发布时间:2019-10-25 20:01:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

House Bras 坐落在安特卫普郊区一片郁郁葱葱的老基地上,同时毗邻天然池塘。

House BRAS is located on a lush green site abutting a pond in the middle of an old allotment in the suburbs of Antwerp.

从池塘看别墅,viewing the house across the pond

▼从花园看别墅,别墅周围是郁郁葱葱的树木,overview from garden, the house is surrounded by greens


▼别墅爆炸轴测图,the exploded axon of the house

The house is designed to blend into its surrounding natural landscape. The meandering plan allows daylight to penetrate during all seasons and at any time of the day while achieving unobstructed views of the garden.

▼别墅主入口灰空间,waiting to enter the house

▼别墅主入口,从主入口可以直接看到花园景观,front door with lookthrough from entrance to the garden


▼从入口空间看起居室,viewing the living room from entrance block

▼起居室中的休息空间,the sitting area in living room

▼起居室中的开放式厨房空间,the open kitchen in living room

▼深灰色落叶松贴面的实体空间中的厨房,the pantry in service block covered in dark larch veneer


along service blockcovered in dark larch veneer to exercise area

带游泳池桑拿的运动区,通透的立面提供良好的景观视野,pool in exercise area, the transparent facade provides a good view

The ground floor consists of three main zones – a living area with an open kitchen, an exercise wing with a swimming pool and sauna and an evening zone with bedrooms and a double height music room offering a panoramic view of the pond. These zones are physically and visually connected with glazed passages along four closed blocks covered in dark larch veneer leading to ancillary spaces such as stairs, pantry, entrance and bedrooms.

▼从音乐起居室看向别墅入口,玻璃走廊提供景观视野,glazed passage looking from the music room to the entrance

▼从二层的书房看音乐起居室,viewing from the library to the music room

▼两层通高的音乐起居室,the double-height music room

▼音乐起居室,可欣赏池塘全景,the music room which offers a panoramic view of the pond

▼音乐起居室里的辅助服务空间,隐藏在由深灰色落叶松贴面的实体空间中,the service room hidden in theclosed blocks covered in dark larch veneer

▼首层通向卧室的走廊,the corridor to the bedroom on ground floor


On the first floor is a master suite with views of the tree crowns and a library overlooking the pond through the double height music room.

二层主卧套房的衣帽间和玻璃围合的室外露台,the dressing room of the master suite on the first floor and a glazed patio

▼主浴室,the master bathroom

从主卧看向书房,from master bedroom to library along patio and dressing room

▼书房,通过楼梯可直接与首层的音乐起居室相连,the library that can connect with the music room on the ground floor directly through stairs


Technical spaces and car parks are located underground and are accessible through a ramp that appears to cut through the pond.

▼别墅外观局部和入口水景坡道,partial exterior view of the house and the ramp

▼入口水景坡道细节,details oframp


Trusses are integrated in the roof slopes, making it possible to realize large column-free cutouts in the natural stone envelope. These openings are finished with aluminum joinery.

▼主入口处的洗手池,the washbasin besides entrance

▼通向地下一层的室内楼梯,the interior stairs to basement in service block

为了强调房屋的整体特点,第五立面屋顶铺设了 Musschelkalk 天然石板。以无方向的罗马图案布置 3 种不同大小的板材,把屋顶和外墙更好地融合在一起,让房子像森林中的石头一样融入整个景观之中。

▼晨间的别墅,无方向的罗马图案布置 3 种不同大小的板材,把屋顶和外墙更好地融合在一起,the house in the early morning, the slabs in 3 different sizes are placed in a directionless Roman pattern so that the roofs and facades fuse together

▼别墅夜景,从花园看起居室,the living area from garden in the evening

▼主入口夜景,night view of the front door

To emphasize the monolithic character of the house, the 5th façade is also clad with Musschelkalk natural stone slabs. The slabs in 3 different sizes are placed in a directionless Roman pattern so that the roofs and facades fuse together enabling the house to blend into the landscape like a stone in a forest.

别墅夜景,on the way to the front door

别墅夜景,从泳池区看室内,viewing the pool from garden with lookthrough to living area

▼总平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

二层平面图,first floor plan

▼正立面图,front elevation

▼后立面图,rear elevation


项目名称:别墅 BRAS

建筑事务所:DDM Architectuur





首席建筑师:Dirk De Meyer


设计团队:Dirk De Meyer,Haodong Hu,Laurent Temmerman,Angelo Vandecasteele,Annelies De Keersmacker


工程结构:Abicon NV

景观:Aldrik Heirman

Project Name: House BRAS

Architecture Firm: DDM Architectuur

Firm Location: Kortrijk, Belgium

Completion Year: 2018

Gross Built Area: confidential

Project location: Antwerp, Belgium

Lead Architects: Dirk De Meyer

Photo credits: Lenzer Design

Team: Dirk De Meyer, Haodong Hu, Laurent Temmerman, Angelo Vandecasteele, Annelies De Keersmacker

Clients: Private

Engineering: Abicon NV

Landscape design: Aldrik Heirman


比利时别墅 BRAS 融入自然,打造全景池塘音乐空间
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