aemstel schooltuin entrance gate
图片来源:Tjep 工作室
曾于1959年修建的阿尔玛花园式学校被阿姆斯特尔花园式学校所取代,在这里有超过500名小学生学习着自然科学。学校的两个标志性的大门均是由荷兰Tjep 工作室所设计的。应客户stadsdeel zuid的要求,此次设计将许多当代的设计元素融入进了这片历史古迹中。其中一个大门是正对着kalfjeslaan,另一个大门则被安置在通往amsteldijk的一条小路上。设计通过各个自然元素将大门点缀的栩栩如生。
Tjep工作室的创始人兼主设计师frank tjepkema评论该作品:“这耐人寻味的大门作品一方面表达了对花园式学校的敬意,另一方面也为校园带来了崭新的感官”。他还补充道:“大门的底段伴有清晰可见的编织纹,门高4米,宽8米,是阿姆斯特尔城市到花园式学校的必经之地。我还希望来这里学习的孩子们,可以领略到大自然的奥秘之处”。
译者: 饭团小组
situated on kalfjeslaan, amstel, the aemstel schooltuin school garden replaces the previous Dr L. alma schooltuin built in 1959, where over 500 school children aged 9 to 11 will learn about nature and grow their own plants. two sets of monumental gates designed by dutch Tjep studio will guard both entrances to aemstel schooltuin, implementing a contemporary element to this historic area. commissioned by stadsdeel zuid, the project is located next to the riekermolen, which was built in 1636. one set of gates marks the entrance from kalfjeslaan, and the other is placed on the road coming from amsteldijk. the vibrant installation design references the lush flora and fauna of the surrounding environment, with classical era elements reminiscent of contemporary urban graffiti.
tjep schoolhuin fence
‘this amazing area deserved a design that paid homage to the unique context, but also brought a new influence to the place,’ says frank tjepkema, founder and lead designer of tjep. studio. ‘a strict functional requirement was that the gates would stop those notorious plant criminals, rabbits – which we do through tightly woven patterns at the bottom. when constructed, these gates will stand at eight meters wide and four meters tall and become a portal, ushering people from the urban amstel to the historic landscape beyond. I hope children and others will feel some anticipation, some excitement, as they pass through the gates to discover the verdant wonders of nature,’ he adds.