This series of photography, taken in the suburbs of Hangzhou, was jokingly dubbed “The art museum at the foot of the mountain” by the photographer Kejia Mei. At first glance, the large white building looks like a carefully conceived and sculpted building for art, but in fact it is a red bayberry shed built by the local villagers themselves. Does the architect who designed and built this shed anticipate that the building has aroused strong curiosity in many architects, including the photographer himself.
Have the villagers become accustomed to such sheds? It is so simple, so pure and so natural that it seems to have grown out of the foothills of the mountains. Perhaps it is this ‘architecture without an architect’ that reveals to us the essence of architecture and construction: return to the people, and return to nature.
摄影师 photographer:Kejia Mei
照片版权 copyright:Kejia Mei