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米洛映象| 九龙湾独栋别墅:择隐一方山水,练就隽永之风,打造私家奢豪宅邸溪边照影行,天在清溪底。The sky is at the bottom of the stream.天上有行云,人在行云里。There are clouds in the sky, and people in the clouds.序 | SEQUENCE当代的诗意,是在喧嚣的年代里,寻找并做些安静的事情。将东方文化精神化为空间的诗意,从室内到室外,将建筑的语言融入室内,为自然诗意的延伸打破边界。本案例是把中式元素与现代审美结合的新中式风格,打破陈旧,凝练时光中的永恒。不拘于类别,审美不限于形式,古法之中,穿越时代之潮;在文化与古的理解之上,循古人履易,玩古出新。01 蓝田日暖玉生烟Lantian warm jade smoke-

客厅空间以蓝色经典塑造出传统的东方之美,感受典雅隽永之意境。整体空间大而不空,厚而不重,极具格调又不显压抑。The living room space shapes the traditional Oriental beauty with the blue classic, and feels the elegant and meaningful artistic conception. The overall space is large but not empty, thick but not heavy, very stylish but not depressed.

大气优雅的主灯蜿蜒如曲,绵延似锦,背景墙面的彩云中式屏风,虚实相间,如诗如画,隐约朦胧间透出木色自然肌理的艺术之美。The elegant main lamp winds like a song and stretches like a brocade. The Chinese screen of colorful clouds on the background wall alternates between reality and virtualness, like a poem and a picture, showing the artistic beauty of natural wood color.

质感十足的大理石瓷砖、极具流动纹理的单人沙发、现代艺术之风的地毯,恰如其分的演绎出一场流云锦心与灿若星河的绝美画卷。The marble ceramic tile with dye-in simple sense, the carpet of the wind of the single person sofa with flowing texture, modern art extremely, appropriately deduce the beautiful picture scroll that gives heart of a flowing cloud brocade and canruoxinghe.02 独上江楼思渺然Thinking alone on the river is absurd-

新中式的风格可以是多种多样的,当多余的装饰被简化,硬朗的材质被中和,则会赋予空间别样的视觉享受。廊里是玉楼金阁、月圆时分。廊外是生如夏花,展翅飞翔。独具匠心的设计,实在是物造妙境。The style of new Chinese style can be diverse, when redundant decoration is simplified, tough material is neutralized, it will give the space a different visual enjoyment. The corridor is the jade tower, the full moon. Outside the corridor are flowers like summer, spreading their wings. The unique design is really a wonderful place.03 玉盘珍羞直万钱Jade plate treasure straight ten thousand money-

餐厅融合传统文化情结古意与之人心绪结合,沉稳大气,室雅人和。餐桌以木与石相呼应,呈现古今相融的优雅。背景墙上山水绵延,墨染云天,此情此景中煮酒烹茶,笑谈人生,何尝不是一种趣味。Restaurant fusion of traditional culture complex ancient meaning and the combination of peoples mood, calm atmosphere, room elegant and. Table with wood and stone photograph echo, present the elegance that ancient and modern photograph melts. In the background, the mountains and rivers stretch on the wall, and the ink stains the sky. In this scene, the brewing of wine and tea, and the laughing of life are all interesting.

04 柳庭风静人眠昼Liuting wind quiet people sleep day-

对称是人类最早掌握的形式美的法则,秩序、庄重、整体、和谐的美感是它独有的魅力。从亭台楼阁,到皇家别苑;从轩榭廊舫,到厅堂馆斋,处处都可见中式对称的影子。Symmetry is the first principle of formal beauty mastered by human beings, and the beauty of order, solemnity, wholeness and harmony is its unique charm. From pavilions and pavilions, to the royal garden; Chinese symmetry can be seen everywhere, from the porch fang to the halls and halls.

主卧在空间结构上将对称美学发挥到极致,不温不燥,气度非凡。床头台灯以暖色调灯光渲染空间,方圆之间尽显中式优雅。Master lie in the space structure will be symmetrical aesthetic play to the extreme, not warm not dry, bearing is special. The desk lamp of the head of a bed renders a space with warm color light, all show Chinese style grace between square and square.

