发布时间:2023-12-27 10:05:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“没有谁是孤岛,每本书都是一个世界。” “No man is an island; every book is a world.” ——《岛上书店》,The Bookshop on the Shore

▼鸟瞰,黄浦区与浦东,Birdview © CreatAR Images


The Shanghai Book City, referred to by netizens as the “Crystal Palace,” officially reopened with a new look on October 28, 2023, after undergoing a two-year closure for renovations.

▼主立面夜景,福州路视角,Night view of facade on Fuzhou Road 01 © CreatAR Images

挑战 Challenge


▼街景,湖北路汉口路看上海书城,白天,Street view from Hankou Road and Hubei Road © CreatAR Images

书店是给那些不看书的人的|The bookstore is for those who do not read


In China, the number of people who maintain a reading habit is far less than those who do not read. The limited number of readers alone cannot save bookstores. Therefore, book cities need to be designed for more non-readers, enticing them to step into the bookstore. This way, they can save the bookstore. In China, the time spent by online users on their phones has far exceeded the time spent in offline physical spaces. Additionally, the prices of books purchased online are much lower than those in physical bookstores, leading to a loss of readers for bookstores. Therefore, I aim to allocate even just 1 hour from the 10 hours or 8 hours that some online users dedicate to their phones each day, enticing them to step into a bookstore with attractions not found online. This way, they can save the bookstore.

▼街景,福州路上看上海书城,Street view from Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images

▼街景,湖北路汉口路看上海书城,夜晚, Street view from Hankou Road and Hubei Road © CreatAR Images

最大的挑战是对抗被美化的记忆|The Biggest Challenge is to Confront the Romanticized Memories


At the end of 2021, Shanghai Book City declared closure for renovations through a series of events. It was even misunderstood by some self-media outlets as permanent closure. As a result, readers flocked to the bookstore in tribute. In retrospect, the challenges faced by the first comprehensive complex of book sales in China, inevitably declining under the impact of the internet, were overlooked. Instead, what emerged was a romanticized, elevated, and sublime collective memory. Collective memory has the potential to distort and rewrite the true form of this project and even distrust any future transformations. Indeed, the architect’s greatest challenge lies in the idealized collective memory.

▼鸟瞰,上海书城,Birdview © CreatAR Images


From my professional perspective, the spatial arrangement and architectural facade of the bookstore itself do not hold the architectural significance I mentioned. Therefore, in renovating the bookstore, I feel no burden. I have already determined that Shanghai Book City should transform from a mere bookstore into a cultural complex with numerous applied business and social scenes, centered around knowledge sharing. This cultural complex is a specific and nuanced, abstract vertical city, an idealistic representation of Shanghai. It is also a segment of an urban epic that can be loudly sung. It grows from the old bookstore, not severing ties with history but using books as the foundation for a new city.

▼视频,video © CreatAR Images

以书造新城 Building a New City with Books

“记忆也是累赘,它把各种标记翻来覆去以肯定城市的存在; 看不见的风景决定了看得见的风景。“ ——《看不见的城市》

造城的条件|Conditions for Building a City


In this upgrade and renovation, the bookstore, built in 1998, needs to undergo inspection according to the latest fire safety regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number, width, and location of evacuation stairs and upgrade by adding sprinklers and fire curtains. In this upgrade and renovation, the structural changes cannot exceed 10% of the total structure. The original external outline of the bookstore cannot be altered. The 12,000 square meters bookstore cannot increase its area, and, of course, the owner is not allowed to reduce the area. However, the original basement no longer belongs to the bookstore.

In this upgrade and renovation, itis necessary to introduce commercial formats that harmonize with the bookstore and do not disrupt the bookstore’s atmosphere. Simultaneously, it is crucial not to compromise the bookstore’s ambiance while balancing operational costs. The Shanghai Book City aims, through this upgrade and renovation, not only to ensure operational efficiency but also to continue being a cultural landmark in Shanghai, contributing to the revival of Fuzhou Road as a cultural street.

造城从书山开始|Building a city starts with the Book Mountain


Seizing the opportunity of this upgrade and renovation, I hope to release the space on the ground floor, combining it with sidewalk design to create a manageable semi-open public cultural square. This will allow Fuzhou Road, which has lost its pedestrian character, to regain a public space where citizens can gather.

