Lee Alexander McQueen's Sarabande Foundation has completed its first collaboration with founding partners Ketel One Vodka – a stunning, bespoke bar – to toast the completion of Sarabande Studios in Haggerston, east London
这不是你的普通学生酒吧,也不是你的普通学生。为了与Ketel One Vodka为已故的Lee Alexander McQueen的Sarabande教育基金会提供新的合作,Tord Boonje创建了一个未来的铜装置来提供饮料。
该委员会为位于伦敦东部哈格斯顿的Sarabande工作室的竣工表示祝贺,在那里,杰出的年轻设计师获得了卓越的空间和资金。目前参加奖学金项目的十名学生,在伦敦最好的学校学习艺术和时装相关课程,与克雷格·格林(Craig Green)等人分享他们的金斯兰码头工作室(Kingsland Wharf Studio),并可以自由地以他们认为合适的方式开展项目。
正是这种对创造力和创新的热情激发了Ketel One伏特加成为基金会的主要合作伙伴。酿酒大师鲍勃·诺莱特(Bob Nolet)解释说,“在11代325年的时间里,我的家人一直对创造力的力量以及让想法和梦想成为现实的能力-萨拉班德基金会(Sarabande Foundation)的共同承诺-抱有一种自信,这使我们与他们的合作关系自然而令人兴奋。”
这个酒吧不仅是一个实用的美的对象,也是一个灵感的学生,展示世界闻名的工艺近在咫尺。Nolet总结道:“通过这种伙伴关系,我们希望能以一种创造性的可能性来激励我们,并欢迎明日的新兴人才加入Ketel One家族。”
Industrial product designer Tord Boontje, pictured, created the bar-cum-art installation, which takes cues from both Ketel One Vodka's Dutch influences and McQueen's signature, rebellious style
The bar is intended to stay put at Sarabande HQ, as a permanent feature and stunning backdrop to the Foundation's events. Watch a timelapse film of the bar in production
The bar is clad in a skin of highly polished copper scales
The copper leaves are designed to reflect the classic tawny colour of the Ketel One Vodka bottles
As Bob Nolet, master distiller concludes: 'Through this partnership, we hope to inspire with a sense of creative possibility and welcome the burgeoning talent of tomorrow into the Ketel One family'
keywords:Alexander McQueen, Craig Green, Wine & Design