来自乌克兰基辅的设计团队 IQOSA Architect ,是一家国际室内设计工作室,专门从事住宅和商业设施的室内设计项目的设计和专业制图,专注于豪华公寓和乡村别墅,现代化办公室和餐厅。
Design team from Kiev IQOSA Architect, an international interior design studio, specializing in the design of the residential and commercial facilities of the interior design program and professional cartography, focus on luxury apartments and country villa, modern office and restaurant..
这是IQOSA Architect位于乌克兰的新项目,运用大量木纹与白色大理石以及白色涂料,营造出震撼人心的视觉空间,有木纹的亲切触感,也有大理石的奢华与优雅。
This is IQOSA Architect in Ukraines new project, using a large number of wood with white marble and white paint, create a stunning visual space, grained cordial feeling and also have the marble of luxury and elegance..
IQOSA Architect的设计具有极强的可变性与创造力,根据客户气质与诉求,打造独一无二的空间格调,这个项目设计师大量运用深色木纹,高级绒布以及深灰色大理石,赋予空间低调而奢华的氛围。
IQOSA Architects design with a strong variability and creativity, temperament and appeal according to the customer, to create a unique space style, the project designer a lot of use of dark wood grain, senior flannelette and dark grey marble, gives the space low-key and luxurious atmosphere..
IQ-78-TT是一个独家宅,对于IQOSA Architect来说,是一次大胆的尝试,通过色彩,材质的碰撞,以及形状的拼接,创造了一个超级震撼的野奢空间。
IQ - 78 - TT is an exclusive curtilage, for IQOSA Architect, it is a bold attempt, by color, material of the collision, and the shape of the joining together, to create a super shock wild the luxury of space.