▼福州路上的上海书城主入口,Main entrance on Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images



I utilized the original architectural height differences, combined with sidewalk design, to create a terrace-like square and formed an indoor platform named ‘Book Mountain’. This three-dimensional mountain within the building serves as a platform. It can be used for book launches, exhibitions, and events, becoming a stage for cultural activities. Readers can freely sit, stand, peruse, and stroll. They can even engage in impromptu singing. Standing at the highest point allows one to overlook the bustling Fuzhou Road, prompting contemplation.

The overall tone of Fuzhou Road is gray, and I aim to enhance the intention of the Book Mountain by using an accent color. The red Book Mountain becomes the first focal point in the pedestrian’s line of sight. From here, one can transition through escalators into the bookstore, which functions as a vertical city.

▼福州路上的上海书城主入口与景观,Landscape and steps on Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images

▼书山,Book Muntain © Wutopia Lab


▼书山的阅读,Reading on book mountain © CreatAR Images

▼书山的台阶,Steps of book mountain © CreatAR Images

要有光|Let there be light


The first site visit left me with the impression which, the higher the floor, the darker it became. Even the limited daylight on the sixth floor was obscured by the closed emergency exit. So, there must be light. I designed three overlapping double-height atriums to bring sunlight to the center of the red Book Mountain on the first floor through skylights and glass floors.

▼书城生成动图,Generating GIF © Wutopia Lab


The three atriums serve as the square, auditorium, and theater of this city within the bookstore. The urban space unfolds vertically from the 2nd to the 7th floor. Starting along the escalators, it extends to form streets, central gardens, courtyards, and structures. The escalators are arranged with a staggered pattern every two floors, allowing the tendrils of the streets to penetrate as deep as possible into the building’s interior. Finally, they converge at the center of each two-floor city—the atrium.

▼侧剖面和三个中庭,Section and Three Atriums © Wutopia Lab


The entire city is somewhat like a labyrinth. It invites exploration. The word ‘exploration’ represents a casual, relaxed attitude towards life. It lacks strong purpose, and one can wander aimlessly, yet always find interest, surprise, and joy in a spontaneous and occasional manner. Therefore, exploring the bookstore should be akin to strolling on a street, taking it slowly without rushing.

▼2&3F广场中庭,Atrium of Plaza © CreatAR Images

▼2&3F广场中庭,Atrium of Plaza © CreatAR Images

▼4&5F礼堂中庭,Atrium of Auditorium © CreatAR Images

▼4&5F礼堂中庭,Atrium of Auditorium © CreatAR Images

▼6&7F剧院中庭,Atrium of Theater with Escalators © CreatAR Images

▼6&7F剧场中庭,Atrium of Theater © CreatAR Images

▼6&7F剧场中庭的窗洞,Windows in Atrium of Theater © CreatAR Images

▼6&7F剧场中庭的书架窗洞,Windows and Bookself in Atrium of Theater © CreatAR Images

书架即立面|Bookshelves as Façade


I used a 10,000-meter-long bookshelf to construct the façade of this city. Losing the underground floor also meant losing the original library. Despite the addition of new evacuation stairs, bathrooms, and utility rooms, while ensuring the bookstore and commercial areas, it was not feasible to provide a library on the upper floors. Therefore, I decided to let the books go on shelves. Floors 2-6 house the reading area, the 1st and 7th floors serve as storage areas, and the 8th floor is dedicated to storage and cover displays. The tall bookshelves in the two atriums serve as showcases. These continuous bookshelves not only accommodate more than 470,000 books, exceeding the library’s specified capacity of 400,000, but also form a continuous façade of books along the street front of the bookstore. During the media open day before the bookstore’s opening, a journalist told me that the uninterrupted book display made her feel like a fish swimming in the ocean.

▼书架设计,Bookshelves © Wutopia Lab

▼书屋(黑色)中的书架,black book house © CreatAR Images

▼书屋的门与窗,doors and windows of book houses © CreatAR Images

▼书屋看中庭,book house © CreatAR Images

▼书屋之间的过道,Corridor between book houses © CreatAR Images

我在第6层书架处曾经设计了一个连续的铜杆,架上爬梯,让人可以爬上去拿上层的书,可惜在施工赶工的时候,这个设计被省略了,便成为我的一个小小遗憾。我用书架围合了16个屋中屋,藏着办公室,脱口秀剧场,作家书房,养生课堂,美术馆和咖啡馆。穿过两侧的书架后,有着简餐,茶馆,画廊,咖啡馆,艺术家具店,礼品店,文具店还有电梯,厕所以及疏散楼梯间。我一点不恐惧商业,也不排斥商业,我对店家的要求正如对开设在古城里的商家那样,必须尊重我这个书城连续的书的立面。这样可以保证不同的商业嵌在我的城市里。我带着记者从书山开始一层层沿着街道经过建筑,中庭,天桥一直走到顶层。他们感慨道,这才是一次文化的city walk。这就是以书为城。

