发布时间:2015-06-02 00:48:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“This project highlights the beauty and remarkable character of native habitats if designed thoughtfully. The elegant weaving of meadows with the modernist lines of the architecture and the gorgeous stones that create paths and walls come together to create a truly inspiring space in the native prairie. The careful attention to the trees, native plants, and existing topography reveals a deep respect for place in this design–an attribute that all designs ought to live up to.”

– 2014 Awards Jury


– 2014评审团



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Set among mature native vegetation, this Hill Country-Texas family retreat provides a relaxed way to enjoy incredible views and outdoor recreation. The Owner, who is also a design professional, desired to bring a more refined approach to the classic ranch house that is both environmentally responsible and aesthetically sophisticated. The landscape architect chose to contrast native and restored plant communities with simple hardscape materials from the agrarian palette to create a pleasing aesthetic tension that highlights the appreciation of each.

▲ 景观设计师利用入口地形布置道路。The landscape architect laid out the entrance road in the field to take advantage of the views an topography. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

选址为德州中部Hill Country的八英亩山地,包括四个结构和半英里长车道,选址得当,与景观建筑相得益彰。自项目伊始,其目标就是尊重原生景观和地形,注意保护每一棵树和尽可能多的自然栖息地。











▲ 天人菊草甸之后,平台之上的主建筑 Arriving at the top of the mesa, one views the main house across fields of Gaillardia. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 宅院拥有多种辅助用房,这是其一,泳池屋 One passes multiple auxiliary structures such as the pool house. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 小径,休息亭台以及后方的低洼树林景观之间形成鲜明对比。From trails in the Pine Ridge Preserve, glimpses of views back to the Tower and gardens provide a dramatic contrast with the restored flatwoods landscape. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲  隔离墙将停车区与主屋隔开,这里种植着当地耐旱多年生植物。Arriving at the main house, the visitor is greeted by the motor court screen wall and plethora of drought tolerant herbs and perennials. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 穿过凉廊走向前门,前草坪和倒影池与当地须芒草和仙人掌属植物,还有大树交相辉映。Proceeding across the loggia towards the front door, visitors experience the native prairie with bluestem and opuntia spp, the front lawn and the reflecting pool. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 前草坪看向客房视野 View of the front lawn looking towards the guest house. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 在南方朝主建筑望去,本地生橡树组成悦目的景观 View southward toward the main house that took advantage of a spectacular motte of native live oaks. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 倒影池与雨链 The reflecting pool and rain chain. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 后院野牛草娱乐草坪,每年只割草4次 Rear entertainment lawn with buffalo grass that is mowed only 4 x per year. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 西向野外壁炉,主卧室平台 West facing family outdoor fireplace and master bedroom terrace. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 西花园密布毛百合、仙人掌与德州多年生植物 West garden mixes natives such as sotol and opuntia with Texas perennials. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 日落与西向视野 Sunset and western view. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 傍晚时分东向视野 Eastern view from the front door at dusk. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography

▲ 总平面 Site Plan. Photo Credit: Arlen Kennedy Photography and Robert Reck Photography


Sited on top of an eight acre mesa in the Hill Country of central Texas, this family compound included a program of four structures and a half-mile driveway carefully sited by the landscape architect in collaboration with the architect and property owner. From the outset, the goals of the project were to respect the native landscape and topography and use caution to preserve every tree and as much native habitat as possible.

The aesthetic driver was to site the house and auxiliary structures as if they were lowered into the native landscape carefully so that the contemporary regional architecture and minor landscape intrusions would be contrasted with the incredible natural prairie grasses, wildflowers and native trees.

The consultants set up small areas for permanent irrigation regimes and placed a temporary system in place to assist in restoring the native vegetation that would be shut off once the endemic species had taken root in roughly six months. 90% of the plants are natives and all are drought tolerant species that grow well in the alkaline, rocky soil.

The landscape architect carefully sited the alignment of the entrance road in the field, working with the road contractor. A careful approach to turns and vistas through the property was seamlessly woven through the topography to create an immersive experience that many visitors to the property comment on as they arrive.

Working in the material palette of the main house, The consultant created an outdoor motor court for six vehicles that is screened from arrival and from interior views by massive stone walls –siting this downhill from the first floor. A central axis of arrival up the stairs to the loggia and front door continues through the house and leads to more private outdoor entertainment spaces facing the sunset.

Two narrow mown lawns define another axis through the loggia that allow space for the young children of the family to play. These 20’ wide lawns are juxtaposed to native bluestem prairies that are punctuated by opuntia species and sotols (dasilyrion texanum) existing prior to the construction and supplemented for enhanced effect. These architectural spaces hold a constant elevation and are retained by corten steel walls that begin to separate them from the prairie in some places.

The restored prairie surrounds the house on three sides, with an unmown buffalo grass field in the rear of the house for flexible space in the event that the family wants to entertain larger groups outdoors.

The family outdoor gathering space is around an outdoor fireplace that is immersed in native vegetation and flowering native perennials that provide color through most of the growing season. One enjoys an incredible vista of the surrounding 200 acres and sunset. Nearby, the master bedroom has a private terrace that shares this view.

Auxiliary buildings on the property include a guest house, swimming pavilion and tennis facilities. The guest house is sited downhill from the main drive so that all visitors see is a six foot stone wall immersed in a drift of bluestem with an entrance aperture that only appears as a narrow slot in the wall. Once visitors descend the stairs they perceive another incredible view shed with an enclosed outdoor porch as the main living area and only the bedrooms air-conditioned. This porch is nestled carefully among existing trees that shade the building and create one of the most attractive spaces on the property.

The pool and tennis pavilions have permeable grass parking areas with corten steel parking stops. The simple moves of structure set against native landscape reduce maintenance dramatically and have maximum aesthetic value. The landscape architect placed rustic trails through the terrain that connected use areas and to wildlife paths that lead out through the property.

In the process of this project, the homeowners were educated about native species on their property and utilizing those for aesthetic value in enhanced groupings. The resultant ranch compound is environmentally responsible and achieves a high aesthetic value based in the endemic condition.


Studio Outside Landscape Architects



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