发布时间:2023-12-08 13:33:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

我们与Tom Wood持续合作的旗舰店正在扩大其业务范围,引入“粗野的隐室”概念。致力于追求一贯的高品质,同时凸显珠宝制造商对提供仪式性购物体验和使用真材实料的承诺。 通过这种方式, Tom Wood旨在为当地社群精心挑选跨越时间、令人向往且有意义的物品,这些物品将在不同代际间引起情感共鸣。

▼建筑概览,Overall view of the building ©Keishin Horikoshi

A flagship store for our ongoing partnership with Tom Wood is expanding its retail footprint, introducing the concept of ‘Brutalist Sanctuary.’ This emphasizes the jewellery maker’s ongoing commitment to providing a ceremonial shopping experience and utilizing authentic materials to ensure enduring quality. Through this initiative, Tom Wood aims to offer its local community a curated selection of timeless, desirable, and meaningful objects that will resonate for generations to come.

▼由室外望向建筑,Viewing the building from outside ©Keishin Horikoshi

继同样由Specific Generic设计的奥斯陆第一家独立门店取得成功后,东京旗舰店是这家挪威珠宝品牌与瑞士设计公司Specific Generi的第二次合作。东京旗舰店是创新和可持续实践的证明,被设计成一个超越消费者体验的卓越空间。

The Tokyo flagship, designed in collaboration with the Swedish design office Specific Generic is the Norwegian jewellery brand’s second retail store, following the success of its first standalone store in Oslo, also designed by Specific Generic. The Tokyo flagship serves as a testament to innovation and sustainable practices, curated as an elevated space that goes beyond consumer experience.

▼统一的设计语言,Well-organized design language ©Keishin Horikoshi

▼纯粹而有质感的空间,Purified and textured spaces ©Keishin Horikoshi

“在我们的讨论中,我们关注的是这个空间平静的原始性,包括混凝土墙、流线型的楼梯和开放式天花板。 我们想强调这些粗野的元素,只添加功能性强的展示单元来展示高端珠宝。凭借僻静的空间和涌入的自然光,这家商店提供了一种仪式感和跨越时间的体验——几乎就像一个粗野的隐室。” ——Andreas Bozarth Fornell & Isabel Serrander, Specific Generic创意主管 “During our discussions, we focused on the serene rawness of the space with its concrete walls, curved staircase and open ceiling. We wanted to emphasize these brutal elements, adding only highly functional display units to showcase the high-end jewellery. With the solitude of space and the natural light flooding in, the store offers a ceremonial and timeless experience – almost like a brutalist sanctuary.” —Andreas Bozarth Fornell & Isabel Serrander, Creative Directors at Specific Generic

▼室内概览,Overall view of the interior ©Keishin Horikoshi

新店位于青山的高档购物区,位于一栋20世纪90年代初的建筑内,共有两层。店面面积320平方米。(3,445 平方英尺),其室内设计体现了该品牌的精神以及对真材实料和持久性的追求,并在布局、比例和纹理之间实现了精妙的平衡。

The new store is located in Aoyama’s upscale shopping district and spans two floors within a building from the early 1990s. The store covers an area of 320 sqm. (3,445 sq.ft.) and features an interior design that reflects the brand’s ethos and dedication to real materials and longevity, with a meticulous balance of planes, proportions, and textures.

▼精致的展柜设计,Exquisite showcases ©Keishin Horikoshi

店内首层空间宽敞、整洁。顶天立地的滑动玻璃墙分隔了空间用来展示精挑细选的珠宝,其中部分为东京旗舰店独有。 一张9米长的木制收银台和集成的珠宝柜矗立在高大的档案墙前,档案墙可用作存储和展示。优先考虑耐用材料,包括铝、钢、玻璃和由改进的回收纺织品制成的Kvadrat Really桌面,旨在可重复使用和可完全循环再生。独特的定制家具由著名设计师Daisuke Yamamoto设计。

▼对家具的严格把控,Meticulous thinking ©Keishin Horikoshi

▼整齐划一的组织,Ordered organization ©Keishin Horikoshi

The ground floor of the store has a spacious and uncluttered atmosphere. Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass walls divide the space displaying a selection of jewellery, some of which can only be found in the Tokyo flagship. A 9-meter-long wooden cashier desk with integrated jewellery cabinets stands in front of tall archive walls that function as storage and displays. Long-lasting materials are prioritized including aluminium, steel, glass and Kvadrat Really, made from up-cycled-end-of-life textiles, designed to be reused and fully circular. Unique custom furniture pieces are created by renowned industry designer Daisuke Yamamoto.

▼精致的空间角落,Exquisite corner ©Keishin Horikoshi

▼展柜细部,Details of the showcase ©Keishin Horikoshi


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