发布时间:2019-06-02 08:40:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

MASU Planning:从旧矿区到社区娱乐场地——该活动场地在被改造成社区公园之前,是一个土壤和建筑废料堆积区,而就是这样一片位于80年代住宅区Væ gterparken和地铁轨道之间的长长的遗留地,通过结合现有资源开发创建一个新趣味景观后,变成了现在社区主要的娱乐资源。

MASU Planning:From former deposit area to neighborhood resource – Activity Landscape Kastrup is a former deposit area of excess soil and building materials, which was turned into a new neighborhood park. The long left-over patch of land in between the 80ies residential area Vægterparken and the metro tracks was transformed into a neighborhood resource, by developing the existing qualities and creating a new playful landscape.

根据场地现状特点,制定针尖设计策略 Through a needlepoint strategy, we built upon the existing characteristics


The long, slim area of land has steep hills stemming from construction sites in the surroundings. There was no option to largely remodel the layout, so we designed from a strategy of ‘minimal investment – maximum output’. The existing conditions showed the potential for a super compact set of experiences, with a great outlook over the surrounding lands. When you have climbed up the steep, green rubber hill, you can gaze towards the sea and take in your accomplishment. Mixed meadow grass seeds were sown on the steep hillsides and are allowed to grow high and wild to minimize maintenance costs.

▼项目活动分区 Diagram activities

▼项目总平面 Master Plan

安全数据 Safety in numbers


Before the transformation, the area was really a ‘non-site’, a leftover space by the train tracks that brought a sense of insecurity to the neighborhood. The nearby residents had concerns regarding the transformation – whether new users would bring more insecurity to the area. Today it’s clear that the playgrounds, gardens and running tracks definitely brought more people to the area but the more people that came, the safer the area felt. Through strategic planning of varied facilities, the park gained relevance for new user groups – and today, kindergartens from the surrounding daycare centers come to play, families come to picnic and runners get out of breath chasing up and down the hills.

玩在一起的大人与小孩 Adults and children playing on the same level


In this project we wanted to challenge the fact, that too often playground activities make parents passive helpers for their children’s activities. The design philosophy was to create a park that inspires both children and adults to play- or do sports activities. At these steep rubber hills, children and adults can be equally challenged and conquer the hills together. A guiding, red path offers a discovery route through the area, where trees and bushes make smaller individually programmed areas and quiet spots.

▼设计愿景是创造一个大人可以与小孩一起玩耍的游戏场地 The design philosophy was to create a park that inspires both children and adults to play- or do sports activities.

▼沿路设有宁静的花园空间 A guiding, red path offers a discovery route through the area, where trees and bushes make smaller individually programmed areas and quiet spots.

创造连接的红色小径 The red path ties it all together


A looped path combines the sloping landscape with seven new thematic areas for play, quiet rest, sports and dog training. The new activity areas combine existing facilities with new and improved functions. The path is the red thread that ties it all together and leads you through the different themes. Winding between the plantation, going up and down the hills, the path beings new experiences and surprises around every corner.

▼红色的小路连接了公园里的所有主题空间 The path is the red thread that ties it all together and leads you through the different themes.


Doing sports alone or in groups is part of the flexible plan. In the first part of the park, a ball court introduces the idea of active interaction. Alongside the ball court, the red path measures the distance you cover and is great for walking and running up and down the hills. In a quiet area tucked between the hillsides and the trees, a flower garden forms a quiet space, a pocket in the wilderness where children and adults can take a break and sit, enjoy the view, smell the roses and listen to the birds. The blue and green play areas challenge both children and adults, and, rather than being designed for one game, they create the framework for many activities, inspiring children of all ages to join in.

▼荒野中的宁静花园-坐在一片鸟语花香中欣赏自然美景 Children and adults can take a break and sit in the quiet flower garden to enjoy the view, smell the roses and listen to the birds.

▼绿色游戏区-大人和小孩一起游戏一起挑战 The green play area – Adults and children playing on the same level

▼蓝色游戏区-创造多样化的娱乐空间 The blue play area – create the framework for many activities

▼球场剖面图 Sections of ball court

▼绿色游戏区剖面图 Section of play area


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