休憩室打造极致自然之韵,落地绿植展现出十足的生命气息,光影绰约下,造就鸟鸣涧的诗意。The rest room creates the ultimate natural rhyme. The ground green plants show the full breath of life. Under the light and shadow, the poetry of bird singing stream is created.05 芙蓉一朵霜秋色A hibiscus stained with autumn frost-

次卧简约自然不失大气,一抹橙黄点亮空间,活力亮眼的同时消弭了空间带来的压抑感。横平竖直的线条搭配自然,交织出温馨的生活画卷。The second lie contracted nature does not break atmosphere, a orange light space, vitality bright eye at the same time eliminate the depressed feeling that the space brings. Horizontal and vertical lines with natural, interweave a warm picture of life.

06 欲书花叶寄朝云To send flowers and leaves toward the cloud-

女儿房整体以极简白与原木色为主要基底,不过分甜腻的淡粉色作为空间的点缀,更显温柔恬静。几株尾穗苋自然垂落,栩栩如生,象征着女孩的梦幻与童真。现代简约艺术灯打造出温馨舒适的休憩氛围。Daughter room whole is the main base with extremely simple white and log color, the light pink that is not too sweet and greasy serves as the ornament of the space, show gentleness and quiet more. A few plants of amaranth fall naturally, lifelike, symbolized the girls dream and innocence. Modern simple art lights create a warm and comfortable atmosphere for rest.

07 无边光景一时新Endless time is new-

沉稳的蓝与活力的黄共同构建出成长期男孩的独立空间。栏栅窗棂被纱帘笼罩,阳光洒进室内,KAWS公仔守护着孩童的一个纯真击剑之梦。Composed blue and the yellow of vigor build the independent space that gives boy of growing period together. The fence window lattice is shrouded by gauze curtain, and the sun pours into the room. KAWS figures guard a childs pure fencing dream.08 书卷多情似故人The scroll is affectionate like a friend-

开放式书房在空间构造上打破既定印象,整体风格典雅质朴,人文气息十足。于沙发静坐,找寻生活的真谛。Open mode study breaks established impression on dimensional structure, integral style elegance is plain, humanities breath is dyein the wood. Sit on the sofa and find the true meaning of life.

不规则大理石茶几颠覆秩序感,利落时尚,不落俗套。随处摆放的几卷古籍、极具生命力的摆件,为空间增添了几分趣味之感。Irregular marble tea table subverts sense of order, agile fashion, unconventional. A few volumes of ancient books and very vital ornaments are placed everywhere, adding a sense of interest to the space.09 世事如棋局局新Things are as new as chess-

悠闲活动室在风格上更为古典隽秀,四面高饱和装饰在视觉上丰富了整体空间,台球桌置于空间中央,大而不空,又极具活力。Leisure activity room in the style of more classical meaningful, four high saturated decoration in the visual rich overall space, billiard table in the center of the space, large but not empty, and very dynamic.

10 隔墙送过秋千影The wall sends the swing shadow-

茶室在传承中国古典文化的基础上,又以简洁大气的设计语言,赋予其崭新的现代格调。一器一物,一草一木,雅韵之气,扑面而来。On the basis of inheriting Chinese classical culture, the teahouse is endowed with a new modern style with simple and atmospheric design language. One by one, one by one, the air of elegant charm, blow on the face.

独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。深林人不知,明月来相照。Sitting alone in the cocoon, playing the piano loud. Deep forest people do not know, the moon to photograph.

11 酌酒与君君自宽Drink wine and junjun from wide-

纹理清晰自然的实木材质酒柜,配色细腻典雅,风韵十足又时尚大气,营造出浓郁的中式传统韵味。The solid wood wine cabinet with clear and natural texture, exquisite and elegant color matching, full charm and fashionable atmosphere, creates a strong Chinese traditional charm.12 云间烟火是人家Fireworks between the clouds are people-

露天阳台阳光充裕,空气流通。朱红木地板古典气息十足,搭配浅灰软包沙发,时尚简洁的同时不乏清新自然。Outdoor balcony sunshine abundant, air circulation. Vermiline wood floor is classic, with light grey sofas, stylish and simple at the same time there is no lack of fresh and natural.


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