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▼空间概览,overall view of the space ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼“佛像”与庭院 the “Buddha” and the courtyard ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

Early last year, a “Trump Buddha” statue merging the image of Donald Trump with Chinese Zen became a social media hit. The humorous and surreal statue is designed by Wanmu Shazi, a creator with diverse roles.

▼项目视频,video ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

01 不被定义的身份


Undefined roles



Wanmu Shazi has multiple identities. He started his career in wooden furniture sector. He is a woodwork enthusiast, and has been actively engaging in various design fields, including but not limited to furniture, space, architecture, sculpture, and garment, etc.

▼远眺在山林之间的玩木工坊,Wanmu Gongfang (Woodwork workshop) nestling under mountains ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


Several years ago, while searching for a new site for his woodwork workshop named “Wanmu Gongfang”, an abandoned cement factory in Fengnan, Xiamen caught the eye of Wanmu Shazi. Through renovating the factory, Wanmu Shazi started his exploration in spatial design.

▼水泥工厂外观,external view of the cement factory ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


The abandoned cement factory is situated at the foot of a hill, surrounded by verdant hills in the distance. With farmland nearby, one can hear roosters crow and dogs bark on the site.

Refraining from massive demolition and reconstruction, Wanmu Shazi decided to retain most of the factory’s original structures during renovation.

Several giant “cement cylinders” left behind in the old factory, with their towering space, gave Wanmu Shazi design inspiration. While taking into account the core functional needs of his woodwork workshop, he also expects to attract more like-minded creatives through a variety of unique spaces.

▼水泥筒仓近景,closer view to the cement silo ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

02 二次重生的“水泥筒”

Regenerated “cement cylinders”

如果在周末来到玩木工坊园区,你会讶异于这个位于城郊,交通并不便利的“厂区”竟也吸引了不少前来一探的年轻人。“起初并未想过对外开放参观,但来的朋友多了,大家口口相传加上社交媒体的助力,莫名其妙地变成了网红打卡地。”在完成厂区基础建设后,玩木傻子与设计师、艺术家一同合作,将厂区原址上的这些“水泥筒”作为探索空间表达的载体进行创作改造——从早期改造完成 15 米通高的“冥想茶室”、艺术家工作室、木艺作品展厅,再到玩木傻子位于“水泥筒”之上的家。

Though located in the suburb with inconvenient transportation, the renovated old factory has attracted a great many visitors and unexpectedly becomes a hot destination that gains much attention on social media.

Upon the completion of the factory’s basic renovations, Wanmu Shazi worked with other designers and artists to transform the interior space of several “concrete cylinders” on the site, which were successively converted into 15m-tall “Meditation Teahouse”, artist studio, woodwork exhibition hall, and the designer’s home, etc.

▼由水泥筒改造而来的 15 米通高的茶室,15m-high teahouse repurposed from a cement cylinder ©张沐沐


look up at the cement cylinder ©张沐沐


These distinctive spaces attract a growing number of visitors. Meanwhile, after repeated renovation interventions in the former cement factory, the designer’s understanding of space design has become increasingly clear. “Space is sometimes just like people. With a good figure, complexion and temperament, there is no need for much decoration.” Wanmu Shazi explained.

▼简洁纯粹的空间,simple and pure space ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼空间中的木制艺术品,wooden artworks in the space

©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

在 3 年前启动厂区最后 6 个“水泥筒”的改造时,傻子有了明确的方向。或许正基于这样的理念,他为这个空间取名为“不多”。没有太多的装饰,只有纯粹的空间表达与亲近感官的材质铺陈。

When he took on the renovation of the remaining six “cement cylinders” in the factory three years ago, Wanmu Shazi had a clear idea in mind. Perhaps because of such a conviction, he named this renovated space “Buduo” (means “not much” in Chinese). There is not much decoration, only pure spatial expressions and intimate material finishes.

▼空间不带丝毫装饰,space without any decoration ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


A narrow wooden bridge leads to “Buduo”, acting as a prelude that opens the journey. Passing through the door formed by rusted steel and lightweight glass, the distinct ambience in the interior quickly calms down visitors.


narrow bridge connecting to the entrance ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼入口,entrance ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

入口处一颗灌木植立其中,天窗洒下的天光,树下青苔混合着泥土的芬芳,让空间内外模糊起来。灌木所在的门厅,通向其余 5 个串联在一起的圆形空间。视线穿过绿植,透过门洞看到的是下一空间内的巧妙开窗——以框景手法,设计巧妙地将建筑正对面的美丽山景引入空间,引导访客自然地由此步入其中。

The foyer is accented by a green tree, which blurs the boundary between interior and outside along with moss and soil underneath and daylight brought in by the skylight. Like a courtyard, the foyer connects and leads to other five round spaces through door openings. Each space is embellished with indoor landscapes, and meanwhile provides enframed view of beautiful outdoor mountain scenery through the subtly carved-out window openings, guiding visitors to step in and explore.

