Iceland Keflavík International Airport Loksins Bar
设计方:HAF Studio
冰岛的Keflavík国际机场里,新开了一间能够安抚旅行者们旅途劳顿的酒吧,当人们拖着厚重的大包小包感叹着终于平安落地的时候,看到酒吧的名字就会觉得异常安慰吧。酒吧的名字叫做Loksins,这是由Reyjkavik地区的HAF工作室,和纽约顾问团队KarlssonWilker 共同打造的项目。设计师的目的,是要在看似毫无人情味的机场环境中,引入一个市区中一贯热闹喧嚣的酒吧氛围。
At Keflavík International Airport, there’s a new bar that understands that travel-worn feeling completely — it’s even named after the sensation of relief when you drop those heavy bags to the floor and sigh “finally”.Loksins (Finally) is a joint design project by Reyjkavik’s HAF Studio and New York agency KarlssonWilker that aims to translate the cool downtown bar vibe to the normally sterile and impersonal airport setting.
The interior includes lots of visual points of interest based around cultural peculiarities and traditions that are intended to provoke conversation between guests and the staff, just as would happen when tourists visit a city centre venue.The overall look of Loksins is modelled on a traditional Icelandic timber house (see the floor, central island bar etc), with sleek modern additions.