发布时间:2022-07-04 07:46:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

-当万物沉睡,你和绿野一起转身,拥抱中老去的是时间的印迹;当蔚蓝界定天空,你回望苍穹,消失中呈现的是满目的烟岚;-When all things sleep,You turn with the green field,In the embrace of old age is the imprint of time;When blue defines the sky,You look back at the sky,What appears in the disappearance is a cloud of smoke;

南宁古属百越,从建制开始至今已有近两千年的历史,在这片人文丰厚历史悠久的华懋沃土中,千年的丰饶雨露跟时代的足音一起交汇,我们怀着敬畏之心和理想之态,以崭新的风姿于城央之中,让历史再生,让未来再续——回溯千年,重塑烟岚。Nanning belongs to Baiyue in ancient times. It has a history of nearly 2,000 years since its .In this fertile land of Huamao with a rich culture dew of a thousand years meet with the footsteps of the times. We are in awe and ideals. The state, regenerates history and allows the future to continue-retrospecting thousands of years, reshaping Yanlan.

01THE DREAM梦中的 象岭烟岚-当蔚蓝界定天空你回望苍穹消失中呈现的是满目的烟岚… …

-一只可爱的小象,作为南宁的在地文化呼应,仰鼻的造型引出一副如梦如幻的图景,以曲线藤条与永生球的动态造型勾勒呈现整个空间想要表达的——生态共生圈。-a cute little elephant,As the local cultural echo of Nanning,The shape of the upturned nose leads to a dreamlike picture,Outlined by the dynamic shape of curved rattan and immortal ballPresent what the whole space wants to express - the ecological symbiosis.

-售楼中心的前厅作为整个空间的序章,我们的设计师试图以最简洁的设计语言,将每一位步入者的感官瞬间打开,以纯粹的块面构造一个立体的直观认知,成就开篇的仪式感。-The front hall of the acts as a prelude to the whole space.Our designers try to concise design language,Open the senses of every walker instantly,Construct a three-dimensional with pure block surface,A sense of ceremony tothe opening.

-“山势雄峻,拱向城廊,为邕之服障,五峰相倚,如五象饮江。”——是古人对邕州八景之一的——象岭烟岚的描绘。-The mountains are majestic and steep, arching toward the city corridor, serving as a barrier for Yong.The five peaks are leaning against each other, like five elephants drinking the river. ——It is one of the eight scenic spots in Yongzhou that the ancients said——The description of Xiangling Yanlan,

-我们的设计师将其艺术化的再现,给予整个空间以生命,将南宁的丰厚历史和人文景观跃然于眼前。-Our designers recreate it artistically,give life to the whole space,The rich history and cultural landscape of displayed in front of you.

02THE MAGIC盎然的 平行宇宙-当万物沉睡,你和绿野一起转身,拥抱中老去的是时间的印迹… …

-“如果生活是围城,我们该如何冲破藩篱,如果有平行宇宙,我们该以哪种姿态跨越。”打开一座城市,未来的都市生活该是何种图景,我们的设计师给出一种可能,试图构建一个平行宇宙,给人们一种未来的生活意象。-If life is a siege,How do we break through the barriers,If there is a parallel universe, how should we cross it? Our designers give a possibility,trying to build a parallel universe,Give people an image of their future life.

-如何以设计语言表达“生命与盎然”?我们的设计师把对未来的想象和美好的愿景以“生命之树”的艺术形态做展现,让它耸立云端。-How to express life and abundance in design language?Our designers show the imagination the artistic form of tree of life,Let it rise above the clouds.

-这既是对未来的一种想象,如梦如幻,又是一种对生活与生命的尊重与仰望,如歌如诗。-This is an imagination of the future,like a dream,It is also a kind of respect and hope for life and life, like songs and poems.

-设计师展开丰富的想象,原创的大树造型结合山形装置吊灯,创造出一个自然元素与硬朗金属材质碰撞的艺术装置,在棱角分明的硬装空间中格外生动。-Designers develop rich imagination,The original tree shape with the mountain-shaped chandelier,Create an art installation collide with tough metal materials,It is especially vivid angular hardcover space.

03TOGETHER生活的 沃野-当叶落成诗,你翻阅过往,于心安处满怀的是无尽的沃野,… …

-洽谈区的整体氛围以自然为主题,未来生活中真正闪耀的至臻时刻都应该是自然的、雅致的。-The overall atmosphere of the is based on nature.A moment of excellence that truly shines in your future lifeAll should be natural and elegant.

-设计师精心选用了小蜜蜂造型的吊灯,动感线条与奢华的香槟色将幻想美学极致的表达,其营造的灵动感直击人心。-The designer carefully selected shape of a small bee.Dynamic lines and luxurious ultimate aesthetics of fantasy,The sense of agility it creates hits the heart directly.

-未来的生活主张在这个空间里不断的堆叠上演,用最克制的设计语言描绘最温暖的纯色画面,我们希望满足每个人对未来的期许感与满足感。-The future life propositions and staged in this space,Use the most restrained design the warmest solid color picture,We want to meet everyones and satisfaction for the future.

-在这里创造一个静谧的三维空间,用安静的氛围感试图隐去都市的浮华和斑斓,将艺术写入生活,尽可能的摆脱传统的交流方式,以平行时空营造率真的有机对话。-Create a quiet three-dimensional space here,Try to hide the glitz and glamour atmosphere,Write art into life,Get rid of traditional methods as much as possible,Create a genuine organic time and space.

-水吧台像极了街角的咖啡店,设计师将咖啡主题区域表述为人们所需要的精简生活方式,并在功能与艺术性上分区进行合理的设置,以求增强整个空间的联动性与互动性。-The water bar is like a corner coffee shop.The designer expresses the coffee lifestyle that people need,And make reasonable settings in terms of function and artistry,In order to enhance the linkage whole space.

-沙发与抱枕的选材层次分明,以皮革与棉麻混搭,既能凸显品质感,又能很好的营造自然的氛围感。-The selection of materials for sofas and pillows is clear.Mixed with leather and cotton linen,It can not only highlight the sense of quality,It can also create a natural atmosphere.


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