Niklas Alm
Appreciation towards
Niklas Alm
for providing the following description:
Bromma Blocks 万千百货,万千世界
Making Of Swiss Paperland 视频!! 瑞士立体纸地图及制作过程
Nya Rum & Mateus 就像是来自梦
这是摄影师为瑞士著名盐品牌Sel Des Alpes所拍摄的一系列广告摄影。
Sel Des Alpes盐诞生于阿尔卑斯山的Bex/Switzerland矿,具有当地传统和纯正的风味。为此摄影师将食物的形象与阿尔卑斯山结合起来,盐粒从上面降落,为食物调味也覆盖在“雪山”上。
Advertising campaign for Swiss salt brand Sel Des Alpes known for its traditional and pure origin from a mine in Bex/Switzerland. The images are showing different dishes as the Swiss alps. The images was shot during 2 days in Stockholm and then we filmed some motion for 1 day.
Client: Sel Des Alpes
Agency: Franz & René, Bern/Switzerland
Art Director: Daniel Rödel/Marco De Albuquerque
Food Stylist: Victoria Nordström
Retouch: Sofia Cederström
Niklas Alm