I enclosed 16 ‘houses within houses’ with bookshelves, hiding offices, a comedy theater, writer’s studios, wellness classrooms, an art gallery, and a café. After passing through the bookshelves on both sides, there are facilities such as fast food, tea houses, galleries, cafes, an art furniture store, a gift shop, stationery store, elevators, toilets, and evacuation stairwells. I have no fear of commerce, and my requirements for shop owners are akin to those established in ancient cities – they must respect the continuous façade of books in my city. This ensures that different businesses are embedded in my city. This is what it means to build a city with books.

▼中庭的垂直交通,书架与屋中屋,Vertical Circulation, bookshelves and houses in atriums © Wutopia Lab

以书为上海 Building Shanghai with Books

“你站在桥上看风景, 看风景的人在楼上看你。“ —— 卞之琳《断章》

▼4&5F的礼堂中庭的9米通高玻璃, Atrium of Auditorium with 9-metre glass curtain © CreatAR Images

每个人都值得尊重|Everyone deserves respect


Because of its diversity and variety, I describe the upgraded and renovated bookstore as a miniature Shanghai. However, more importantly, the commonality is inclusiveness. My project architect suggested placing the disabled ramp on the side. This would make the front facade look complete. I refused. I insisted that the ramp’s endpoint be at the main entrance, allowing people with disabilities to enter the bookstore just as confidently as able-bodied individuals, reaching every corner of the bookstore. Drawing from my experience during a back injury, I designed the handrails to be 4 centimeters long and circular for easy grip and leverage. Finally, behind the Book Mountain, we installed an escalator for people with disabilities so that when they ascend the Book Mountain, they face Fuzhou Road. On the Book Mountain, everyone can be the protagonist.

▼福州路上的残疾人坡道,Disabled Ramps on Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images

▼无障碍坡道的定制扶手,Handrails of access ramp © CreatAR Images

▼书山背后的残疾人扶梯,Handicapped escalator behind the book mountain © CreatAR Images

▼站在书山上看福州路,Street view from book mountain © CreatAR Images

▼残疾人动线,Disability Circulation © Wutopia Lab

克里斯托弗般的包裹|Shanghai Book City, Wrapped (in reference to Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s “L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped”)



I did not change the climatic boundary that serves as the outline of the bookstore. In the end, I wrapped the original façade of the bookstore with perforated aluminum panels. Simultaneously, I covered the pipes that had to be placed outside the wall to avoid penetrating holes due to exceeding the 10% structural changes. The original abstract and semantically silent façade served as a threshold, essentially excluding those who do not love reading.

I hope the bookstore can be read. I used a symbolic approach to create the façade, which is formed by stacking countless book spines. The patterns inside the spines constitute a classic modern symbol that best represents Shanghai – ‘housands of lights’. Within this pattern, you can vaguely read the changes on both sides of the Pujiang River. The past Bund represents the present Pudong, and even further, represents the imaginative future of Shanghai. ‘Readable architecture’ is an inevitable requirement in the era of the Internet. We need metaphors, symbols, and various signs, but without piling up. Therefore, in Shanghai Book City, I created a balanced abstract concreteness to provide various possibilities for reading and imagination.

▼穿孔铝板幕墙生成过程,Perforated Aluminium Curtain Wall Generating process © Wutopia Lab

风景也是室内设计的元素|Scenery is also an element of interior design

书城立面的落地窗不仅是为了采光,而且能将书城的内部活动展示出来,它们更是舞台。马路上往窗子里看书城内的人仿佛是看电影一般的风景,而窗子里的人看着马路上的人,亦是在看戏剧一般的风景,卞之琳的诗歌便被转化为一种 “可见的阅读”而传递给大家。这样的建筑就可以被更深地阅读了。当读者从自动扶梯进入第四层名为礼堂的中庭,城市有如不可思议的幻觉,真实地在北面两层高的玻璃窗前展开,在夜色中如水晶般璀璨。读者们会轻轻感慨,上海总是让人惊喜不失望。

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the bookstore facade serve not only for lighting but also to showcase the internal activities of the bookstore; they act as a stage. People on the street looking into the windows perceive the readers inside like scenes from a movie, while those inside looking out see the people on the street, creating a theatrical scenery. When readers ascend the escalator to the fourth floor, named ‘Auditorium,’ the city unfolds in an incredible illusion before the two-story high glass windows to the north, shining brightly like crystal in the night.

