发布时间:2023-09-03 18:01:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Luum堂是墨西哥图卢姆一个名为Luum Zama的新住宅开发项目的配套设施之一。图卢姆知名度的不断攀升,让许多开发商都寻求最大限度地开发地产销售,他们中的很多人砍伐了现有丛林,越过法规开发建设。与之相反,Luum Zama开发项目在其 8 公顷的土地上预留了 50%的面积用以保存现有植被,同时实施森林再生计划,种植当地特有的植物。Luum Zama的总体规划也是由Co-Lab设计事务所设计的,事务所致力于让人们意识到保护该地区自然资源的紧迫性,以及提升规范建设的意识。

Luum Temple is part of the amenities of a new residential development called Luum Zama, in Tulum Mexico. Tulum’s surging popularity has brought a lot of developers seeking to build maximum sellable areas, many of whom clear cut the existing jungle and build over the regulations. In contrast, The Luum Zama development sets aside 50% of its 8 hectare area for the conservation of existing vegetation while also implementing a reforestation program with endemic plants of the region. Luum Zama’s masterplan was also designed by Co-Lab Design Office, who are keen on raising awareness to the urgency of conservation and protection of the natural resources in the area and regulation of the construction.

▼项目俯瞰,aerial view of the project © Pakal Egger_Tonatiuh Egger

▼项目概览,overview of the project © top: Cesar Bejar; bottom: Co-lab Design office


In the heart of the development, the temple is nestled in a conserved area of native jungle and accessed only by foot, offering a quiet natural setting perfect for reflection and slowing down. Gentle breezes pass through the jungle canopy and the open structure, animating a rich play of dappled light and shadows. The open five sided structure hosts a variety of healing programs including yoga, meditation, workshops and community gatherings.

▼结构内部,structure interior space © Cesar Bejar

▼开放的结构适于瑜伽、冥想,open structure perfect for reflection © Cesar Bejar


▼立面图,elevation © Co-lab Design office

Inspired by the work of Felix Candela’s catenary reinforced concrete shell work, the project is a five sided catenary structure made from bamboo. The arched vaults support each other, co-existing in structural dependency – an aesthetic decision with a meaningful message behind it — serving as a reminder to the community of our interdependence and the accomplishments we can achieve when we work together. Assembled from flat sections of bamboo bent on site, screwed and strapped together, the individual woven bamboo elements work together as one element.

▼相互支撑的五个悬索拱形结构,five sided catenary vaults supporting each other © Co-lab Design office

▼结构细部,detail of the structure © Co-lab Design office


▼结构单体示意图,Structural component diagram © Co-lab Design office

CO-LAB designed the structure with parametric software and worked in close communication with the builders and an engineer specializing in bamboo structures, which allowed the studio to provide the builders with precise angles, controlled measurements and attachment points for the different structural components. The bamboo arched beams were assembled from flat sections of bamboo bent on site, cold molded on the ground, and then screwed and strapped together to work collectively as one element. Once the arches were raised they were woven together by a structural triangular pattern and then further bound by two continuous layers of tightly woven bamboo lattice, interlaced in opposite directions for structural stability.

▼施工过程图,construction process © Co-lab Design office


Due to the carbon bamboo sequesters during its rapid harvest growth cycle, and its high strength to weight ratio (particularly when woven together), bamboo is a leading sustainable material with amazing potentials. The structure was designed and calculated to resist hurricane forces. The Bamboo for the project was farmed sustainably in the neighboring Chiapas region. On the exterior, a layer of local Zacate (grass thatch roof) typical of the region protects the structure from the rain and allows the structure to breathe in the humid tropical climate.

▼茅草屋顶,grass thatch roof © Cesar Bejar

▼在潮湿的热带气候中保持呼吸,breathe in the humid tropical climate © Cesar Bejar


Luum Temple is a show case for sustainable development, it combines innovative design and engineering with artisanal building and organic sustainable materials. The project carefully weaves the architectural program with the beauty of the site to create a unique, iconic yet contextual space for the community, and brings to fruition a truly collaborative process between architects, engineers, builders, and owners. We believe that combining modern design techniques with artisanal craftsmanship can have a positive impact on revitalizing some hand craft techniques and lifestyles in danger of disappearing.

▼设计鼓励人们欣赏自然世界并与之建立联系,design help create a greater appreciation and connection to the natural world © Cesar Bejar


The iconic Luum Temple and the Luum Masterplan can help create a greater appreciation and connection to the natural world through design hence encouraging sustainable development. This is crucial all over but particularly in formerly virgin touristic destinations where simplistic and limited local regulations allow well-funded developers to bribe officials, and rapidly exhaust natural resources. The iconic Luum Temple and the Luum Masterplan helps raise awareness for more sustainable ways of developing in the delicate ecology of Tulum and beyond.

▼夜景内部,interior at night © Cesar Bejar

▼基础平面图,footings plan © Co-lab Design office

▼平面图,plan © Co-lab Design office

▼立面图,elevation © Co-lab Design office

▼剖面图,section © Co-lab Design office

▼节点分体图,connection points analysis diagram © Co-lab Design office

▼节点大样图,structure details © Co-lab Design office


Luum堂,墨西哥 / CO-LAB design office
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