发布时间:2021-07-14 11:05:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Casa Schneider是建筑师为自己的第一位业主设计的第二栋住宅。约20年前完成的Garcia住宅是双方的第一个作品。

Casa Schneider is home to the architects’ very first client, nearly twenty years after the Garcia Residence (the first project for both architect and client) was built.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Bill Timmerman

Garcia住宅建于20年前,位于一片地势陡峭的荒漠上,可以俯瞰Tucson山谷景观。这是一栋由粗糙的混凝土砌块、钢铁和玻璃组成的住宅。凭借这个项目,这家年轻的事务所被收录在了建筑杂志的“Arizona School”专题中。20年过去了,当年的业主有了两个孩子,希望可以住到离Tucson新城和新建的有轨电车更近的地方。此外,业主还希望建筑可以适应不同世代的需求,方便年迈的母亲居住。

Garcia first approached the architect 20 years ago to design a home on a steep desert lot with commanding views of the Tucson valley. The Garcia residence – a rugged concrete block, steel, and glass dwelling – launched the young firm with their inclusion in Architecture Magazine’s “Arizona School” issue. Two decades, a marriage, and two children later, the owners of the Garcia Residence (Garcia and Schneider) wanted to live closer to Tucson’s burgeoning downtown and newly developed streetcar in a multi-generational home that could accommodate his aging mother.

▼设计草图,design sketch ©Ibarra Rosano Design Architects

基于不同的地块条件和功能需求,两栋住宅呈现出了明显的对比。Garcia住宅形式开放,尽览Tucson山脉荒芜的郊区风光。新建成的城市宅院Casa Schneider则采用了内向的布局。

Attuned to fundamentally different site and programmatic conditions, the two houses reflect those contrasts. While the Garcia residence is outward-looking in its Tucson Mountain rural desert setting, the urban courtyard arrangement of Casa Schneider is internally focused.

▼建筑外观,采用内向布局,external view of the building which is internally focused ©Bill Timmerman

Casa Schneider的基地呈楔形,被夹在两片相邻地块之间。设计师借此创造出了建筑中的几何和光影互动,向人们展示了沙漠地区独特的光照及其随时间和季节产生的丰富变化。两个建筑体块滑接在一起,阳光在白色墙面上塑造出不断变化的色调和形状。丰富的窗口和开洞为单色立面增添活力。室内外折叠的墙板形成多个平面,承接变幻的沙漠光影。

The play of light and geometry in Casa Schneider stems from the unusual wedge-shaped lot nestled between two adjacent properties. The design acknowledges the unique desert sunlight and its dynamic quality throughout the day and year. Two building masses slip past one another, inviting the sun to cast its constantly changing hues and shapes on plastered white walls. Windows and openings playfully animate an otherwise monastic façade. Planes fold and facet to receive the ever-changing hue of desert light at both interior and exterior.

▼两个体块的交接处形成建筑入口,entrance at the intersection of the two building masses ©Bill Timmerman

▼立面上凸起的开窗形成丰富的光影变化,extruded windows on the facade creating dynamic light and shadows ©Bill Timmerman

▼立面细部,facade details ©Bill Timmerman

▼丰富的光影,dynamic light and shadows ©Bill Timmerman

项目呼应了历史上Tucson Barrios的传统建筑形式,采用白色涂料和木材的简洁搭配,设置中央庭院,并点缀以华美的细节。木制的入口大门将人们迎入室内,来到同样由木材组成的集聚空间。起居室的中部设有一座火炉,成为了一个连结的场所,体现家庭的文化以及当地的历史。

The design harkens back to traditional architecture of historic Tucson Barrios with its simple palette of white plaster and wood, its central courtyard, and select moments of embellished detail. The entry door warmly beckons with the use of wood that continues into interior gathering spaces. The main living space centers around the hearth where the fireplace serves as a place for connection and features imagery referencing the family’s culture and history of the region.

▼木制的入口大门,entrance door made of wood ©Bill Timmerman

▼起居空间,living room ©Bill Timmerman

▼壁炉,fireplace ©Bill Timmerman

▼细部体现当地传统特色,details referencing the traditional architecture of the region ©left: Bill Timmerman, right: Damien Rodarte

▼通往二层的楼梯,staircase towards the second floor ©Damien Rodarte

▼二层休息区,sitting area on the second floor ©Damien Rodarte

▼从凸出的窗口望向室外景观,view to the outdoor landscape through the extruded openings

▼折叠的墙体形成丰富的光影,folded planes creating dynamic light and shadows ©Bill Timmerman


Regional architectural strategies inform the design’s use of courtyards to imbue spaces with nature and sunlight while providing privacy and intimacy. A private courtyard expands the master bedroom into an open-air morning yoga and coffee retreat. The public courtyard prompts fireside conversations and family movie nights projected against white plastered walls.

▼公共庭院,public courtyard ©Bill Timmerman

▼庭院一角的旋转楼梯,spiral staircase on the corner of the courtyard ©Bill Timmerman

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase ©left: Damien Rodarte, right: Bill Timmerman

▼透过窗口看向室外景观,view to the outdoor landscape through the opening ©Bill Timmerman

▼主卧外的私人庭院,private courtyard outside the master’s bedroom ©Bill Timmerman

▼庭院细部,details of the courtyard ©left: Bill Timmerman, right: Damien Rodarte


The courtyard is a timeless approach to passive ventilation and thermal comfort in the desert. Evaporative cooling floods the courtyard down the chimney mass, making the outdoor fireplace a focal point even in extreme summer heat.

▼建筑夜景外观,external view of the building in the night ©Bill Timmerman

▼庭院夜景,night view of the courtyard ©Bill Timmerman


Representing an evolution of both client and architect, this modern interpretation of vernacular architecture transforms an urban lot into a dynamic play of Sonoran Desert light.

▼总平面图,site plan ©Ibarra Rosano Design Architects

▼平面图,plans ©Ibarra Rosano Design Architects

Architect: Ibarra Rosano Design Architects Location:  Tucson, Arizona, USA Design Team: Luis Ibarra, Teresa Rosano, Janeth Vega-Flores, Sarah Luck Structural Engineer: Harris Engineering Services Site size: 4815 sf Project Size: 3647 gsf conditioned space, 2018 gsf (main house ground level), 998 gsf (main house second level), 631 gsf (studio space second level) + 558 gsf garage Project completion: 2020 Photographs: Bill Timmerman (select photos by Damien Rodarte)


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