发布时间:2015-03-14 00:48:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


“音乐大师!”由意大利景观音响喇叭Architettura Sonora为安德烈•波切利打造的艺术之声花园—–托斯卡纳之奇迹与托斯卡纳之奇才的完美结合。


Architettura Sonora

视频: 声音花园

Video 1 / In Praise of Sound  建议选择超清

Architettura Sonora has just released the amazing video “In Praise of Sound”, an emotional journey through the relationship between Sound and Landscape, and the way they can meet to enrich each other creating new forms of experiences.

The video illustrates how the orchestration of different AS speakers achieves an amazing level of integration and harmony with landscape through a naturalistic use of sound, resulting from a combination of various factors related to form, function e materiality.

Check out the video and lose yourself into a mesmerizing journey of well-being and pleasure into landscape.


Video 2






“The nature of music is mysterious and so much so that it generates strong emotions within us. It moves along passages that reach the most intimate areas of our psyche without being tried by prejudices or influences of any kind.”

Andrea Bocelli

Internationally acclaimed tenor Andrea Bocelli is with no doubts the most famous classical Italian singer in the world today, one of the very few classical artists to achieve worldwiderecognition into the mainstream making him the biggest-selling artist in the history of classical music with over 80 million albums sold to date.

His haunting voice and the amazing vocal range he displays when performing transports the audience to places they never knew existed; Andrea Bocelli’s live concerts, which are mostly sold out, are attended by a passionate audience of music lovers and fans.The 60,000 tickets for the “One night in Central Park” concert in NYC sold out in few hours.

He performed on the most famous international stages, from Madison Square Garden to Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, but whenever he needs inspiration and harmony he goes back to his own“secret garden” to reconnect with Nature in his native Tuscany, returning to his family and friends; there is a song that goes “it’s nice to go traveling but it’s so much nicer to come home”, and that is exactly how he feels when he says “I want to have time for myself, my family and my friends. It’s important because in order to sing well, you must have inspiration, and inspiration comes from life, from living…”


他所居住的别墅,处处令人称奇,到处弥漫着音乐之声,你仿佛能够呼吸到散播在空气中的音乐气息;这就是他的世外桃源,在这里他可以重拾灵感。安德烈•波切利从没有在追求音乐品质的精益求精过程中妥协半步,即便身处他的花园中—-他放松自我的专属之地,呼吸着海风吹来的略带咸味的空气,亦或是享受着来自山那边的阵阵柔风的轻抚。安德烈•波切利选择了信赖Architettura Sonora的卓越表现来装备他的专属艺术之声花园—–一个户外感官体验的革命性品牌,同时该品牌音响喇叭在室内环境下的表现一直以来享有声誉,并且因在建筑扬声音响领域中获得了不少奖项而声名远扬。

Tuscany is famous for excellence, its wine, its food, its art and its gentle rolling hills, but it is also a place of music, where famous composers such as Puccini and Mascagni and many other great singers and composers were born. Andrea Bocelliwas born in the countryside around Pisa and his house is now in the seaside town of Forte dei Marmi, a charming resort on the Tuscan coast protected by the majestic and stunning Apuan Alps and by the breath-taking Monte Altissimo, the mountain range where Michelangelo went to get his marble.

Every corner of his stunning villa is permeated with music, you can breathe the art of his music in the air; this is his particular retreat where he goes back for inspiration. Andrea Bocelli has not given up having excellent quality of music even in his garden, the special place he relaxes in, breathing the salty air from the sea or caressed by the gentle winds from the mountains. For his special Sonic Gardens Andrea Bocelli chose to rely on the excellence of Architettura Sonora, a revolutionary brandof outdoor acoustic experiences, with an increasing imprint in the indoor world, famous for its award-winning collection of architectural loudspeakers.

要满足这样一个见多识广、专业能力超强的听众的高期望值,对于Architettura Sonora来说,在安德烈•波切利的花园里设计和安装声音系统确实是一项挑战,但是我们可以很自信地说它们做到了;皮耶尔保罗•圭里尼大师,他的声音工程师同时也是密切的合作伙伴,被其音色和及其均匀的频率响应强烈的震撼,同时惊异于源自该系统的纯澈自然的声音,和纤毫毕现的音质。真正触动他们的是声场重构的惊人品质,尤其是在后花园里,在这样一个户外声音环境下想要达到这样出色的效果绝非易事。

Architettura Sonora 设计了一个多通道系统,该系统被分为两个不同的区域,各自具有不同的特点,二者把室内空间扩展到了花园,一个安装在房子前面另一个安装在房子后面。在房子前面,面向大海,安装在大理石内的球形_360系统(大理石取自当地采石场且与房子设计所用石头风格一致)一直伴随着来访者直到进入房子;该球形系统是全方位声音模块,它们与周围环境完美融合到一起,创造出了一种声像,这样使人们的注意力一直保持在对空间的体验上,而非关注这些扬声器,让人们感觉它们无非是建筑设计的一部分而已。三个装在托斯卡纳陶瓦中的球形_470系统隐藏在泳池周围的灌木丛中,增强了沉醉在音乐的体验之中,并在泳池周围营造了一种愉悦自然的声场,犹如是周围的篱墙本身就是现场的乐者在不断演奏的曼妙的音乐。

It has been quite a challenge for Architettura Sonora to design and install the sound system in Bocelli’s garden, to meet and satisfy the high expectations of such a competent and sophisticated audience, but we can certainly say they succeeded; the Maestro and Pierpaolo Guerrini, his sound-engineer and close collaborator, were considerably struck by the timbre and very uniform frequency response, as well as by the clear and natural sound reproduced by the system, with the best sound details. What really impressed them was the amazing quality of the sound stage reconstruction, especially in the rear garden, which is the most difficult thing to achieve when it comes to outdoor acoustic.

Architettura Sonora designed a multi-channel system divided in two different areas, with different characteristics, both extending the interior space into the garden, one in the front and one in the rear of the house. In the front of the house, toward the sea, a system of Sphere_360 in marble (from the local quarries and matching the stones of the house design) welcomes visitors and accompanies them to the entrance; the Spheres are omnidirectional sound modules and they perfectly integrate into the surroundings, providing a sonic image that keeps the attention over the experience of the space, not on the speakerswhich are then perceived as part of the architectural design. Three Sphere_470 in Tuscan terracotta are then hidden into the bushes around the swimming pool, reinforcing the whole immersive sound experience and providing a pleasing natural acoustic coverage around the pool, like if the hedges themselves were radiating music.


整个系统采用Architettura SonoraAS-A系列音箱,具有内置式可编程DSP,这就使得任何特定环境下的声音达到完美优化成为可能。


In the back of the house, toward an intimate pinewood, the sound design created a sort of private stage opening up and facing the majestic mountain range. Two suspended modules Small Helmets hanging from the corner of the central patio are supported by three Sphere_470 in Tuscan terracotta around the facing lawn. The omnidirectional sound of the floor-standing modules reinforced by the vertical component of the suspended modules creates an immersive natural sound pattern that really amazed Andrea Bocelli.

The entire system is powered by Architettura SonoraAS-A Series amplifiers with built-in programmable DSP, which make it possible to perfectly optimize the acousticsto any given environment.

It was very rewarding and incredible to see the Maestro starting to sing while listening to the music of this garden and saying that he felt very happy because now his garden is like his own private orchestra he can dialogue andrehearse with.


Architettura Sonora



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