发布时间:2016-11-29 14:34:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Meeting Someone餐厅位于北京前门大街地区的杨梅竹斜街,是北京国际设计周的主要展览地点之一。设计师作为土生土长的北京人,却和来自上海的业主有着相似的多年国外生活的经历,这一共鸣点使设计师得以在这座非典型的四合院的改造设计中,充分融合了中西方,南北方的意境片段。Meeting Someone包含了酒吧、下午茶、餐厅、屋顶露台及一个小小的内院。一部蓝莓之夜的电影一首1874的音乐作为引子,结合建筑、院落本身高低错落的的空间特点,设计师构想了一个充满了时空交错、富有戏剧感的体验之旅。

The restaurant Meeting Someone is located in the YANGMEIZHU byway in QIANMEN Area, which is a typical Dashilar area traditional hutong. It is one of the main areas in Beijing as a famous historic region and also one of the exhibition places of Beijing Design Week. The common point between the designer who is a native resident in Beijing and the owner who is from Shanghai is that both of them have lived and worked abroad for a long time. It makes the design of this renovation project, which is an atypical Siheyuan, full of combination of various cultures, Chinese and Western, also Northern and Southern. The restaurant has five different areas, each area contains a distinct program, bar, afternoon tea room, dining room, roof garden, and courtyard. Inspired by the film “My Blueberry Nights”, the song “1874”, and the scattered layout of the construction, the designer would like to invite the customers to share a dramatic and an unexpected journey through some impressive experiences.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building

设计师刻意保留了二层建筑临街一侧的原始外立面外观,不给周围环境施压,追求大隐隐于市的感觉。主入口很隐蔽,只有一块小小的logo牌,稍有不慎就会错过,这是给食客第一重心理暗示,这会是一场不同寻常的探寻体验。其次,玄关设计为一个封闭的铁盒子,如何进入成为食客需要解决的第二个问题。第三,每个入口的选择都会带来之后不一样的体验。通向酒吧区的狭窄走廊,由顶部满铺的光纤灯以及两侧可以反射的黑色背漆玻璃组成。灵感来自日本艺术家草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama)的无限境屋(Infinity Mirror Room)和宫崎骏的《风之谷》动画片。每一个进入的人都会有一种走入幻境的别样体验。如果选择了另一条通道,则会进入庭院或茶室。一个空间的出口可能就是另一个空间的入口,一切都在食客的一念之间。

The façade of the architecture, which is not beautiful enough but harmonious with the other buildings of hutong for many years, retained on purpose in order to create an atmosphere, a real hermit lives in a bustling place. The main entrance is very secret. There is only a small signage and you can easily miss it. This is the first hint to the diners. It is going to be a remarkable adventure. After the entrance, the vestibule is the second puzzle for the diners. How to find the access will confuse them for a little while. Finally, your choice is going to lead you to a different experience, a special journey starts. Behind the door, there is a narrow and gloomy passage with a ceiling covered by optical fiber lighting, which is mirrored in the black glass walls, just like a starry sky and you can touch it. The inspiration of this passage is from the artwork Infinity Mirror Room of Yayoi Kusama, also from the animation Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Everyone who walks into it has a fantastic experience of fairyland. If you enter another access, the corridor directs you to the courtyard or afternoon tea room. The entrance to one place may be a back door to another place. It all depends on a flash of thought.

▼茶室前的走道,一侧连接室外庭院,corridor in front of the tea room, one side connected with the courtyard

▼酒吧后方的走道,两侧为镜面,形成迷幻的空间 passage behind the bar with mirrored surface on the two sides, creating a psychedelic space


According to the features of every space, three scenes are defined as “past, present and future”. The building on the street is composed of two floors, one of them is semi-underground, and the top level is a plat roof. The surface of every floor is about 60 m2. Each floor except roof is divided into several rooms. They lack sunshine and floor height. In order to extend the dining space, all the separation walls are removed, then the original structure is reinforced, and a suspend stairs is added from the first floor to the top level, which is rebuilt to the roof garden.The bar, signified for the past, is located in the semi-underground. The specialty of this space is suited for customers. The second floor of the building, another representative of the past, is a meticulous design. Dark ambience seems a stage. The ceiling was studded with the droplights, which is like lots of stars in the sky after the sunset. Additionally, the projector lamps of every table emphasize the dramatic atmosphere.

▼酒吧边的楼梯,staircase at the end of the bar

▼二层餐厅,dining space on the second floor

▼从餐厅看向一楼厨房,view of the first floor kitchen from the dining space


The east-side room, signified present, is the delighted afternoon tea space. Daylighting is very good in this place. The floor height is generous, higher than the “past” space. When the afternoon sunshine lightly inclined into the room, the exposed wooden structure, concrete walls, metal pattern floor, and the suspend installation make the whole atmosphere relaxing. Comparing with the blue “past”, the present scene communicates diners a concept of living in the moment, peacefully and comfortably. Night falls, the courtyard stands there quietly. Looking around through the windows, it is like an immersive theater. Suddenly, a strange feeling appears, it seems to be in a time tunnel.

▼下午茶室,屋顶为传统木造,afternoon tea room

餐厅墙面上随处可见的英文或法文引语,契合Meeting Someone的餐厅主题,都是设计师精心挑选的“感情产品”。他们使食客产生对过往经历的联想或情感共鸣,将用餐的独特场景体验深深印在心中,这种有意的场景设计,为餐厅的特色经营打下了基础。此外有意思的一点是,院子内的老住户并没有迁走,餐厅老板遵循住户的意愿将其立面进行了改造,虽然与设计师的方案相差颇多,但也算是与其他部分和谐相处了。每当食客看到有原住民从里面走出来的时候,都会十分惊讶,但这也就是餐厅在杨梅竹斜街有趣的地方,随时都能感受到当地人生活的烟火气。除了解决设计里的基本功能布局,美学形态等问题,步步惊喜,营造适合自拍的或优雅或特别的环境,注重食客的精神体验感才是这次设计的重点。

There are lots of English and French quotes on the wall, they are all correspond to the subject Meeting Someone. All the quotes, which are the emotion products, are picked up carefully by designer. They will arouse an echo in diners’ minds, and therefore the unique scene will be engraved upon their hearts, which contributes to characteristic management. What’s more, the original residents are still there. The owner of the restaurant rebuilt the façade of the residents’ houses. With their insistence, the renovation is very different from original design project. However, that’s the maximum compromise we can do. While the residents walk around in the courtyard, the diners are surprised. A little of customary Hutong lifestyle is a original and interesting experience. Besides solving the problem of basic arrangement and aesthetic form, the key point is to surprise and please the customers by the environment that is elegant, particular and suitable for selfies as well as the experience of diners.

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase

▼一层平面图,first floor plan

▼二层平面图,second floor plan / 三层平面图,third floor plan

点击这里了解更多关于Meeting Someone餐厅。


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