Wutopia lab 为三亚天涯海角景区设计的天涯书局于 2021 年 6 月正式落成开放。三亚的天涯海角一度被看成中国的 the end of land。如今它不仅是著名的风景区也已经成为南中国最有名的婚纱摄影基地和告白的场所。由此,坐落在景区里的天涯书局没有理由成为少数人感慨遥远故国的思乡离愁甚至孤独的书店。天涯书局应该是赞美那些天生乐观的中国人的颂歌,无论顺境逆境都可以把遥远偏僻而在文化上陌生的地方比如海角天涯从观念到实际中改造成积极向上甚至是浪漫的人间天堂。
Wutopia lab’s Tianya Books for Sanya Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area was officially opened in June 2021. Once regarded as the end of land in China, Tianya Haijiao is now not only a famous scenic spot, but also the most famous wedding photography and confession spot in South China. Therefore, there is no reason for the Tianya Books, located in a scenic spot, to be a bookstore that let people feel homesick and lonely. Tianya Books should be an ode to those naturally optimistic Chinese people who, in good times and bad, can transform remote and culturally unfamiliar places such as the Cape and the End of the World from conceptions to reality into positive and even romantic paradises on earth.
▼项目视频,video ©CreatAR Images
“In that deep blue, feel the sad loneliness and beautiful freedom from the sea.”——Le grand bleu
The day I stood in front of the sea in Sanya, I suddenly realized that in the face of the unpredictable vast sea, human actions were self-indulgent and meaningless. However, compared with the exaggerated movements, many human ideals and thoughts and feelings are worthy of the sea. At that moment of consciousness, my feeling was like the ocean, but the surface seemed calm, and I tried to refrain from showing superficial expressions and movements in front of nature. This prompted me to use design to capture that moment. I chose a thin and crisp glass as the complex attitude of the bookstore facing the sea. The glass is the physical interface and climatic boundary of the bookstore. I wanted to create a clean, transparent and pure bookstore in a beautiful landscape.
▼项目鸟瞰,面朝大海,aerial view of the building facing the sea©CreatAR Images
▼隐在椰林中的建筑,building hidden behind the coconut trees©CreatAR Images
In the daytime, the bookstore will disappear because of the glass reflecting the sea and coconut grove, showing modest. However, inside the bookstore, I am able to look at the unobstructed sea in a calm manner with a seemingly fragile security. At night, the sea that controlled everything during the day will disappear into the night, and only the moonlight on the surface of the sea with the undulating waves was broken into dappled reflections, flickering and stirring up various feelings and memories and letting me slightly lost in thought. However, when I walked out of the bookstore and looked back, the glass disappeared in the brilliant light of the bookstore, and the red bookshelves seemed like the morning glow illuminated the entire beach. The human ambition and pride to challenge everything cannot help arising.
▼建筑立面日景,树木映射在玻璃上,facade of the building in the day, reflecting the trees around©CreatAR Images
▼建筑立面夜景,红色书架照亮海滩,facade of the building in the night, red bookshelves illuminating the sea shore©CreatAR Images
The glass of the bookstore is an interface between man and nature. In contrast to the magnificent view from the outside, the interior space is abstracted into triangles of human emotions. These triangles restrained in the glass, while nature stay outside. They strike a delicate balance on the fragile glass surface. You can sit on the bench, stand on the stage and look at the sea of stars through the transparent glass. This is the sea in front of our eyes, but also the sea we want to conquer in the future. The stars twinkle, the waves surge, and the boiling energy raises a silent tidal sound that casts itself deep into the wilderness of our consciousness. The bookstore is such an attitude, “Our journey is the sea of stars.”室内空间概览,overall view of the interior space©CreatAR Images
天涯书局在地理纬度上是中国最南的书店。这个南对整个设计团队而言有时则意味难。征途的开始需要掩护。我和业主不约而同没有选择让书局孤零零暴露在沙滩上的选址,而选在离沙滩最近的树林里。我原设计是一个纯粹的透明玻璃盒子,因为抽象的几何体作为人类观念的创造物可以和丰富多样的自然相对偶。这种纯粹的态度在我的许多结合自然地貌的设计中都有体现。但现场一棵巨大的榕树先创造了一点小小的难度。让我不得不在原来长方形书局短边切了一个三角形来保留这棵榕树,同时面对大海的立面的 27 米长度也得以保留。
Tianya Books is the southernmost bookstore in China in terms of geographical latitude. This south sometimes means hard for the whole design team. The beginning of the journey requires cover. The owner and I coincidentally did not choose a site that left the bookstore alone on the beach, but in the woods closest to the beach. My original design was a purely transparent glass box, because abstract geometry as a creation of human ideas can be contrasted with the richness and diversity of nature. This purity is reflected in many of my designs that incorporate natural landscapes. But a huge banyan tree on site created a little difficulty first. I had to cut a triangle on the short side of the original rectangular bookstore to preserve the banyan tree, while the 27-meter length of the sea-facing façade was also preserved.
