Sweden Red Bull Office
位置:瑞典 斯德哥尔摩
设计团队:pS Arkitekter
pS Arkitekter设计团队,为红牛公司在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩打造了一间新办公室。这里的设计灵感,主要来自于红牛易拉罐上的图案,以及该公司对探险和艺术的不懈追求。红牛公司需要的是一个灵活多变的办公空间,因为他们需要时不时的邀请或者招待艺术家以及客人们来访,所以还需要比如接待桌之类的相应家具。一句话说,这里白天是办公室,晚上是俱乐部。
pS Arkitekter has developed a new office for Red Bull located in Stockholm, Sweden.The design has taken its inspiration from the slim Red Bull can and the company’s enthusiasm for adventure and art. The need for flexibility of this office, that likes to invite artists and guests to their workplace, has furniture such as the reception desk below. “Business in the day, party in the night”.
The Red Bull logo with its sun, rhomb, bulls and font has given inspiration to the design. Leather furniture (bull), round furniture (sun), rhomb pattern in carpet and thin black lines (font) recurs in the office such as frames and furniture legs.The custom designed reception counter is foldable and movable. You can place it and fold it for different purposes.