▼主立面局部,穿孔铝板,Facade details © CreatAR Images

▼主立面局部,穿孔铝板,Facade details © CreatAR Images

还是10%|Still within the 10%


Removing the beam in the fifth-floor atrium would exceed the 10% structural change. Therefore, I turned it into a skybridge. Standing on this skybridge, I gaze at the layers of city buildings, vaguely connecting with the upcoming Chunshen House on Shen Dacheng Building on Nanjing East Road which I also designed.

▼4&5F礼堂中庭的天桥,Overbridge in Atrium of Auditorium © CreatAR Images

当我面对书城 As I face the Book City

他在听众里看到一个她的影子,他想“未来只不过是现在的希望,过去也只不过是现在的回忆。” —— 俞挺

▼主立面夜景,福州路视角, Night view of facade on Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images

水晶宫|Crystal Palace


At the moment when the lights were tested on the exterior of the bookstore, it alarmed the media and citizens. The design of perforated aluminum panels with internal backlit lighting created an effect that citizens referred to as the Crystal Palace, although it had no actual connection to crystal or glass. After receiving complaints, the Huangpu District Lighting Department arranged for personnel to test the brightness on-site, and it passed the standards. The dazzling effect disappeared after workers adjusted the angles of the lights according to the lighting designer’s drawings. The bookstore, meeting regulatory requirements, appears radiant due to the contrast with the relatively dim lighting on Fuzhou Road.

▼主立面夜景,福州路视角,Night view of facade on Fuzhou Road © CreatAR Images


That day, standing on the rooftop of Chunshen House and looking at the magnificent Book City, I recalled someone calling it a luxury goods store. Interestingly, luxury goods stores have façade costs at least four times higher than the bookstore, yet they cannot achieve the bookstore’s texture. In this light, consumerism’s luxury is indeed an illusion. In comparison, the knowledge contained in books is the true luxury.

马赛克史诗|Mosaic Epic


In the upgraded Shanghai Book City, you will see the original reliefs on the façade preserved behind the Book Mountain. You will also find, in the evacuation stairwell, a 98-year-old marble pillar protected by a frame, a legend of the Book City created by workers who unintentionally assembled natural patterns into a humanoid shape. Different people, with different memories, are preserved or reassembled here.

▼原立面保留的石材浮雕,reserved stele from old facade © CreatAR Images

▼消防楼梯间的保留大理石柱,Resersed Marble Columns © CreatAR Images

The past has never been overlooked but continues to influence us in the present or the not-too-distant future. It is these readers, both new and old, who, together with the evolving Book City, have created a continuous and miniature mosaic epic. It is embedded with various histories, memories, literature, legends, myths, riddles, prophecies, charms, gossip, controversies, reflections, with heroes, ordinary people, incomplete souls, humble deities, and shattered love. This is the epic of Shanghai.

“每个人的生命里,都有最艰难的一年,将人生变得美好而辽阔。” ——《岛上书店》

▼主立面夜景,局部,Facade details © CreatAR Images






▼街景,福州路(福建中路一侧)上看上海书城,Street view from Fuzhou Road and Fujian Road © CreatAR Images

“世界的存在就是为了成为一本书。” “The existence of the world is to become a book.” —— 马拉美,Stéphane Mallarmé

注释: ①朱旭东:FA青年建筑师奖联合创始人。 ②2017年5月8日,中共上海市第十一次代表大会开幕,上海市委书记韩正代表十届市委向大会作报告,在描述上海未来愿景时,韩正表示,上海要建设“令人向往的卓越的全球城市”,着力打造创新之城、人文之城、生态之城。其中关于“人文之城”的描述是:“建筑是可以阅读的,街区是适合漫步的,公园是最宜休憩的,市民是尊法诚信文明的,城市始终是有温度的”。这段充满诗意的文字被很多代表称为“最打动人心”的内容。