▼设计生成,design generation©Wutopia Lab
The function of the bookstore is cafe, lecture and bookstore. The bookstore is divided into a general reading area and a children’s reading area. These functions need to be arranged in layers. The architects placed the children’s reading area and the lecture area on the second floor, which also compensates for the loss of area due to the preservation of the banyan tree. To ensure the continuity of the glass box around the perimeter. This partial second floor was to be completely disconnected from the façade to create a house within house type of space. The architects chose a triangular shape for the staircase and second floor plan, and echoed the triangular outdoor space on the west side formed to preserve the ficus tree. The triangular interior space and the square box create a dramatic conflict and tension in the interior in terms of experience, but this is where the architect creates difficulty for his own implementation.
▼悬浮在空间中的屋中屋,building-in-building suspending in the space©CreatAR Images
书局中心是个控制性的三角形。一楼是咖啡和两侧的私密阅读区,二楼是整个书局的视觉焦点,一个悬空的演讲厅和两侧的儿童阅览区。我希望从这个主导空间无论二楼还是一楼看出去要没有遮挡。同时为了保证玻璃盒子的通透性,我要求结构顾问不许按常规设结构柱,不许在幕墙背后设结构柱,柱截面要小,转角要开放而不许设结构柱以及幕墙龙骨,雨棚不许有吊杆,总之,我在书局里不能看到柱子。工作室对结构设计的一贯要求是看不见设计中挑战性的结构设计。缪工本来以为这会是个简单的结构,结果变成了挑战。他和项目建筑师讨论后,把 12 根 340 见方的柱子藏在书架中。结果纵梁从横向中央主梁向两侧悬挑最大达到了 8 米。最后幕墙龙骨和挑梁相连接。缪工把整个幕墙吊挂在屋面结构系统上,而雨棚的结构附着在幕墙龙骨上。它们最后成为连续的整体。
The bookstore center is a controlled triangle. On the first floor is the cafe and private reading areas on either side, and on the second floor is the central point of the entire bookstore, an overhanging lecture hall and children’s reading areas on either side. I wanted the view from this dominant space to be unobstructed whether on the second or first floor. At the same time, in order to ensure the permeability of the glass box, I asked the structural consultant not to set up structural columns as usual, or set up columns behind the curtain wall. The column’s cross section should be small, the corner should be open without any columns and curtain wall keel and canopy boom. In short, I don’t want to see any column in the bookstore. The studio’s consistent requirement for structural design is not show the challenging structural design in the design. Structural consultant thought it would be a simple structure at first, but it turned out to be a challenge. After discussion with the project architect, he hid 12-340×340-column in the bookshelves. The longitudinal beams cantilevered a maximum of 8 meters from the horizontal central main beam to the sides. Finally the curtain wall keel and the pickets were connected. The entire curtain wall is hung on the roof structural system, while the canopy structure was attached to the curtain wall keel. They finally become a continuous whole.
▼书局中心设置控制性三角形,controlled triangle in the center of the bookstore©CreatAR Images
▼从柜台看向咖啡厅,view to the cafe from the counter desk©CreatAR Images
我要求天花要水平找平,这样屋面变截面梁正好在屋面形成结构找坡形成自然排水。项目建筑师建议屋面自由落水,就可以取消落讨厌的落水管而保证了室内外视觉的纯粹。在给排水工程师计算了后,给出最小的屋面出挑宽度,在维持了我要求收边干净的前提下避免降雨初期屋顶脏水顺墙而下污染玻璃。经过各工种的努力下,达到了我关于纵梁变截面到檐口完成厚度不超过 350 的要求。最后看来,书局的屋顶其实是个很缓的四坡屋顶。设备工程师利用这个坡屋顶吊顶空间隐藏了消防,空调以及新风机组和风管。立管也结合书架隐蔽起来。保证了书局里的二层空间和建筑四周上空空间在视觉上完整剥离而形成独立的屋中屋的构造。保证了玻璃盒子连续的纯粹干净。
仰视空间,纯粹干净,look up at the space which is pure and clean©CreatAR Images
我一度对幕墙龙骨的尺寸不满,但项目建筑师告诉我,这难度在于幕墙需要抵抗 17 级台风,在外立面取消直梃的情况下只能略微加大内部龙骨尺寸。晓得台风威力的上海人只能妥协。这个屋中屋和四面立面唯一在吊顶下视觉上粘连的是新风口,最后用三角形包裹了风管,并在立面上形成了三角形风口则呼应了平面三角形布局。
I was once dissatisfied with the size of the curtain wall keel, but the project architect told me that the curtain wall needs to resist typhoons of 17 magnitude, and as the straight stile of the facade is eliminated, the internal keel size should be slightly increased. Knowing the power of typhoon, Shanghai people could only compromise. The only thing visually glued under the ceiling in this house within house and four facades is the new air outlet, the air tube was wrapped with triangle, and the triangular air outlet was formed on the facade to respond to the layout.
