华伦天奴米兰旗舰店的照明概念是在2001年开发了先前的华伦天奴设置后委托给Metis Lighting的。
Valentino lighting concept for the Milan Flagship Store was entrusted on Metis Lighting after the development of the previous Valentino Setup in 2001.
为了庆祝品牌成立50周年,Valentino决定将其新的视觉形象委托给著名的David Chipperfield建筑事务所。
For celebrating the 50 years of the brand, Valentino decided to entrust its new visual identity to the prestigious architectural practice of David Chipperfield.
The main characteristic of the new flagship store was its organization in a sequence of rooms unveiling the various brand’s products and conveying a domestic atmosphere. Connection and continuity are obtained by the introduction of a marble frame which runs across the low side of all the walls and the full height door openings.