本项目位于伦敦贝思纳尔格林公寓楼中,东西两侧均享有附近两个公园的优美景观视野。其中,卧室面向东侧的公园,生活区则面向西侧的Weavers Fields公园。
The Clay House, situated in Bethnal Green overlooks two parks, one to the East on the bedroom side with the living quarters facing Weavers Fields to the West.
We were struck with how the light cast long shadows deep in to the plan from the afternoon in to evening reminding us of the carved rock formations found in the Western USA – a narrow gap punctured with light.
▼客厅餐厅,living room
▼由餐厅看客厅,viewing the living room from the dining area
▼客厅沙发同时可以作为餐厅座椅,living room’s sofa can serve as the seating of the dining area
▼餐厅细部,details of the dining area
The clients, with roots in California via the Philippines and Ireland sought a retreat from the pressures of city life and for it to be a simple space to work, eat and live.
▼客厅细部,details of the living room
▼储藏室,storage room
Cacti and olive trees coexist against a backdrop of an aged birch kitchen with handcut tile countertops and an onyx mosaic bathroom.
▼由餐厅看厨房,viewing the kitchen from the dining table
▼厨房,the kitchen
▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen
Raw clay plaster walls and ceilings run through the apartment with beaten old white floorboards refurbished but still storied.
▼卧室细部,details of the bedroom
▼卧室飘窗,bay window of the bedroom
▼光影效果,light and shadow
A travertine table forms the heart of the working, dining and living area bouncing light deeper through the space.
▼浴室,bath room
▼浴室细部,details of the bath room