立面细部,closer view to the facade©CreatAR Images
现场的施工的难则在于书局是矗立在沙滩上,地基开挖后发现承载力远远低于预期,缪工改了两次方案在不增加造价的前提上以局部加大基础,同时局部换填和夯土解决了沙滩基础难题。而当演讲者站在二楼演讲厅的舞台上面对大海,会感觉自己凌空而立,因为你不会想到你是站在悬挑 6.2 米的挑梁的尽头。建筑师和结构工程师就这样把难藏了起来。
The difficulty of the construction of the site is that the bookstore is standing on the beach, the foundation excavation found that the bearing capacity is far lower than expected, structural consultant changed the design twice without increasing the cost of the premise. With partially increasing the foundation, and partially replacement and ramming to solve the beach foundation problems. And when the speaker stands on the stage of the second floor lecture hall facing the sea, it will feel like you are standing in the air, because you could not think you are standing at the end of a 6.2-meter overhanging picket. The architects and structural engineers hid the difficulty like this.
▼支撑中央悬挑的结构,structure supporting the cantilevered volume in the center©CreatAR Images
消防新规也制造了一点难度。为了减少排烟窗面积,我们忍痛将室内净高降到 6 米。这样 573 平米的玻璃幕墙只需要开设 12 平米的排烟窗。我们把 12 平米排烟窗全部安排在西侧立面上。因为西侧立面室内为对称东侧楼梯间而同样设置了书架。我们把这段幕墙龙骨和书架分割相对应,这样排烟窗的开启就在视觉上被书架所掩藏。
The new fire regulations also created a bit of difficulty. In order to reduce the area of smoke exhaust windows, we painfully lowered the interior headroom to 6 meters. The 573 square meters of glass curtain wall thus required only 12 square meters of smoke extraction windows. We arranged all 12 square meters of smoke exhaust windows on the west façade. Because the interior of the west façade is also equipped with bookshelves for symmetry with the east stairwell. We divided this section of the curtain wall keel and the bookshelf, so that the opening of the smoke exhaust window is visually hidden by the bookshelf.
沿立面布置的书架隐藏排烟窗,bookshelves along the facade hiding the exhaust windows©CreatAR Images
就这样,一个纯净却包含了复杂内容的书局就落成了,它极好地诠释了 Wutopia Lab 美学:所有艰难的思考和训练,在最后都要展示不可思议的轻松。同时,这个隐藏设计师许多小心思的书局,从选择树林中设计建造开始,就是一次心照不宣面对大海,知难而进的南下行动。
In this way, a pure but complex bookstore was completed, which illustrates the Wutopia Lab aesthetic extremely well: all the hard thinking and training should be shown incredibly easy at the end. At the same time, this bookstore, which hides many small thoughts of the designer, is an unspoken move to the south facing the sea and knowing the difficulties from the very beginning of the design and construction in the woods.
▼两座三角形书架,two triangular bookshelves©CreatAR Images
▼纯净的空间,pure space©CreatAR Images
沿窗走廊和阅读区,corridor along the window and reading space©CreatAR Images
▼空间细部,space details©CreatAR Images
The glass on the façade of the bookstore seems to be fragile before a storm, and then seems to be non-existent when the sky is clear, and this fragile and changing feeling expresses exactly the kind of mood I feel when facing the sea.
I use the triangle to symbolize the cape at the end of the world. The ubiquitous triangle in the interior has become the motif of the bookstore. The exhibition hall, staircase hall, retail tables, cafe bar, custom-made book tables and seats form right angles of different sizes vying to point towards the sea, they express the richness and sharpness of human thoughts and feelings, and finally stop in front of the glass, echoing the sea that stops outside in front of the glass.
