发布时间:2022-07-22 16:40:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

街景图,street view of the project©刘俊男

Q - factor买手店位于上海市静安区襄阳北路34弄1号,项目沿街立面属于一幢砖红色历史保护建筑的一部分。

The Q-factor store is located at No. 1, Lane 34, Xiangyang North Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai. The facade of the project along the street is part of a historically protected red-brick building.

沿街渐变,gradient along the street ©刘俊男





In consideration to protect this historic building, we were cautious when thinking about the facade and the interior planning of the project. There are a few considerations to think about. First, the architect’s goal is to protect the historic building while providing design updates to the current store facade. Second, to provide an interesting space with the limitation that the walls, floors, doors and windows on the second floor cannot be altered.

沿街立面,facade along the street ©刘俊男


Street "gradient"

The street facade of Shanghai Lilong residential buildings often has a unique form of expression and distinctive proportion of windows and walls. As time goes by, the bottom floor of the street gradually turned into commerce stores. The previous store used a large-area glass opening which reduced the unique atmosphere of Shanghai streets.

沿街立面,facade along the street ©刘俊男


We intend to continue and update the current design with the concept of "pixel gradient”, where new brick is re-integrated with the street itself. The location of the shop serves as the middle connection between the building and the entrance of the north alley, with gradual changes from the left to the right.

改造前原建筑立面,facade of the original building before reconstruction©施新桐

改造后建筑立面,facade of the building after reconstruction©刘俊男

从东南角看立面,view of the facade from the southeast©刘俊男


We updated the outer wall with bricks, each with a width of 380mm, a height of 150mm, and a thickness of 28mm. We considered how we can protect the original block wall, and decided to use a cable structure to provide reinforcement. We also fixed the facade of bricks to cables so that it is separated from the block wall to prevent any damage. Visually, the newly added red bricks along with the grey bricks provide a continuation of the original red wall and the grey dado.

新增砖片表皮,brick facade©刘俊男

砖片表皮节点,brick facade ©高雨滴

东立面图,east elevation©礽建筑



Adaptable design

The first floor is used as a pop-up exhibition space for the store facing the street, with an overall area of 30 square meters. Faced with such limitation in space, there are two questions: one is to reserve enough space for future pop-up events; the other is that the space cannot look empty when there is no exhibition.

临街展览空间,pop-up exhibition space©刘俊男

从展览空间向街道看,view from the exhibition space towards the street©刘俊男

临街展览空间,pop-up exhibition space©刘俊男


We designed nine small honeycomb cardboard units, of which nine honeycomb cardboards of 300mm*300mm*50mm are glued up and down to form a unit. Just like "building blocks", small units can be combined up, down, left and right into different forms to adapt to the changes required by the exhibition theme. When the space is vacant, it can also form a matrix to fill the space and become a display stand.

蜂窝纸板单元组合,honeycomb cardboard unit combination©高雨滴

平面布置图,the floor plan©礽建筑



Retractable wooden structure

The overall area of the second floor is close to 100 square meters, accessible via a stair, it is designed to include the store area, fitting room, toilet and storage room. In addition to product exhibition and sales requirements, the store space also needs to adapt to various scenarios. Due to the limitation of not being able to alter the original wall, ceiling, floor, doors and windows, we designed a retractable wooden structure to meet the display function and space variability requirements.

卖场区,the store area©刘俊男

折叠推拉木构架,retractable wooden structure©刘俊男


We designed two sets of foldable sliding wooden unit to encompass the larger and smaller space on the second floor respectively. In the larger space, the width between the columns of the wooden unit is 2.5m, with a total of six pillars. In the smaller space, the width between the columns is 1.8m, with a total of four pillars. Each unit has a maximum span of 1.2m and it can be expanded or retracted depending on the need. We also used removable wooden poles and cables to connect the columns, which can also function as a hanger. This modular design offers flexibility, and depending on the needs, the combination of wooden poles and cables can be changed to provide a diverse range of spatial topology.

折叠推拉木构架,retractable wooden structure©刘俊男

卖场区,the store area©刘俊男

折叠推拉木构架,retractable wooden structure©刘俊男


plan and elevation of wooden structure©礽建筑

木架构节点示意图,diagram of wooden structure©礽建筑

折叠推拉木构架多场景使用,retractable wooden structure for multi-scenario use©高雨滴


There are two reasons for choosing the ash wood in the design: one is to provide a warm and intimate feeling; the other is that we hope that the material can be reused sustainably in the future.




Additional design considerations

In the pop-up space on the first floor, due to the height difference of the original roof, we made a transition through the curved roof to provide continuity of the space.

When entering the staircase space from the first floor to the second floor, we faced the problem of a narrow entrance caused by the height difference, as a solution, we raised the ground to fill the height difference of one stair step, and increase the width of the entrance space as much as possible.

In the space, the blocks made of honeycomb cardboard become the exhibition stand, tea table and checkout counter. Compared with building materials, honeycomb cardboard is lighter, which is beneficial to combination changes.

卖场区,the store area©刘俊男

蜂窝纸板单元收银台,honeycomb cardboard unit counter©刘俊男

项目名称: 沿街渐变,Q – factor买手店


建筑面积: 130㎡



建筑师: 章礽然,施新桐

委托方: Q factor

设计团队: 章礽然,施新桐,朱克

施工方: 上海远屋家居装饰有限公司,江苏富陶科陶瓷有限公司,上海居艺建筑装饰工程有限公司

摄影师: 刘俊男        







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