发布时间:2018-02-05 14:32:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


住宅位于智利首都圣地亚哥。30年的光景和穿行而过的小溪,养育了Lo Curro山上茂密的桉树林。坐落于平缓而绵延的坡面上,住宅主立面朝北,向南拥抱葱郁的林地景观,向东俯瞰城市风景,眺望安第斯山脉。该地毗邻快速路,与城市各个角落紧密衔接,近乎拥有智利最得天独厚的地理位置和场地条件。

” The order is the sign of the existence and not its cause. If you impose life establish the order, if you impose the order you establish death .- ” “Citadel” – Antoine De Saint-Exupery

The house is Located in Lo Curro hill in the capital of Chile, Santiago. The site, long and with gentle slope, is covered with a forest of eucalyptus trees planted 30 years ago and it is crossed by an irrigation canal. It faces north and has a front view of the southern slope of the hill with vegetation, and a side view of the area east towards the city and the Cordillera de los Andes. This site brings together the best of central Chile, in addition to being just minutes from highways and therefore connected to anywhere.

▼住宅外观,exterior view


The commission came out of conversations with our customers about the formality and programmatic live in the city and the freedom of households out of it, this freedom was something they did not want to lose. The client wanted, “a modern but cozy house,” We understood this as a comment to contemporary architecture, as boxes placed on the ground, turning the inhabitants into spectators of nature. Organized by a glazed central corridor, the proposal extended as a house on the ground that invites people to explore it and enjoy it. This idea was emphasized in order to articulate the house with the landscape project. The program will then be distributed freely along this route, from a atelier room on the outside, through the public areas to the bedrooms. In this sense, the rooms take advantage of the slope and with through this set their spatial and hierarchical condition.

▼透明玻璃廊道,the glazed central corridor

▼廊道连通室内生活空间,the corridor connects the living spaces inside


To make the house comfortable, the preferred materiality privileged materials and natural textures such as stone walls and wood floors. Soft cover coated waters slate tiles are structured on laminated beams made in chilean native timber Coihue and the slabs were left at the light to add more complexity and pace to the ceiling. To dilute the boundary between inside and outside, the windows are recessed in the floor and beams, sliding windows and doors are the only elements with frames and the stone walls of the garden terraces are introduced into the interior to reinforce the spatial continuity. The large window of the living room opens completely integrating the terrace and pool inside the house or vice versa. Finally, the existing irrigation canal has been integrated to the house and landscape design, creating tiered lakes accompanying the tour, reflecting the environment, providing sound and moisture to the air. This channel ends in a 18 meters long swimming pool which resembles one more pond of the system.

▼起居室的大面积开窗将连接室内外环境,the big openings in the living room dilute the boundary between inside and outside

▼客厅连接露台和池水成为室内外环境的过渡与延续,the living room opens completely integrating the terrace and pool inside the house or vice versa

▼泳池,swimming pool

▼溪水自上而下逐层倾泻引入住宅中,the existing irrigation canal has been integrated to the house and landscape design creating tiered lakes accompanying the tour

▼夜景,night view



Work Name: House in Lo Curro

-Authors: Schmidt Associates Architects

Horacio Cortes Schmidt

Dip. U. Chile Horacio Schmidt Radic

Dip. U. Catolica

Martin Schmidt Radic

Dip. U. Chile

MArch U.C.L

Contributors: Cristian Riquelme

Landscaping: Juan Grimm

Technical Advisors:

Structural Engineer: Enzo Valladares Paglioti

Builder: Basalt Construction

Location: Lo Curro, Santiago

Surface area: 4200m2

Floor area: 360m2

Project Year: 2007

Year built: 2009

Predominant materials: Wood Concrete Stone Glass Water


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