发布时间:2023-10-07 12:53:27 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在短短15个月的时间里,一座环境退化、交通不便、洪水泛滥,且社会问题日益严重的公共公园变身为一个充满活力、受到当地社区欢迎的活动场所。“Tebet生态公园”是SIURA Studio事务所对一个面积为7.3公顷的公共公园的改造与复兴,该项目位于印度尼西亚雅加达,设计的重点旨在通过保护树木和加强蓝绿色基础设施恢复场地的生态,对该地区产生积极的影响。本项目采用生态景观设计方法,通过河流的再自然化减少了洪水的风险。此次城市更新项目的落成为该地区创造出一个包容的环境,为人们提供了在自然环境中休闲、放松的机会。

In just 15 months, an ageing public park with degraded environment, disconnect accessibility, flooding issue and social problems was transformed into a vibrant park embraced by the local community. Tebet Eco Park is a 7.3-hectare public park revitalization project located in Jakarta, Indonesia with focuses on an active regeneration of the site’s ecology with tree conservation and enhancing the blue green infrastructure. The ecological landscape design approach reduces the risk of flooding with river re-naturalization. The result of this new urban regeneration cultivates an inclusive environment that facilitates access to a wide offering of recreational activities in a natural setting.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © SIURA Studio

交织的水道 Renaturalized Waterway


▼改造前后对比,before and after ren o © SIURA Studio

The park was divided by a 714m open drain which was heavily polluted due to unfiltered water runoff from the upstream catchment. During high storm events, the park is frequently flooded as climate change drastically affects the unpredicted rainfall. A key strategy to ensuring the waterways are appropriately designed through nature-based system to improve the hydraulic performance. The once highly polluted canal is now revitalized into an active waterway with a climate-adaptive approach. The ecologically restored river, planted with riparian vegetation, improves water quality by filtering and cleansing surrounding run-off and enhancing the site’s biodiversity. A wide and meandering waterway increases hydraulic capacity, provides resilient floodplain, and brings the diverse native river ecosystem back to the park.

▼经过生态修复的水渠,ecologically restored canal © SIURA Studio

▼亲水平台,platform along the canal © SIURA Studio

▼水上步道,walkway above the water © SIURA Studio

▼跨越水面的吊桥,bridge across the canal © SIURA Studio

可持续建筑 Sustainable Construction


▼分析图,analysis diagram © SIURA Studio

Over 1500s existing trees were surveyed for the health and value assessment. The landscape design intervention is kept as minimal possible, preserving the valuable trees while also sustaining the natural resources of the site. The excavated materials such as the pre-existing canal’s stones and felled trees log was reused and upcycled as part of the new park construction material and design elements. The unhealthy trees were either relocated to a new location or reused as part of the park’s furniture and playground elements.

▼融于自然中的景观建筑,landscape architecture blend with nature © SIURA Studio

▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view of the pavilion © SIURA Studio

▼休闲广场与服务设施,public space and service © SIURA Studio

▼景观亭鸟瞰,aerial view of the pavilion © SIURA Studio

▼凉亭人视,perspective view of the pavilion © SIURA Studio

活跃的社区活动 Active Community Programs


This collaborative approach together with the involvement of local communities and stakeholders for an innovation-driven and co-creation formulate the project’s goal. The active and passive space provides a wide range of recreational, educational, and social activities for the community. The revitalized blue-green open space is accessible by people from all ages and backgrounds, a park that truly provides social wellbeing for the local community.

▼儿童游乐场,playground © SIURA Studio

▼游乐设施,amusement facilities © SIURA Studio

▼大地艺术景观,land art landscape © SIURA Studio

▼秋千与座椅,swing and seat© SIURA Studio

紧密的连接 Enhanced Connectivity


The initial park was separated by the river and busy traffic road segregating the pedestrian connectivity. As a public park, inclusive connectivity and accessibility for all people is essential.  The infinity-shaped pedestrian bridge was designed to encounter pedestrian connectivity as a seamless pathway connects the separated parks. The striking color and meandering bridge were designed to avoid the existing trees and ensure minimum impact to the existing environment, inviting park users to explore the entire parks.

▼无限符号形的景观步道,infinity sign shaped landscape walkway © SIURA Studio

▼鸟瞰步道,aerial view of the walkway © SIURA Studio

▼步道跨越水面将两岸联系在一起,the walkway cross the water to connect the two banks © SIURA Studio

▼红色建筑结构与绿色景观和谐相融,the red building structure is harmoniously integrated with the green landscape © SIURA Studio

▼由步道看周围景观,viewing the park from the walkway © SIURA Studio


The completion of Tebet Eco Park was regarded as a significant milestone for public park design in Jakarta city that integrates the ecological landscape and recreational spaces seamlessly, providing a greater equity in the city, an ecosystem where human and nature can coalesce. Since the completion of Tebet Eco Park have received multiple international award including Design of The Year at President*s Design Award Singapore in July 2023.

▼夜景,night view © SIURA Studio

▼区位分析,location © SIURA Studio

▼总平面图,site plan © SIURA Studio


Tebet生态公园,印度尼西亚 / SIURA Studio
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