发布时间:2023-10-30 18:52:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Within the frame of Timisoara European Capitality of Culture 2023, the proposal NURSERY: 1,306 PLANTS FOR TIMISOARA occupies a symbolic centrality of the city and therefore aims to be read as an invitation to redefine and intensify the use of public space and its relation with greenery.

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Laurian Ghinitoiu


Once finished its temporary life-cycle, after hosting them, the intervention will provide new trees and plants to be planted around the City, following a 100% re-use logic. The open debate about how, and where, becomes therefore central to the core of the installation.

▼设计概念,Concept © MAIO Architects


▼轴测图,Axon © MAIO Architects

The installation works mainly as a place for events, an alternative outdoor cultural infrastructure for small-scale activities like gardening workshops, micro-exhibitions, guided tours but also as a scene for sound and movement performances. Also, in a flat landscape where all rooftops are private, a vertical proposal offers a unique view over the city, while providing information regarding the heritage of Timisoara—both built and botanical.

▼道路视角,View from the street level © Laurian Ghinitoiu

▼装置外观,Exterior view © Laurian Ghinitoiu

▼顶视图,Rooftop view © Laurian Ghinitoiu


▼设计示意,Diagram © MAIO Architects

The involvement in the city’s landscaping concept and in the development of modern European horticulture shows us a complex relation with nature and an active entrepreneurial attitude. From another perspective, the installation entails a scenic urban experience between two hypostases. The first one is that of existing and of looking from the outside at the (horizontal or vertical) nature, which is much too often regarded as just a decor. The second hypostasis is immersive, is of being part of the ecosystem, of living in the life of the other living entities, a sort of ecocentrism.

▼从城市广场望向装置,View from the city’s plaza © Laurian Ghinitoiu

▼装置的垂直体量提供了俯瞰城市的独特视角,A vertical proposal offers a unique view over the city © Laurian Ghinitoiu


Besides biodiversity as a central identity element of Timisoara, the project is also about care and includes a pedagogical and social dimension. Gardens were, among other places, pedagogical spaces, places of encounter. And, as contemporary public spaces, also spaces for dissent and agonism. It is great that the installation produces constructive conversations about the future, the city and its inhabitants within a frame that goes far beyond the scale of humans and the city itself.

▼种满植物的装置单元,Vegetal components © Laurian Ghinitoiu

▼装置近景,Close-up view © Laurian Ghinitoiu


The Nursery’s Garden represents a large circuit of natural processes. It grew in the local nursery and, once the installation is dismantled, will become a diffuse collective garden. Its vegetal components become the memory of the Nursery and of Timisoara—2023 European Capital of Culture, improving the city’s landscape.

▼远观,Distant view © Laurian Ghinitoiu

▼概念拼贴,Collages © MAIO Architects

▼轴测图,Axon © MAIO Architects

▼平面图,Floor plans © MAIO Architects

▼立面图(有植物),Elevations – planted © MAIO Architects

▼立面图(无植物),Elevations – clean © MAIO Architects

NURSERY : 1,306 PLANTS FOR TIMISOARA CREDITS ORGANISER Ordinul Arhitectilor din România – Filiala Teritoriala Timis. Team: Anca Teslevici, Alexandra Trofin, Ema Cristescu, Georgiana Spiridon, Antoniu Sicra CURATOR OF TIMISOARA 2023—EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE, TERRITORY “PLACES” Cosmina Goagea CONCEPT AUTHOR MAIO Architects — Maria Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner CONCEPT COLLABORATORS Simone Marcolin, Ilaria Donadel, Filippo Tognocchi, Ignasi Sarria ARCHITECTURE PROJECT AND LIGHTING DESIGN Studio Nomadic — Victor Popovici, Silvia Tripsa, Nicoleta Postolache DESIGN WITH NATURE Studio Peisaj — Alexandru Ciobota, Raluca Rusu STRUCTURAL PROJECT Echo Universal — Balint Karoly SCAFFOLDING COLLABORATOR: ABT Motion Rigs, Salt Box SPECIALITIES COLLABORATORS Blaser — Bogdan Sere, DeBoot — Silvian Tecu, Melbo Instal — Emilian Zmeu, Emesis — Mihai Cojanu, Irigarden — Catalin Lubenita SITE MANAGEMENT: Bianca Pasc, Molnar Ovidiu


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