The rebar is a stick-shaped rolled steel material formed from irregular nubs called ribs and joints that are used as a building construction material.
▼店铺外观, exterior of the KAMA-ASA shop ©Keisuke Miyamoto
As KAMA-ASA Shop’s policy is set on belief that good tools are made for good reason, it delivers to the customers excellent skills of craftsmen, which make kitchen utensils.
▼店铺室内空间概览,overall of the interior ©Keisuke Miyamoto
▼原本隐藏在墙壁与天花板中的钢筋暴露了出来, the rebars that had been hidden in the walls and ceiling were exposed ©Keisuke Miyamoto
Therefore, the most appropriate for the shop’s space was to show architectural skills of craftsmen. The rebar that is usually hidden in the wall became the main design.
▼楼梯, staircase ©Keisuke Miyamoto
▼钢筋支撑着楼梯梯段, the rebars supports the stairs ©Keisuke Miyamoto
Handrails and furniture were designed with rebar. Although they are simple, they still require the use of craftsman skills.
▼由二层平台看对侧空间与一层空间, viewing the ground and upper floor ©Keisuke Miyamoto
▼平台扶手同样采用了钢筋, the handrails are also made by rebars ©Keisuke Miyamoto
▼钢筋细部, details of the rebars ©Keisuke Miyamoto
The knives’ shelves are made from railroad ties. They express the long history of knives that can be used for many years.
▼铁路枕木制成的展架细部,details of the knives’ shelves are made from railroad ties ©Keisuke Miyamoto
As designers, we hope that craftsmen skills will be introduced to many people.
▼平面图,plans ©KAMITOPEN
▼剖面图,sections ©KAMITOPEN