▼项目地点,Site Location © Wutopia Lab

▼1F平面图,Plan 1F © Wutopia Lab

▼2F平面图,Plan 2F © Wutopia Lab

▼3F平面图,Plan 3F © Wutopia Lab

▼4F平面图,Plan 4F © Wutopia Lab

▼5F平面图,Plan 5F © Wutopia Lab

▼6F平面图,Plan 6F © Wutopia Lab

▼7F平面图,Plan 7F © Wutopia Lab

▼屋顶平面图,Roof Plan © Wutopia Lab

项目信息 项目名称:上海书城改造设计 建设单位:上海新华传媒股份有限公司 业主团队:李鹏程,尹毅歆,徐赛刚,朱颀,董杰 设计公司:Wutopia Lab 主持建筑师:俞挺 前期项目经理:濮圣睿 后期项目经理:李灏 项目建筑师: 吕杰,林晨 设计团队:李鹏,丰滋祥,张浩然,王秋砚,冯岩岩,张丹嫚,王磊,徐子杰 设计咨询:MEEM HOUSE 照明顾问:张宸露,尉诗羽 景观顾问:袁媛 材料顾问:丁叮,孙静 施工图设计:上海三益建筑设计有限公司 项目总负责:高栋 建筑专业:祝宇梅、叶霞、张雨 结构专业:胡文晓 机电专业:茅娅倩、王弈钦、徐智峰、刘宁、叶淋、石佳莹 室内:于兵、沈睿、张芳、杨扬 景观设计:郑志成、王粲、郭雨琪、张晋 幕墙深化单位:上海结宇建筑设计有限公司 幕墙设计:苏浬、叶鲲 软装设计:迦睿建筑设计(上海)有限公司 软装制作:苏州舒适家具有限公司 标识单位:上海赛驰标识设计工程有限公司 标识制作:滩外(上海)文化传播有限公司 建设单位:上海建工五建集团有限公司 摄影:CreatAR Images 视频:CreatAR Images 出镜:陆琰 项目地址:中国,上海市,黄浦区 建筑面积:11936㎡ 设计时间:2021.07至2022.07 施工时间:2022.07至2023.10 主要材料:氟碳漆穿孔铝板,预制有机磨石,预制无机磨石,金贝大理石,玉石,镀铜不锈钢,夹丝玻璃,亚克力,防火板,微水泥,黑钛不锈钢,木纹转印定制书架

Project Information Project Name: Renovation of Shanghai Book City Construction Unit: Shanghai Xinhua Media Co., Ltd. Owner Team: LI Pengcheng, YIN Yixin, XU Saigang, ZhU Qi, DONG Jie Design Firm: Wutopia Lab Principal Architect: YU Ting Early Project Manager: PU Shengrui Late Project Manager: LI Hao Project Architects: LV Jie, LIN Chen Design Team: LI Peng, FENG Zixiang, ZHANG Haoran, WANG Qiuyan, FENG Yanyan, ZHANG Danman, WANG Lei, XU Zijie Design Consultation: MEEM HOUSE Lighting Consultant: ZHANG Chenlu, WEI Shiyu Landscape Consultant: YUAN Yuan Material Consultant: DING Ding, SUN Jing Construction Drawing Design: Shanghai Sanyi Architectural Design Co., Ltd. General Project Manager: GAO Dong Architecture: ZHU Yumei, YE Xia, ZHANG Yu Structure: HU Wenxiao Mechanical and Electrical: MAO Yaqian, WANG Yiqin, XU Zhifeng, LIU Ning, YE Lin, SHI Jiaying Interior: YU Bing, SHEN Rui, ZHANG Fang, YANG Yang Landscape Design: ZHENG Zhicheng, WANG Can, GUO Yuqi, ZHANG Jin Facade Detailing Unit: Shanghai Jieyu Architectural Design Co., Ltd. Facade Design: SU Xi, YE Kun Soft Decoration Design: Jia Rui Architectural Design (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Soft Decoration Supplier: Suzhou Comfortable Furniture Co., Ltd. Signage Unit: Shanghai Saichi Sign Design Engineering Co., Ltd. Signage Supplier: Tanwai (Shanghai) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Construction Unit: Shanghai Construction Fifth Building Group Co., Ltd. Photography: CreatAR Images Video: CreatAR Images Featured: LU Yan Project Address: Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Building Area: 11,936 sqm Design Period: July 2021 to July 2022 Construction Period: July 2022 to October 2023 Main Materials: Fluorocarbon Paint Perforated Aluminum Panel, Prefabricated Organic Terrazzo, Prefabricated Inorganic Terrazzo, Golden Shell Marble, Jade, Copper-Plated Stainless Steel, Laminated Glass, Acrylic, Fireproof Board, Microcement, Black Titanium Stainless Steel, Wood Grain Transfer Printed Custom Bookshelves


上海书城改造设计 / Wutopia Lab
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陌野 NTRY 买手店 | 解构主义设计与空间连续的完美结合