在中国天音大厦的设计竞赛中,gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计的中标方案为坐落于同 一个景观平台的两栋高层建筑。建筑形式中错落有致的悬浮立方体象征着天音通信的不同部门,反应了企业多元化的领域。
In the competition for the China Telling Communications Building, the design by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) impressed the jury with its ensemble of two high-rise buildings that are linked by a shared podium landscape. The form concept of two floating cubes, which symbolize the different business sections of China Telling Corp., reflect the world of business in its widest sense.
▼鸟瞰效果图,采用错落有致的悬浮立方体的建筑形式,bird-eye’s view of the China Telling Communications Building in the form concept of two floating cubes
▼总平面图,中国天音通信大楼的地块位于中央公园和湿地公园交界处的东北角,site plan, the China Telling Communications Building occupies the north-east corner plot at the interface between Central Park and the wetland park
To the west of the city center, at the bay of Shenzhen, a new business district known as Super Bay City is being developed. The urban zoning plan for the area between the bay and the Beizhoushan Wetland Park specifies a high-density urban quarter. In future, a broad north-south axis referred to as Central Park will link the ocean- front park with the wetlands to the north and include landscaping, plazas, and cultural facilities. In the block structure of the masterplan, the China Telling Communications Building occupies the north-east corner plot at the interface between Central Park and the wetland park.
▼中央绿轴示意,宽阔的南北轴线连接滨海公园与北部湿地的绿地,picto location to green space, a broad north-south axis links the ocean- front park with the wetlands to the north
▼概念手绘草图,两栋塔楼由不同的长方体块堆叠构成,concept sketch, the high-rises are in the form of stacked cubes
The urban zoning plan specifies high-rise buildings of up to 600 m that decrease in height along the green axis towards the north. For China Telling Corp., which specializes in hardware and software services for smart- phones and other mobile devices, gmp is developing two high-rise buildings with a shared base. The south tower is 150 meters high and the north tower 100 meters. By designing the high-rises in the form of stacked cubes, the architects are creating “sky gardens” and “sky lobbies” at various levels.
▼塔楼高差示意,picto height development
基座景观平台被划分为较小的组团,由不同大小的建筑体量构成。裙房底层沿街空间将用于商业零售, 与二层公共的漫步休闲平台共同营造了一个开放的街区。在交错的路口处,街道被扩大为广场,由此形成多变的空间序列。这些广场、街巷和路径在漫步平台层定义了城市特色风情,通过人行天桥与“中央公园”以及相邻地块交织形成步行网络,从而刻画出新的城市空间。
The podium building features smaller units and consists of several structures of different sizes. Whilst the first floor, along the road, provides space for retail outlets, the second floor—as a gallery level—is designed as a public boulevard. Where this opens out to the quarter, plazas are provided that contribute to a diverse experience of space. Creating an urban flair at the gallery level, plazas, alleys, and footpaths connect with Central Park and the neighboring plots via pedestrian bridges, and thus characterize the new urban space.
▼东北视角夜景效果图,在塔楼的不同高度设有“空中花园”和“空中客厅”,northeast perspective by night, “sky gardens” and “sky lobbies” are created at various levels
▼开放的街区,the public boulevard
Competition: 2019
Design: Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke
Project leader: Clemens Kampermann
Competition design team: Maciej Bak, Constanze Bieber, Jan-Peter Deml, Tang Zihong, Wang Siji, Yu Hainan, Yun Ru Bao, Thilo Zehme
Detail design team: Miryam Aykurt, Chen Zhicong, Ge Yinan, Andreas Götze, Andreas Maue, Wang Siji, Yu Hainan
Project management: Xu Ji, Qin Wei
Client: China Telling Corp.
Site area: 15,500 m2
GFA: 134,300 m2