|Ababy 儿童成长中心||游戏是儿童最正当的行为,玩具是儿童的天使——鲁迅
Playing is the most proper behavior of children, and toys are their angels.—Lu Xun
In Children’s Paradise, they can actively explore, show their infinite vitality, and give play to their unrestrained imagination, during which their confidence, contentment, sensitivity to beauty can be enhanced. While watching their children playing happily here, adults will find their hearts healed and their inner child awakened. These are key points we take into consideration.
Play area
Compared with a single plane, children are more interested in a well-organized layered space, which will arouse their desire to explore. Once there is a multi-dimensional space, their interest in exploration will be further brought into play. Therefore, we create a two-story space, to provide multiple ways of amusement by interlacing and intersecting two layers of the space, and thus greatly improve the playability and fun of discovery.
By arranging secret tunnels, cool slides, up and down rope meshes, slopes for climbing, scrawl walls, an ocean ball pond, planar meshes for crawling, plank roads in the air, hillocks and other facilities, we give the space various possibilities, rather than fully define it. Without too much restriction, children will naturally explore it in their own ways. The roof is an imaginative extension in form and texture based on the ocean ball pond below, like rippling water.
Adults always like to judge things by common sense, so cannot see other possibilities of them. If we can learn from children to break shackles of common sense, the world will become far more interesting. This is why fairly common things in the eyes of adults may be seen as precious treasures and played for a long time by children.
Growth brings us more knowledge but less curiosity. From another perspective, we will see a different world.
Tilting shapes are full of energy, as they mean movement or tension. Here is always occupied by children, who always enjoy climbing up and down without feeling tired.
The two-story sense of dimensions is also friendly to children, further motivating them to explore. By increasing the length and area of facilities in a limited space, the expanded space for discovery enables children to better give play to their abilities. It is interesting that parents also accompany their children to explore from children’s angle of view, though they have to bend forward to walk or directly crawl like children.
The lobby at the entrance is a multi-purpose activity zone, for holding various activities, reading together with children, waiting and having a rest, at the side of which we equip a front desk and a tea bar. In this design, we weaken the existence of the front desk and improve the utilization rate of the site. On the line of sight, the discovery and amusement zone and the restaurant are connected, to establish an interactive relationship between all zones.
Last, I’d like to share a paragraph with you: One can grow up in a spiritual environment not really belonging to him, but his life will be shut out of heaven, which is the world truly belonging to him.
轴测拆解图axon exploded
一层平面图 Plan level 1
隔层平面图 Plan level 2
Project Name | 项目名称
Ababy 儿童成长中心(温岭)Location | 项目地址
浙江省温岭市九龙湖大道 18 号码头
Area | 项目面积
Chief Designer | 首席设计师
Design Company | 设计师公司
Participating Designer | 参与设计师
Copywriting | 文案罗俊清
Completion Year | 完成年份 2021 年 7 月
Photography | 摄影师魏哭哭
罗俊清 Jason J 内境空间联合创始人
90 后新锐设计师
林晓峰 Ethan 内境空间联合创始人
90 后新锐设计师
内境空间设计(NEIJING SPACE DESIGN)是一支由新锐青年设计师组建的设计团队。我们拒绝无趣,致力于做正向贡献的创意设计。