▼咖啡厅,三角形的展台,cafe with triangular exhibition podium©CreatAR Images
▼从咖啡厅看向室外景色,view to the outdoor landscape from the cafe©CreatAR Images
演讲厅舞台的对角线上有个小小的高台。这是我在阅读 underland 这本书突发的灵感。我希望在书局的中轴线上最中心的舞台有个相呼应的位置,仿佛权力的游戏里的王座。放个椅子在平台上,你可以坐在里面,看着脚下的地坪仿佛和大海连在了一起,这样这个世界可以有想象而突破物理边界。整个书局最中心的就是演讲厅舞台。它作为最突出的尖角几乎碰到立面但又永不可及。你站在舞台上看风景,也成为风景。在舞台上的那个短暂时刻,你是风景主角,也希望你是生活的主角。
There is a small raised platform on the diagonal of the lecture hall stage. This was a sudden inspiration for me while reading the book Underland. I wanted to have a response to the stage at the center of the bookstore’s axis, like the throne in Game of Thrones. Put a chair on the platform, you can sit inside and look at the floor underneath you as if you are in the sea, so that the world can be imagined and break through the physical boundary. The central of the entire bookstore is the lecture hall stage. It is the most prominent and sharpest corner that as if touches the façade but never reaches it. You stand on the stage and look at the scenery and becoming a scenery. In that brief moment on the stage, you are the protagonist of the landscape, and hopefully you are also the protagonist of life.
▼演讲厅,对角线上设有高台,lecture hall with a raised platform on the diagonal©CreatAR Images
Contrast with the calm glass façade. The symmetrical gradient red bookshelves on both sides of the central triangle symbolize the blazing fire of ideals inside people. The staircase is hidden inside the fire, you pick up the steps, and the daylight falls on your head through the triangular skylight, silently watching your rising desire and ambition. This is a song of ice and fire before Big blue. What started out as a design ended up as a practical prophecy, namely the 400-square-meter glass box that is Tianya Books, designed in the midst of an epidemic and built in the midst of a tightly controlled epidemic, and we all know the significance of understanding the difficulty of it and the optimism of overcoming it. It is hidden in the woods by the beach, facing the sea modestly and calmly but powerfully. It is a small human cultural statement: do not walk meekly and tamely into that vast blue, where the day will end and the heart roars and burns.
楼梯间设置在红色书架内,staircase in the red bookshelf©CreatAR Images
▼楼梯间,staircase©CreatAR Images
▼夜景,night view©CreatAR Images
天涯书局是 Wutopia lab 今年官宣落成的第 3 家书店,也是 Wutopia lab 自 2012 年开始设计并落成的 12 家书店以及 2 个图书馆中第 11 家书店。
One More Thing is the third bookstore officially announced by Wutopia lab that completed this year, and the 11th bookstore among the 12 bookstores and 2 libraries that Wutopia lab has designed and completed since 2012.
总平面图,site plan©Wutopia Lab
▼一层平面图,first floor plan©Wutopia Lab
▼二层平面图,second floor plan©Wutopia Lab
设计公司:WutopiaLab 主持建筑师:俞挺项目建筑师:孙丽然设计团队:况舟,潘大力,陈若玥(实习),张乃越(实习),熊佳幸(实习)深化公司:上海筑盟建筑设计有限公司深化团队:王丽洋,江启青,葛勇,陆涛,李祥云,徐芳婷结构顾问:缪滨海照明顾问:张宸露施工团队:海南建品筑境工程有限公司项目经理:韦伟业主:三亚市天涯海角旅游发展有限公司地点:三亚市,天涯海角面积:478 平方米建成时间:2021 年 05 月材料:水磨石、水泥自流平、玻璃、钢摄影:CreatARImages 视频:CreatARImages
Design Firm: Wutopia Lab
Chief Architect: YU Ting
Project Architect: Liran SUN
Design Team: KUANG Zhou, PAN Dali, CHEN Ruoyue (Intern), ZHANG Naiyue (Intern), XIONG Jiaxing (Intern)Document Development: Shanghai Zhumeng Architectural Design Co.
Development Team: WANG Liyang, JIANG Qiqing, GE Yong, LU Tao, LI Xiangyun, XU Fangting
Structural Consultant: MIAO Binhai
Lighting Consultant: Chloe ZHANG
Construction Team: Hainan Jianpinzhujing Engineering Co.
Project Manager: WEI Wei
Client: Sanya Tianya Haijiao Tourism Development Co.
Location: Tianya Haijiao, Sanya
Area: 478 sqm
Built year: May 2021
Material: terrazzo, cement, glass, steel
Photography: CreatAR Images
Video: CreatAR Images