发布时间:2022-12-02 23:46:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在与Yatou Creatives的第三次设计合作中,Noodle Story将其新店选址于赫尔辛基市中心的街区,专注为当地食客们提供代表正宗亚洲美食文化的去处。Yatofu希望通过空间设计去叙述品牌背后的故事,而贯穿品牌核心的就是他们手工制作的饺子和面食,也是创始人中国文化背景的体现。我们探索如何以独特、充满叙事意义的设计手法讲述食物的背后故事,是Noodle Story室内设计的重点。

In its third collaboration with Yatofu Creatives, Noodle story opened its doors to customers in the center of Helsinki, focusing on their commitment to representing authentic Asian food culture. In addressing the core value of their business, Yatofu wanted to emphasize the client’s own story, told through the handmade noodles and dumplings from their own Chinese heritage. The discovery of how to tell this story in a unique and meaningful way became the focus for the concept of this interior.

在设计伊始,我们构思为空间营造介于滋生文化怀旧之情和提供全新体验的感受,这种熟悉又独一无二的情绪价值最为吸引来访者去体会。在做一些设计研究的过程中,我们将中国传统博古架作为主要的灵感来源,这类架子展示的多为古玩市场和旧物中心挑选过来的物件,每一件都有其各自不同的历史和背景,可能不是真正意义上的古董,但我们认为再寻常的物件也承载着人们的一些回忆,有它们的价值和故事。最终,我们将概念引入Noodle Story的空间设计中,希望来访者可以在空间中找到勾起回忆的物件,产生共鸣,比如也许有人看到空间内摆放的一些物件,会想起爷爷奶奶家里曾经出现的摆件等。

The design for Noodle Story is intended to feel both nostalgic and new; something familiar paired with something exceptional. In our initial search of inspiration, Yatofu came across the curio cabinet found in an antique market and was instantly captivated by the idea of a single object, which housed many other items, that may not be an actual vintage, yet each possessing their own story, with their own meaning, and existing in their own time. This became the concept for the design of Noodle story: a space with a unique feeling, where visitors can step into the interior of a curio cabinet and find something familiar or something curious from the objects within the interior and may reflect on the objects from their grandparent’s house.

在Noodle Story的室内设计中,我们主要打造一个舒适、供人休憩的空间,空间整体由三个区域组成: 就餐区,灵活吧台区,开放式预备厨房, 伴随着空间的层层深入,材料使用与空间氛围也逐步变化,就餐区的橡木皮质软包座位区与灰绿色立面营造温暖开放的氛围,让食客在享受美食的同时与空间中各具故事的物件产生交互。灵活吧台区氛围则更为私密与聚集,烟熏橡木与镜面围合的空间满足多人聚会的需求。开放式厨房则更进一步与食客交流,让人们感受食物从厨师手中到桌面的制作过程。

The atmosphere of Noodle Story is cozy and comfortable, with the space divided into the dining area, bar, open kitchen. One’s experience is getting more and more immersive with different material selection and spatial ambiance. The soft oak finish juxtaposed with the sage green section have defined the dining area with warm and open feeling, enabling people to interact with different objects placed within while enjoying the food. The atmosphere of the flexible bar area is more private and gathering, enclosed by smoked oak and mirror material for people to connect with each other. The open kitchen which are intended to engage with individuals, allowing people to feel the process of how food has been translated from the chef’s hands to the table.


The new Noodle Story diner has also filled with many installation-like details. The smoked oak surfaces bring a sense of warmth while providing a tactile element; the brass and metal installation on the ceilings add intricacy to the raw black concrete in a minimalistic way. These visually delicate structures continue onto the wall, becoming the mirror and candle installations that interactive with the people and the food.

中华饮食文化的一个核心观念就是,美好的食物可以连接人与人,这种分享美食的文化也给人们带来不可分割的归属感。Noodle Story的全新空间不仅有着不一样的视觉和美学呈现,同时将食物和一些相互衔接的空间体验结合,致力于为来访者打造,可以留下值得回忆、也有着不同意义的空间。

Chinese food culture is centered around the idea of bringing people together, and the sharing of culture creates a sense of belonging. Noodle Story’s new location not only makes a visual and aesthetic statement, but by combining good food with a connective experience, visitors are able to create memorable moments filled with curiosity and meaning.


项目名称:Noodle Story赫尔辛基全新餐厅

设计概念:Curio Cabinet博古架

室内设计:Yatofu Creatives

品牌设计:Yatofu Creatives & Ketty Kuutvuori





室内设计团队:Angela Lindahl、Yihan Xiang、Sheen Tao

空间摄影:Aleksi Tikkala

视频拍摄制作:Mark Vicuña


Project Information——

Project Name:Noodle Story

Interior/Branding Design:Yatofu Creatives

Project Type:Restaurant, Hospitality

Location:Helsinki, Finland

Completion Date:September, 2022

GFA:110 sqm

Design Team:Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang, Sheen Tao, Ketty Kuutvuori

Materials & Finishes:Smoked-Oak Stained Veneer, Brushed Brass, Black Oxidized Steel

Interior Photography:Aleksi Tikkala

Project Video:Mark Vicuña

Branding and Visual Identity:Yatofu Creatives and Ketty Kuutvuori


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