发布时间:2016-03-05 01:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

位于芬兰中部P ij nne湖一个小岛上的S yn tsalo镇于1945年首次建立。几年后,该社区组织了一次建筑竞赛,以寻找一个市政厅的设计,以完成他们的新市政,到那时,那里是大约3000人的家园。市政综合体将包括一个议会会议厅、地方政府办公室、一个社区图书馆、工作人员公寓和零售空间,最终使市政厅的功能超出其原来的范围。

The town of Säynätsalo, located on a small island in central Finland’s Lake Päijänne, was first laid out in 1945. A few years later, the community organized an architectural competition to find a design for a town hall to complete their new municipality which was, by then, the home to around 3000 people. The civic complex was to comprise a council chamber, local government offices, a community library, staff apartments, and retail space that would ultimately allow the functions of the town hall to expand beyond their original parameters.[1]

Courtesy of Wittenborn & Company


Courtesy of Wittenborn & Company



Aalto’s winning proposal for the project follows the traditional European court-and-tower model of a civic center. The complex consists of two wood-framed brick buildings: the rectangular library block and the U-shaped government building. These two buildings act as a retaining wall that allowed Aalto to fill the central courtyard with earth excavated from the slope of the site; thus, the courtyard is lifted one story above the surrounding landscape.[2]

Courtesy of Wikimedia user Zache



This difference in elevations creates two contrasting experiences of the building, depending on whether one is inside the courtyard or observing from outside. Inside the courtyard, the facades of the surrounding library and office spaces are only one story tall; however, outside observers instead see an imposing two-story facade, much of which is monolithic, unornamented brick.[3] The two staircases leading up to the courtyard from ground level are likewise divergent in style. The eastern staircase is formal and rectilinear, with two flights carved from impeccably hewn granite. The western staircase has a more irregular footprint, and is made not of stone or brick but of terraced sod held back by wooden planks.[4]

Courtesy of Wikimedia user Zache



The courtyard itself is only partially paved, continuing the juxtaposition of brick and grass begun by the two staircases. The entrances to the civic offices and the public library open onto the courtyard, allowing it to serve not only as an open circulatory space, but also as a public plaza for the benefit of the entire town. The sense of public accessibility is heightened by the extensive glazing of the entrance lobby and corridor lining two sides of the courtyard. The permeability of these spaces makes for a stark contrast with the most prominent feature of the town hall: the council chamber.[5]

Courtesy of Flickr user Leon



Directly across from the glazed corridor, branching off the equally bright and airy entrance hall, is a darker more narrow stairwell lined with brick. This staircase, which leads to the council chamber, turns back on itself at a landing halfway up, shielding the chamber from view of the lobby; the stairwell is also hidden from exterior view thanks to its east-facing clerestory windows.[6]

Courtesy of Flickr user Jonathan Rieke

Flickr用户Jonathan Rieke提供


Entry into the council chamber brings one into space of a much grander scale than that of the stairway leading to it. The room is roughly cubic, with the distance from floor to ceiling nearly matching the length of the walls. The ceiling, whose slope matches that of the roof, is visibly supported by wooden struts fanning out from two central beams; these struts support the roof entirely, negating the need for heavy built-in framing that would obstruct ventilation between the interior and exterior surfaces of the roof.[7] The council chamber is naturally lit by a densely-louvered west-facing window, with hanging lamps illuminating both the desks below and the wooden trusses above them.[8]

Courtesy of Wittenborn & Company


当Aalto向S yn tsalo人民提出他的设计时,引起争议最大的是议会会议厅。负责这座建筑的市政委员会成员不相信像他们这样小的城镇有理由建造一个17米高的议会会议厅,特别是考虑到为该项目指定的砖头价格很高。然而,据报道,阿尔托回答说:“先生们!世界上最美丽、最著名的市政厅锡耶纳市政厅高16米。我建议我们建造一个17米长的。“

It was the council chamber that provoked the most controversy when Aalto proposed his design to the people of Säynätsalo. The municipal board members in charge of the building were unconvinced that a town as small as theirs could justify the construction of a 17-meter tall council chamber, especially given the high price of the brick specified for the project. Aalto, however, reportedly replied “Gentlemen! The world’s most beautiful and most famous town hall, that of Siena, has a council chamber 16 meters high. I propose we build one that is 17 meters.”[9]

Courtesy of Wittenborn & Company


阿尔托对董事会成员的呼吁并不是他的项目中唯一提到历史先例的方面。尽管其现代主义美学,S yntsalo市政厅受到文艺复兴和中世纪意大利建筑的严重影响。这座塔不仅暗示着它在锡耶纳的对立面,还与下面的庭院布局相结合,同时也代表了威尼斯的圣马可广场(PiazzaSanMarco)等先行者。面向中心广场的图书馆和市政项目也反映了贝尔加莫市Vecchia广场的类似安排。[10]较小的细节也归功于意大利:广场的梯田土质楼梯也是以意大利模式为基础的。

Aalto’s appeal to the board members wasn’t the only aspect of his project that made reference to historical precedents. Despite its Modernist aesthetic, Säynätsalo Town Hall has been heavily influenced by Renaissance and Medieval Italian architecture. The tower does not only allude to its counterpart in Siena; combined with the courtyard arrangement below, but also antecedents like Piazza San Marco in Venice, as well. The library and civic programs facing onto a central square mirror a similar arrangement in the Piazza Vecchia of Bergamo.[10] Smaller details also owe their inspiration to Italy: the terraced earthen stairs to the plaza are also based on an Italian model.[11]

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy.. Image Courtesy of Flickr user Scott Ingram


Piazza Vecchia, Bergamo, Italy.. Image Courtesy of Flickr user Bas Wallet

意大利Bergamo Vecchia广场。Flickr用户Bas Wallet的图像礼貌

S yn tsalo市政厅进行了重要的修复工作,这项工作始于1995年。1993年,S yn tsalo市成为Jyv skyl市的一部分,其市政厅在次年成为一个受法律保护的地标。修复保留了建筑的原始形式和材料;只有损坏的部件被替换,碎片只是由于时间的原因而被风化。这项工作是在1998年阿尔瓦·阿尔托百岁生日的时候完成的,他把自己的公民中心留给未来几代人去参观和欣赏。

Säynätsalo Town Hall underwent significant restoration work, which began in 1995. Säynätsalo municipality had become a part of the city of Jyväskylä in 1993, with its town hall becoming a legally-protected landmark the following year. The restoration preserved the building in its original form and materials as much as possible; only damaged components were replaced, with pieces simply weathered by time left as they were. The work was completed in time for Alvar Aalto’s hundredth birthday in 1998, preserving his civic center for generations of the future to visit and admire.[12]


地点40900 S yn tsalo,芬兰类别零售建筑师,主管Alvar Aalto项目年1949年,拍摄Fernanda Castro

Location 40900 Säynätsalo, Finland Category Retail Architect in Charge Alvar Aalto Project Year 1949 Photographs Fernanda Castro


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