发布时间:2021-08-26 02:23:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

我们的心儿憧憬着未来, 一切都是暂时的,转瞬即逝, 而那逝去的将变得可爱。 ——《假如生活欺骗了你》普希金 Our hearts look forward to the future, everything is temporary, fleeting, and the passing will become lovely. ——If life deceives you, Alexander Pushkin

本案为法式独栋别墅,共有三层,负一层主要有影音室,娱乐室,品茶区、SAP区等休闲娱乐空间。一层则是客厅、餐厅、厨房、儿子房、老人房等公共空间。二层配有主人房、孙女房、孙子房和休闲功能区等起居室。 This case is a French single family villa, a total of three layers, negative one layer is mainly audio-visual room, entertainment room, tea area, SAP area and other leisure and entertainment space. The first floor is the living room, dining room, kitchen, son room, elderly room and other public Spaces. The second floor is equipped with living rooms such as master room, granddaughter room, grandson room and leisure function area.

客厅以大面积灰白色木作作为主色调上墙,保留了经典法式的壁炉元素,软装则通过明亮而纯粹的优雅蓝来烘托新法式的艺术空间氛围意图。两个柔和的弧度造型皮质沙发打破了原空间的沉闷感,将空间的质感以细腻入微的美学呈现业主的所需所想的居家环境。 The living room is made of large gray white wood as the main color on the wall, retaining the classic French fireplace elements, soft decoration through bright and pure elegant blue to foil the new French art space atmosphere intention. Sofa of cortex of two downy radian modelling broke the depressing feeling of original space, present the environment that occupies the home that the dimensional simple sense wants to think with delicate and delicate aesthetics owner.

餐厅天花板造型与客厅相互映衬,不仅增加了顶面的层次感,使之整体空间即丰富又饱满。既有岁月打磨后的稳持优雅,又有精致奢华的美学风尚。 Modelling of dining-room ceiling and sitting room set off mutually, increased level feeling of top surface not only, make its whole space namely rich and full. Both the steady elegance after years of grinding, and exquisite luxury aesthetic fashion.

儿子儿媳房无疑由女主人做主,这里给女主打造的是温柔的且令人沉沦的,是如梦如幻的,是舒缓淡然的,该空间则是将法式优雅与浪漫情调演绎到极致,元素的融合创造出沉浸式的感官体验,打造出业主想要的独一无二的私人空间。 Son daughter-in-law room there is no doubt the hostess makes for tying to build here is gentle and destruction, is dreaming, is slow and cool, the space is a French grace and romantic emotional appeal to deduce acme, the fusion of elements to create immersive sensory experience, create the owners want to unique personal space.

主卧室则是我们的主人公居住,已经60岁的爷爷,一点也不失时尚感,在打造空间时尚气质的同时,还保留新法式的高雅内敛氛围,使之体现业主即向往年轻时尚的,又有岁月给予的浓重浪漫情怀和细腻的生活情境。 The master bedroom is our hero living, has been 60 years old grandfather, a little also do not break the sense of fashion, while creating the space fashion temperament, but also retain the elegant and introverted atmosphere of new French, so that it reflects the owner is yearning for young fashion, and the strong romantic feelings and exquisite life situation given by the years.

5岁的孙女房则打造活泼的气氛为主,以粉色作为整体空间的基调,于沉静的空间注入活力。小兔摆件,造型可爱的壁画,浪漫的花束,各式各样充满童趣的艺术装置等,都最大程度的维护了孩子的童真与浪漫,让空间更加童心,营造一个独属于孩子的空间。 The 5 year old granddaughter room creates lively atmosphere to give priority to, take pink as the fundamental key of whole space, inject vigor in quiet space. Rabbit ornaments, cute murals, romantic bouquets, various art installations full of tong qu, etc., all maintain the childlike innocence and romance of children to the greatest extent, make the space more childlike, and create a space that belongs to children alone.

12岁孙子房则是与明亮的橙色做为主调,孩子妈妈希望通过活泼颜色来调动哥哥腼腆的性格,让哥哥对世界充满了无限的好奇与想象,所以在空间中会增加可爱的动物摆件,天真有趣,来营造出灵动而明快的空间氛围。 The 12-year-old grandson room is with bright orange as the main tone, the childs mother hopes to mobilize the brothers shy personality through lively colors, so that the brother is full of infinite curiosity and imagination of the world, so in the space will add cute animals, innocent and interesting, to create a smart and lively space atmosphere.

生活收藏诗和远方 一半是浪漫 一半是优雅 为人们创造诗意生活 一直驱动我们前行! Life collects poetry and distance Its half romantic and half elegant Create a poetic life for people Keep driving us forward!





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