▼入口灌木和天窗,green tree at the entrance under a skylight ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


overlook the tree from the skylight

©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼绿植和空间细部,details of the green plant and the space ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


Window openings of varied sizes not only introduce outside landscape, but also create a unique light environment in the interior.

▼大小不一的开窗,openings in different sizes

©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


relationship between the buddha and the opening ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

层层相望的门洞也让 6 个相互串联的圆形空间互为借景,形成了环环延展的独特空间节奏。

The door openings of the six round spaces echo each other, producing a sense of layering and unique rhythms in the space.

▼串联的圆形空间,connected circular spaces ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼层层相望的门洞,layers of doors ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


spaces became sceneries for each other ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


Tactile wooden floor, expansive thick walls, plain textured coatings, vents hidden near skirtings and unadorned ceiling unify the spatial ambience, and accentuates the pure sense of cohesion of the circular space.

▼起居空间,浑然一体,living space as an integrated entity ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

▼多功能空间,multi-functional space

©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


tea room

©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

03 用身体做设计 Physical scale-friendly design


The designer takes users’ physical comfort as the key criterion for a good space.

▼舞蹈视频,dance video ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


“As renovating the space, I repeatedly walked in the space, to find the most comfortable scale and the most appropriate positions for window openings. Stepping into this place, you’ll feel being ‘wrapped’ by the space and be healed both physically and mentally.” Wanmu Shazi explained.

▼令人治愈的空间,a space that can cure people’s body and mind ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

这也就不怪乎这个面积并不大的空间,傻子花费了 2 年多的时间来打造,在设计建造的过程中,一点点地构建,再一点点地调整。好的空间无需语言解释,当你走进的那一刻,就能感受得到。而傻子将这种感受,描述为一种“气”——“初级的设计做形,高级的设计做气。”空间形成的气场,激发感官的同时亦呼唤情感。

Though the spatial scale is not large, this project took more than two years. The designer continuously adjusted and refined the design, and eventually created a unique spatial ambience that can be perceived upon entering it. Wanmu Shazi describes the spatial ambience as “Qi”. He believes that quality design needs to focus on “Qi” rather than form, as the spatial atmosphere can not only stimulate sensory experience and but also evoke emotions.

▼激发感官的空间,space to stimulate people’s feeling ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇


In this space, people cannot help slowing down the pace, to feel its inclusive “Qi”. The soft sofa placed at the corner invites visitors to sit down and relax. The space seems to have the magic of relaxing both the body and mind, encouraging visitors to enjoy the outdoor scenery, dance or interact. Humor and serenity are fused in the space, which makes time seem to stop here.

▼空间细部,space details ©1988 摄影工坊/阿奇

04 多重身份下的视角,延展更多可能

Diverse possibilities



Operation of space is essential. After the successful transformation of the old cement factory, it has attracted numerous visitors such as creators and young artists. The renovated and repurposed factory offers enough manufacturing, exhibition and office spaces for the designer’s woodwork workshop Wanmu Gongfang. More importantly, various distinctive spaces such as “Buduo” are created for receiving creative professional across the world, and offering venues for exhibitions and exchanges. Furthermore, accommodation and woodwork creation spaces are provided to excellent artists.

▼包括“不多”空间在内的特色空间,都用于接待来自各地的创意人,在此开展工作坊、展览与交流活动。Characteristic spaces such as “Buduo” are used for reception, workshops, exhibitions and exchanges. ©秋影



▼艺术展厅,woodwork exhibition hall ©小亚

The renewed spaces help form a complete chain from R&D to execution and mass production for Wanmu Gongfang. “Young creatives and craftsmen need a better platform for creation.” With a mindset of having fun and exploring diverse roles, Wanmu Shazi has established a chain for creativity incubation. The various unique spaces he created in the former old factory have attracted the public to know about cultural and creative industry and products, and meanwhile offers a platform for supporting art creation and growth of young creatives.

▼平面图,plan ©玩木傻子


不多茶室,厦门 / 玩木傻子
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