Schiattarella Associati工作室近日将其总部迁至罗马Coppedè区的Piazza Mincio 2号,这里是1900年代最具标志性的城市中心区。建筑师称:“将工作室迁往这一风格独特、装饰华丽的建筑内,是我们职业实践中的必然结果,在短短几年内,我们已经发展成为一个全球化的公司。” 这间面积为600平方米的工作室坐落在该区域最具历史意义的建筑——Palazzo Cabiria的顶层,以孔雀尾图案装饰的拱形入口是建筑中最具特色之处。在建筑的门廊上,不仅可以俯瞰到罗马城堡和Monti Tiburtini车站,还可以欣赏到罗马周围的山景。
The Studio Schiattarella Associati has recently moved its headquarters in Piazza Mincio 2 in Rome in the symbolic center of the urban icon of the 1900s: the Coppedè District. The change of location in this side of the city, a unique place for the strong architectural personality and the exuberant decorations, is the logical consequence of our professional evolution which in a few years has brought us to become an international firm ”architects explain. The 600 square meter studio is located in the penthouse of Palazzo Cabiria – one of the most significant buildings in the district, characterized by the monumental arched entrance with peacock-tailed decorative motifs – from whose porch you can enjoy the extensive view of Castelli Romani, up to Monti Tiburtini and the arc of mountains surrounding Rome.
▼新办公室位于该区域最具历史意义的建筑Palazzo Cabiria的顶层,the new headquarters is located in the penthouse of Palazzo Cabiria – one of the most significant buildings in the district
Schiattarella Associati为新总部提出的室内设计方案以简洁为主,在保留建筑中既有结构的同时,还结合以一些新的基本元素。建筑师对此解释道:“我们保留了装饰性的天花板、粗水泥地面、1900年代初期的嵌钉镶木地板、布满壁画的房间,以及能够俯瞰广场喷泉和周围房屋的阳台。我们期望能够保护这些珍贵的遗产,并尽可能使其焕发新生。在此基础上,我们还增添了一些当代性的元素,使两种看似互不相容的语言产生碰撞和共鸣。”
For the restoration of the headquarters, Schiattarella Associati has developed a minimal interior design, maintaining the existing elements and combining them with few essential renewal elements. As the architects explain: “The decorated ceilings, the paving of cement grit and nailed parquet of the early 1900s, an entirely frescoed room or the balcony overlooking the fountain in the square and the lodges surrounding the work spaces, constitute an identity heritage that we have chosen not only to preserve but to valorize, if possible. To these ‘values’ we have added signs of contemporaneity, explicitly and without compromise, looking for contamination and to resonate languages apparently incompatible among each other ”.
▼装饰华丽的拱形入口得到保留,the monumental arched entrance with peacock-tailed decorative motifs
At the entrance the secretariat is defined by a large handmade waxed steel plate desk that interacts with the stuccos and the painted wood frames and seems suspended on the original floor of black and white cementine. Moving forward, a long corridor communicates with the decorated ceiling defining the path on which the various work environments lead into (the project rooms, the meeting room, the offices of the partners); marked by a steel and glass shelf you can find models, prototypes, mock-ups of the projects that give us a clear idea of the complexity of the Schiattarella Associati creative process.
▼入口秘书处,the secretariat at the entrance
▼吊顶走廊提供了通往不同工作区域的路径,a long corridor defining the path on which the various work environments lead into
▼走廊中的玻璃橱柜展示着工作室项目的各种模型,models, prototypes and mock-ups are displayed on the steel and glass shelf
▼办公区域,office area
▼会议室,meeting room
▼合伙人办公室,partner office
▼房间内的壁画,a frescoed room
“The set-up restates the firm cultural manifesto; the past/present dialectic is seen as an opportunity to enrich the language of architecture: maximum respect for the past, but pride for the contemporary too, claiming for both equal dignity and equal role in the flow of history.”
▼能够俯瞰广场的阳台,balcony overlooking the square
Schiattarella Associati office
design: Schiattarella Associati
year: 2017
surface: smq 600
suppliers : (Xal Lamps, iGuzzini, Vibia)
pictures: Luigi Filetici