniques by mocking- up components of the building on, and in close proximity to, the site. This iterative and experimental process allowed the design team to constantly refine their ideas during construction through continuous prototyping. As a result, the design of the building and its components developed and changed over several years, generating a solution that greatly improved on the initial proposals.

▼入口顶棚有4层楼高,玻璃屋顶在建筑立面上投下多彩的光影,The grand entrance canopy is four storeys high, with a glass roof that casts multi-coloured shadows across the building’s façade



The new building has been designed to minimise the environmental impact associated with water and energy use, material choices and operation. The extensive use of shading minimises the energy used in mechanical cooling and the building’s envelope allows in daylight while controlling glare. Wind tower assisted ventilation cools the key spaces, including the auditorium and concourse areas. Ultra-low water consumption is also implemented across the project.

The programmatic elements of the School of Business are grouped around communal covered courtyards, which are four storeys high, and carefully orientated to optimise natural daylight and space on the triangular site. The grand entrance canopy is four storeys high, with a glass roof that casts multi-coloured shadows across the building’s façade. An open plan reception area, exhibition space, café and informal workspace encourage social interactions between students.

▼商学院大楼的空间围绕着数个公共带顶庭院设置,并通过精确的朝向优化了三角形场地的自然光线和空间布局,The programmatic elements of the School of Business are grouped around communal covered courtyards, which are four storeys high, and carefully orientated to optimise natural daylight and space on the triangular site


At the heart of the building, four large auditoria are arranged around a sunken amphitheatre for graduation ceremonies, performances and sporting events. The auditoria have been flexibly designed to be opened up or closed down, depending on the scale of the event. The library promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge across four floors of the building. A sequence of tiers, balconies and stairs create a dramatic internal environment.

▼在建筑中心,四个大型礼堂围绕着下沉式的开放剧场布置,可用于举行毕业典礼、表演和体育比赛等,At the heart of the building, four large auditoria are arranged around a sunken amphitheatre for graduation ceremonies, performances and sporting events

建筑的主要材料是高质量的洞石、木材、玻璃增强混凝土、铝以及密封混凝土。磨细粒化高炉矿渣(GGBS)替代了部分水泥,从而使混凝土的色彩更浅,同时降低了碳足迹。此外,一些先进的现代家具是由Foster + Partners自己的工业设计团队设计,有助于营造舒适且高效的学习环境。

The scheme incorporates a palette of high-quality materials, including travertine, timber, glass reinforced concrete, aluminium and sealed concrete. Ground-granulated blast-furnace slag, or GGBS, has been added to the concrete mix in lieu of some cement, resulting in a paler concrete with a lower embodied carbonfootprint. State-of-the-art furniture, designed by Foster + Partners’ own industrial design team, aids comfortable and efficient study.

▼首层开放式学习空间,Ground floor – open plan workspace


The first four storeys of the building house the academic activities of the school and the five upper levels provide residential accommodation for students and faculty members. This change in function is articulated through the cladding, which is robust and solid in appearance towards the base, visually grounding the faculty levels. Four different types of panels have been developed to clad the canteen, library, lecture theatres and administrative offices. Concrete was cast around Perspex and wooden moulds to create perforated GRC screens which push light deeper into the facade, while shading the front part of the building.

▼遮阳单元的大面积使用能够尽可能减少机械制冷所使用的能源,外墙的设计也能够在控制眩光的同时保证室内的明亮,The extensive use of shading minimises the energy used in mechanical cooling and the building’s envelope allows in daylight while controlling glare


In contrast, the upper residential units are clad in lightweight cast and extruded aluminium. The corridors are naturally ventilated and offer glimpses of the spectacular two-acre sky garden which spans the full length of the building, between the academic and residential volumes.

▼2英亩的空中花园包含本地植物、池塘生物和休闲空间,The project also includes a thriving two-acre sky garden with native planting, pond-life and areas for relaxation

▼场地平面图,Site plan

▼首层平面图,Ground level plan

▼二层平面图,Floor plan level 1

▼三层平面图,Floor plan level 2

▼四层平面图,Floor plan level 3

▼五层平面图,Floor plan level 4

▼六层平面图,Floor plan level 5

▼东南侧立面图,Elevation – south-east side

▼东北侧立面图,Elevation – north-east side

▼西北向剖面图,Section – north-west view

▼西南向剖面图,Section – south-west view

▼西北立面图,Elevation – north-west side

DY Patil University Centre of Excellence

Mumbai, India 2012 – 2022

Client: DY Patil University

Dr. Vijay Patil, President

Appointment: 2009

Construction Start: 2012

Completion: 2022

Site Area:1 4,660m2

Area (Gross): 75,000m2

Net Internal Area: 50,000m2

Number of Floors:10

Building Dimensions:

Height: 46m; Length: 190m; Width: 90m

Capacity Facilities: 3000 students

Faculty facilities for Schools of Management, Law, Accounting and Economics

Staff and student apartments


Restaurant and café Exhibition spaces Lecture Theatres Library


Faculty administration

Parking Facilities: Cars: 180


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