发布时间:2023-02-26 17:16:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

现代演绎,戏剧重塑 。

Modern interpretation & dramatic reconstruction

一间以现代戏剧性手法演绎的新型美 容护肤体验中心,位于深圳未来的科 技中心前海片区。其充满科技与趣味感的品牌气质,激发 起设计师在空间上的艺术创想:打破传 统美容护肤体验中心的固有设计形态, 用现代的手法掀起一场关于 “超有面” 的文艺复兴浪潮, 展开该时期代表女性的气质探索之旅。

SUPER FACE X is a new type of beauty and skin care experience center performing in a modern and dramatic way, located in Qianhai District, the future technology center of Shenzhen.  SUPER FACE X brand temperament full of science and technology and interest, inspires designers to create artistic ideas in space: Breaking the inherent design form of the traditional beauty and skin care experience center, using modern methods to set off a wave of renaissance about " SUPER FACE X ", of the femininity in this period.

罗⻢剧场,聚光舞台 。

Rome theater with spotlight stage

在空间入口处,一幅有趣的画像首先抓住了眼球: 文艺复兴时期的某位女性仿佛在观察着什么,戏谑浓厚的文艺色彩也反映了该时期女性服饰的丰 富色彩变化。

At the entrance of the space, an interesting portrait first catches the eye: a certain woman in the Renaissance seemed to be observing something, and the playful artistic colors also reflected the richness of women's clothing in this period color changes.

而不同维度的古典美学元素,在空间里以多种橘 色系大胆呈现:例如明艳复古的橘色绒布地毯、 深咖色的玻璃茶几,以及墙面上半圆的“人造光 线”,它们在软膜灯光下相互映衬、营造出优雅的 戏剧舞台效果。让每一位步入空间的女性,成为了法国19世纪初 最美的沙⻰女王。

The classical aesthetic elements of different dimensions are boldly presented in a variety of orange colors in the space: Such as the bright and retro orange velvet carpet, the dark coffee-colored glass tea cup, and the semi-circular "artificial light" on the wall, they complement each other under the soft film lighting, creating an elegant theatrical stage effect. Let every woman who steps into the space become the most beautiful salon queen in France in the early 19th century.

探索有形,无拘之美 。

Explore tangible and unrestrained beauty

以有形的空间设计探索品牌传达的无形之美,是超有面空间设计的关键。无论是设计上表达的无秩序感,或是 逼真的戏剧效果都传达着品牌空间的 无拘束感氛围:例如看似对⻬的天花 与墙面线条、转折交错的⻢赛克几何体,以及逼真剧场感的三层木饰面与 不锈钢边的桌游桌。而顾客休息区陈列的棕系绒质沙发与 流畅蜿蜒的仿木饰设计,仿佛在模拟 19世纪法国美人的棕色秀发与窈窕身 姿,古朴优雅。

Exploring the intangible beauty conveyed by the brand with tangible space design is the key to the super-faced SUPER FACE X space design. Whether it is the sense of disorder expressed in the design, or the realistic dramatic effect, it conveys the unrestrained atmosphere of the brand space: Such as the seemingly aligned ceiling and wall lines, the intertwined mosaic geometry, as well as a three-layer color finish with a realistic theater feel and a board game table with stainless steel edges. The brown velvet sofa and the smooth and sinuous imitation decorations displayed in the customer lounge area seem to imitate the brown hair and slender figure of the French beauty in the 19th century, who is simple and elegant.

肌肤重生,自信之美 。

Skin rejuvenation with beauty of confidence

穿过圆形剧场,迎来的是一面神秘 的镜子:顾客的皮肤检测区域,在 两个简易造型的文艺复兴拱形半包 裹下,私密的半包围空间就此诞生。

Passing through the amphitheater, we are greeted by a mysterious mirror: The skin detection area of the customer is wrapped in two simple Renaissance arches, and a private semi-enclosed Space is born.

每一位步入超有面剧场的女性,在那刻卸下生活的疲惫面具,独享着探索自我肌肤之美的专属时刻。在护肤体验中的肌肤细胞重组过程,恰似女性在 生活中对美的追求、自信的重建过程。而通过空间设计的有形之美,唤醒沉浸内心已久的无形之美。 是设计师对超有面重新定义美 的表达。

Every woman who steps into SUPER FACE X theater, at that moment, takes off the tired mask of life and enjoys an exclusive moment to explore the beauty of her own skin. The reorganization process of skin cells in the skin care experience is similar to the women's

pursuit of beauty and the rebuilding process of self-confidence in life. Through the tangible beauty of space design to awaken the intangible beauty that has been immersed in the heart for a long time, it is the designer who redefines the definition of beauty to SUPER FACE X.

感官沉浸,古典之美 。

Sensory Immersion & classical beauty

为了让感官在空间里沉浸体验到文艺复兴的古典 氛围,设计师在空间的每一处⻆落精心嵌入了不同的画作,讲述着18、19世纪不同女性⻆色的独特气质。其中,有巴黎社交界著名的浪漫女性《高特鲁夫人》、 19世纪初的法国巴黎沙⻰女王《雷卡米耶夫人》,以及定义不同美感的《Pins and Needles》。

In order to immerse the senses in the space and experience the classical atmosphere of the Renaissance, the designer carefully  embedded different paintings in every corner of the space, telling the unique atmosphere of different roles of women in the 18th and 19th centuries. Among them, there are the famous romantic "Madame Gautreau" in the social circle of Paris, "Madame Recamier", the French Paris salon queen in the early 19th century, and "Pins and Needles" that define different aesthetics.

唤醒探索,不断重塑 。

Awaken exploration & constant reshaping


In SUPER FACE X beauty and skin care experience center, the combination of mystery, disorder and dramatic softness, in service scene with thousands of people and thousands of faces, awakens contemporary women's journey to explore their own skins and constantly reshapes the inner pursuit of self-confidence.





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