项目名称:LEO’s HOUSE
A place where you can relax yourself and relieve the stress from work, called home. ---The designer
Under the fast pace of life in the modern world, design for a house can carry more possibility, not only the traditional usage as a shelter, but also the rest room for soul. This house is owned by the designer, he wanted to explore more ways to express the modern life through all the medium as extraordinary drawings, scale, figures, colour, texture, etc.
餐厅:高品位国际灰 Dining room:High-grade elegant grey 轻轻的推开门,灰色木饰面墙与洁白大理石餐桌,搭配浅灰色椅子,彰显出一个国际化的灰调空间。同时也与右边白色的造型装饰柜形成鲜明的对比。餐厅与厨房之间设计了玻璃拉门,让餐厅与厨房、吧台可独立亦可通透;以此餐厨为核心,也让居住者因空间产生更为密切的情感联系。 Open the door gently, the grey wooden wall and pure white marble dining table, match with the light-grey chair, presents grey tone space, meanwhile, contrasted sharply with the white modeling decoration cabinet at the right side. There is a glass sliding door between dining room and kitchen, which make the dining room, kitchen and the mini bar can be independent or connected. To the dining room and kitchen as the core, it can also make the inhabitants feel more close to each other since this room design.
客厅:一种多元文化的创意,革新与融合 Living room: A diversified originality, renovation, mixture 6米高的挑空客厅,设计师采用现代优雅的灰白设计格调,这看似单调的搭配却以极致的当代设计美学手法呈现,尽现原建筑的美感。 6 metres high pick-air living room, the disigner took a modern refined white-grey tone, this match seems simple, but it presents by extreme modern aesthetics skill, shows the beauty of the house.
夜幕降临,窗外透入浅蓝色的光,室内亮起灯,温暧的光洒在客厅每一个角落,点光源与面光源的运用,给整个客厅赋予了丰 富的层次感,带出了家温馨的一面,同时也彰显了设计师对灯光的熟练运用。 When the darkness has fallen, the light of the wathet blue transmits through the window, the lamp light up inside, the warm light will be filled of every corner in the room. And usage of the point lights and area lights makes the space layer in living room become more abundant, presents the sofly fragrant of the house and also shows the expertly application of the designer for light at the same time.